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 Dressage Saddle Recommendations!?!?!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jess.And.Tiger Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 6:23:02 PM
Looking into buying a dressage saddle in the future and just wondered what makes people recommend for our hard to fit arabs, or is it just my arab thats hard to fit hahah

and also what saddles are good for someone with the longest legs in the world HAHA

I was looking at a second hard Black Country which is the make my jumping saddle is and is nice so anyone have an experience with the Black Country dressage saddles!??!

He's a wide with like no withers... it's just finding a nice saddle to fit his shape and also my longggg legs

gives u an idea on his shape if you haven't seen him before

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ella Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 5:31:15 PM
I've now got 2 Strada's, best saddles I've used. They have flattish seats which allows me lots of movement - I hate to be held in a fixed position by massive thigh rolls etc.
Their "C" fit (flat-backed horse) saddle is the only English saddle Arro will tolerate.
Pasha Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 11:31:49 AM
Sorry Julia but I think if you feel tipped forward then either the saddle doesn't fit Spider or it doesn't fit you (I would hazzard a guess it doesn;t fit Spider as in saddles that have been too small for me i've just felt perched at the back and you are tiny weeny )
Arachnid Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 11:20:51 AM
I'm going to stick my neck out and say that the Isabell puts me in the 'wrong' position. I suspect that Ms Werth has a better natural position to begin with than middleaged me. It sort of tips me a bit forward and then I have difficulty keeping my lower leg far enough forwards. The seat is comfortable though and it is very secure which in the past has saved me on particularly dramatic spooks!
Jayne, (aka Qui Jon Ginn) does this mean you've given up on the Wow?
arabianrio Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 09:24:03 AM
Hi Mines a Wintec Isabell....soooh comfy
sab2 Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 9:38:48 PM
George i have the double grain leather Bates Isabelle Werth but have to say i bought it brand new rode on it no more than a dozen times and then it has been sat in tack room getting dusty since, i didnt like the deep seat.
george Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 8:51:56 PM
I ride Magic (part bred) in a wintec Isabell wurth, and I absolutely love it, it is by far the most comfortable saddle my bums ever been in and it has the cair system along with the changeable gullet, I believe you can get them in leather too,
Pasha Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 2:15:12 PM
I too am a big fan of Albions (only the newer ones with narrow twists though) BUT it is amazing how the same saddle can feel completely different on a different horse! I nearly parted with a hell of a lot of money for the Platinum Ultima - but when you're spending that sort of money, it has to be 100% and they are ALOT of saddle if that makes sense?

I hated the Bates Innova on Pasha but loved it on my friends horse (big WB) - really does make a difference! If it fits the horse well, it is more comfy for you! Weird but true!

I am a big fan of Ideals for Arabs - have one for each of my boys and they are completely different shapes! I have the Josephine which suits Shesky, although it has showing flaps and short girth straps, it is basically the Jessica
Emma B Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 12:59:49 PM
albion every time fit perfectly and are so comfy.....
sazzlepants71 Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 12:04:12 PM
Hi JessI have to say I only ever ridden in Ideal saddle;'s myself (currently have one WH one I show in ) they are amazingly comfortable and not tooo expensive either, in fact I am looking into a Ideal Jessica ( which is the model you should look at) right now myself!
I am hoping to do winter dressage with ramak and need to can pick them up between £350 - £500 secondhand
or £900+ brand new they do a all leather version or suede and leather which is what I have had in the past, so comfy and put your leg in exactly the right place! happy shopping! x
Qui Gon Jinn Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 11:21:29 AM
I've just bought an Ideal Jessica and OMG it is to die for. It holds you in exactly the right position and Merlyn goes so well in it. I got mine second hand off a well know shopping website and I only paid £300 for it. Most seem to go for between £400 - 500 though, which is isn't too bad as they are around £1000 new.
sab2 Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 9:42:52 PM
My boy has a Jaguar dr saddle its close contact and a super fit on him, i do also have an Ideal Jessica for my Trakehner mare and my arab mare is in a Bates dr saddle, love my Jaguar best though.
kath Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 8:46:07 PM
I would always go for an Ideal Jessica - super comfy and not overly dear. Otherwise, if your BC fits him now, i think a dressage style one would be good!
Arachnid Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 7:50:47 PM
One of my least disastrous saddles was a Wintec Isabell in fact we are using one at the moment. They are pretty good value and a reasonable (but not perfect) fit
. Actually I'm looking at Black Country too after chatting to the Master Saddlers at Hickstead this year. Apparently good for arabs because of 'hoop tree' (whatever that means) Have just bought a black country vsd but would like to look at the 'Celeste' if I could find anyone to sell me one (do I sound bitter?)
leiat8 Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 7:31:10 PM
i ride in a 'JEFFRIES FALCON HAWK MK2 DRESSAGE SADDLE', mega comfy and nice to look at.
Red Rum Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 7:19:35 PM
Hi I ride my arab in a strada saddle and he goes beautifully. He used to be really naughty in a lot of saddles as has one shoulder bigger than the other. The lady who owns the company also is a chiropractor for horses, dogs and humans so she knows her stuff pm me if you would like any more info Mandy

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