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 Please recommend me a lightweight turnout rug

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kelly Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 1:43:08 PM
As the title says really

I want a hard wearing turnout rug with no filling and no neck cover.

Of our current rugs, the best fitting is a cheap Saxon medium weight, but it's not as deep as I'd like. Most others are big round his neck and shoulders.

Suggestions welcome please
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
saddlebred Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 4:27:31 PM
Another vote for the Amigo. Very hardwearing and always a good fit on anything. I would agree that they can come up small so would probably get the next size up for a deep horse.
Kharidian Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 3:28:20 PM
For "hard-wearing" I don't think you can beat Fal-Pro Viking. Some of my Fal-Pro's are well over 10+ years old and don't leak. They hardly ever (touch wood) get torn by trees/brambles either, whereas other liveries are often repairing their cheaper ones. Of course, it depends on the turnout - Roger is out in woods etc and the rugs need to be tough!

Nichole Waller Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 2:58:03 PM
I've got an Amigo 600D for Ozzy as it is much lighter and he does seem to get hot. In the summer months when we have had 25 deg but raining i think the 1200D are too warm for him. BUT it does come up a bit short around his huge belly . It fits perfect around the neck and in the length but the straps round his belly are let out to the maximum....

I've only had it for a year and i had to re-proof it this summer as it leaked badly one day when we had a heavy downpour..
Pasha Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 2:19:12 PM
Originally posted by Kelly

Great, thanks guys, looking like it's going to be an Amigo.

One last question - is it worth spending the extra £20 or so to get 1200D, instead of 600D?

Yes I think so - we've had some pretty heavy downpours over the last week and Pasha's 1200D didn't leak

I LOVE Amigos on Pasha, hate them on Shesky - they come up too small on him length and depth - looks like he's wearing a mini skirt! Fal Pro don't suit him either... he's a Bucas boy
marionpack Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 11:34:46 AM
My youngster has all amigo and they are good, but do come up small
vjc Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 10:33:38 AM
Yep all mine have amigo`s too!!!
Kelly Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 10:30:06 AM
Great, thanks guys, looking like it's going to be an Amigo.

One last question - is it worth spending the extra £20 or so to get 1200D, instead of 600D?
delly-b Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 09:43:08 AM
Amigo fo me too :-) ... Then when I need extra warmth I use a Dress Circle Sherpa fleece under them.. Can wash both separately in the machine and if the outer rug rips, I only have another £35 to find!! ... (I did get next size up to usual tho)
debs Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 07:35:21 AM
Amigo's for my amigo!
Got a mark todd lightweight for £40 in sale, is lovely!The clips at front broke but could repair myself as they were on buckled straps! Very nice little rug
Bonnie Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 10:21:10 PM
always amigo turnout rugs,brill for chilly summer nights and showery days!
debsnboz Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 9:25:11 PM
Amigo thumbs up for me too. Others too baggy on the shoulders. But having said that no rugs on round here right now except last sat night to keep the freshly washed look for the show next day!!
Lin123 Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 8:47:11 PM
Waving at Stuart

Linda x
stuart Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 8:32:03 PM
Mine are all happy against the 'squall' showers off the coast at the Amigo's!
Where did 'High Summer' go???
Lin123 Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 8:17:59 PM
Yep, another vote for Amigos. All mine wear them and they're all different shapes, just have to go up one size for the more "chunky" to give them more room around the chest.

Linda x
BeckyPhillips Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 7:21:23 PM
the whole yard wears them. LWS,MWS and HW's and they all own teh fly rugs. there good for there money and enough keep the rain off in summer,there also quite high cut so dont hang around the chest or pull back xx
arabianrio Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 6:38:05 PM
Have used the Amigo lightweight and found it very good - however my Arab was quite fine so the fit was deep and roomy for him.
Justme123 Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 6:35:41 PM
All mine wear Amigo's have used them for years, they are fab!!
Callisto Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 6:32:13 PM
The amigos are good value but they do come up small, they can be (not always) cut quite shallow, and they are not brilliant for big chested types. I particularly like the mark Todd of the current selection my lot are wearing.
carole ferguson Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 5:59:21 PM
All mine wear Amigo's - from the 40 yr old pony in a 5' - to the part-bred Palomino in her 6'3". My dear Astarte had one as well - and they all stay put - and keep out the wet.
Kelly Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 4:49:04 PM
I've heard good things about the Amigo's, and at that price, it might be worth a try. It's just for another one to alternate with my existing one. He spent most of last winter in that and a 100g liner, so I want another sheet to swap when one gets wet.

He's not having his 180g fill one on unless it's he came out of winter fat!
nikki83 Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 3:52:02 PM
I have just bought an Amigo following recommendations on here. I dont now if its any good cos ive not used it yet! It was 35 quid, very reasonable. Nikki x
NatH Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 3:31:35 PM
Amigo for me to
moatside Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 2:45:06 PM
Lightweight Amigo for mine too ...... no issues with fit on any of mine
Kazzy Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 2:39:46 PM
I like the Amigo lightweight rugs.

They dont slip and keep them very dry in the summer rain.

They cost about £35.00 ish

Mrs DJ Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 1:59:30 PM
Hi, Kelly
Mine just coats herself liberally in mud. Works for her.

Sorry. Couldn't resist

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