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 Absolutely sick!!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nikkisian89 Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 8:38:48 PM
I've not posted on this for a long time.
I did own an Arab gelding named Aldazi, who some of you may remember me trying to sell a while back. Well, he's on loan to a lovely lady who loves him to bits and he's living out in a 3 acre field in Cheshire with another Arab gelding.
Just had news today from the lady who has him on loan that she went to the field to find his neck had been slashed! It's about 5 inches long, and looks like it's been done by a pen knife. Luckily he's ok, she has got the police involved, she is unsure who has done it but she thinks it's possibly kids. I'm so upset, i think it's absolutely disgusting! Why do people do these type of things!!!!
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MinHe Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 11:03:23 PM
Hurting and killing animals is a recognised first step on the path to violence - rape, murder, etc. Let's hope these offenders are caught and dealt with severely.

saddlebred Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 4:28:48 PM
There are no words for people like that. I hope your boy is Ok both physically and mentally. Poor little mite. What a shame for the poor loanee as well she must have dreaded making that call to you.
Big hugs
Nichole Waller Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 3:04:52 PM
Oh your poor poor boy. I hope he is OK and not too traumatised by the whole thing. These spiteful people need locking up - i hope they catch them. Wishing your boy a speedy recovery.
marionpack Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 11:28:24 AM
Hope your boy has a good recovery, the little b.....s should have the same done to them
Pasha Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 09:14:18 AM
Oh your poor boy! I hope he recovers quickly! There aren't words to describe how I feel about this people, children or otherwise!!!
Kazzy Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 09:07:33 AM
Where abouts in Cheshire is that? I live in Cheshire. Bloody b*stards!!

Why oh why do people do these things?

alkarif Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 08:58:29 AM
I,ve not posted on here for a long while but as I have just read your story I can't not respond. These despicable people have no brains and as you say probably children. We had a dreadful fire last February started by a delightful!!!!!! 8 year old boy. What sort of parents do these beasts have. Hurting and killing innocent animals. I do hope your baby soon gets over his trauma. I know everyone in the area will be watching over all the animals in the hope to catch them out, please God! Take care sweetheart, all my thoughts are with you.
Callisto Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 08:43:18 AM
How awful, I hope your poor boy recovers quickly, and that they catch the sick individual responsible.
HORSE Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 08:04:33 AM
Sorry to here,, what's the world coming too scumbags is not strong enough! You are not alone up here Sunderland a horse was shot by air rifle poor horse had to have eye removed
arabiantouch Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 10:09:36 PM
really sorry to hear what has happened, hope they find them and make them squirm
sab2 Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 9:38:23 PM
Your poor boy, what scumbags could go round doing this , i hope he makes a full and very speedy recovery
natntaz Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 9:08:59 PM
That's disgusting, poor boy. I really hope they find
who did it and even if children sorry i think they
should be thrashed or hung. If this is what they start there
life doing they are only going to go on and be dispicable
adults. Makes me so angry what humans do these days.

I really hope he makes a speedy recovery x
Suelin Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 8:45:08 PM
Subhumans clearly!! They really need the same doing to them. Hope the horse will be okay.

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