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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LYNDILOU Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 6:00:56 PM
yesterday? today? I know which one I would rather have

yes they are both pure bred Arabians .

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BabsR Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 12:59:37 PM
This is a very interesting thread and we welcome more photos to use as comparisons....particularly of stallions and/or mares along with a selection of their progeny. At the end of the day, as a dedicated Breeder, having spent many years endeavoring to continuously "improve"
our homebred Anglo bloodlines, we have always assessed the value of the sire and dam through their progeny.

However perfectly formed or illustrious the breeding.....if the Stallion or Mare cannot produce stock as good as, or better than themselves, we would not continue breeding from them.

Using this strict principle in our breeding programme, we have not been left in the position of having a field full of horses that nobody wants to buy, or having to face the decision of sending horses to the sales.

Lets see your beautiful Arabian/Anglo families...will start off with our Foundation Anglo Arab Mare:

NATASHA ROSTOVA 1970 (AASB) Pride Of Allah AHSB/Claudia GSB
purchased as a 10month old weanling, with her second filly by
Scindian Magic AHSB

British National Champion SUNRAY SERANATA 1975 (Scindian Overlord AHSB) NATASHA`S DAUGHTER

NATASHA`S GRAND DAUGHTER 1982 (BNC Somerset Morn AASB/BNC Sunray Seranata AASB)

(Sunray Scelebrity/Sunray Sapphire) with Brox Lady Arabella
as a foal. The pic on right is Wrenthorpe Rhapsody`s full blood brother, Wrenthorpe Romeo 1994 (pic as 2yr old) He is 16.2hh Double BN Res.Champ and is my husband`s riding horse

(State Diplomacy GSB/Wrenthorpe Rhapsody)with filly foal at foot who is NATASHA`S G.G.G.GRAND-DAUGHTER on the Dam`s side

Brox Lady Arabella (owned by Nicky Nash`s Romarnic Stud) is one of only two Anglos, ever, to have been graded into the Main Trakehner Stud Book. Quite an achievement and we are equally delighted as her Dam, Wrenthorpe Rhapsody, is Sunray Bred on both sides of her pedigree. Natasha Rostova has indeed proved a worthy matriarch


Edited to correct typo
LYNDILOU Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 11:40:03 AM
I would love to see the beautiful Athenaa and I am sure I would not be the only one
Delyth Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 10:55:42 AM
I thought by putting a pic up of the wonderful Athenaa I might get some comments regarding her tail female line !! Her great-grandmother is after all Barnwa by the beautiful Iridos !!
TOOTHLESS Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 10:38:43 AM
Don't know anything about the performance side of things.
TOOTHLESS Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 10:32:07 AM
Unfortunately he has'nt. Chilled maybe.
His name is Arfaja Harlan. He is a full brother to Arfaja Robard. A colt by the latter is owned by Binley stud, and he seems very nice. I think Harlan is better coupled and better over the croup than his bro.
lisa rachel Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 10:21:24 AM
Originally posted by LYNDILOU

Crabbet breeders in the UK could benifit from the lines you have down under. does he have frozen Semen?

Just what I was thinking ,he is lovely.
Who is he and what has he done under saddle ?
kastell Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 10:18:26 AM
Here's another Australian pure Crabbet beauty!

Both of these stallions are with the same breeder I believe & as far as I am aware neither have frozen semen available unfortunately. However the chestnut stallion does has 2 pure Crabbet relations that have been imported into the UK.
LYNDILOU Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 10:08:03 AM
Crabbet breeders in the UK could benifit from the lines you have down under. does he have frozen Semen?
TOOTHLESS Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 09:36:07 AM
And what I dislike the most is that bit of mane that comes back and masks the wither.
TOOTHLESS Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 09:27:37 AM
Only problem is he is 3,000 mls away.

Can't help myself-bad habits.
The thing I like about R is the muscling down the back of her thigh and gaskin.
I like the new pict of Monty better than the other.
LYNDILOU Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 07:29:08 AM
I think he would give any horse a run for their money in todays show ring , beautiful
TOOTHLESS Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 07:17:07 AM
Nothing wrong with this boy, although the "modernists" might consider him "old fashioned". Beautifully balance, strongly coupled,generous neck, and good legs. Attractive head with good eye too.And to top this off - PURE CRABBET. Australian made.
LOU Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 9:40:47 PM

My favorite girl I hope her ickle sister has a baby as gorgeous as she

All seem to be going well at home, she a very happy girlie very sweet indeed

Pashon2001 Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 9:01:52 PM
Lynda - I consider myself the luckiest person alive.........horses like that don't come along very often.
LYNDILOU Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 3:49:07 PM
a descendant of Naziri
LYNDILOU Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 3:43:03 PM
I remember seeing her there about 15 years ago now a stunning mare, she stood out by a mile from the others in the field, how lucky you were to share her life
Pashon2001 Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 2:43:22 PM
Lynda - Yes it is that Maymunah, I bought her from UMM Qarn many years ago. Unfortunately she never gave me any foals (wasnt for want of trying) but I enjoyed her beauty nonetheless. She passed away last November at the age of 25. I was soooo proud to own her.
Kazhak Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 1:28:39 PM
Hi Maramoo of course he was...

Toothless, I would agree with you, it was one of the major reasons my family chose to breed to Pilgrim when we had the chance.. Dads stallion is something awesome to ride.. his trot is still my standard of excellence & I don't often get to ride anything that is the same..
the other reason I put the picture of Rissam is also he's the namesake of our boy.. apparently he was the same colour in summer..
LYNDILOU Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 1:20:06 PM
I think that is Naziri (sp) ? the rare son of Skowronek and ancestor of the Carmargue bloodlines which I prize so much yes he was a horse ahead of his time as was his sire
Caro23 Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 11:57:40 AM
I know which ones I'd rather be riding...
Maramoo Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 11:53:06 AM

A vintage shot that belies it's age A horse ahead of his time.
TOOTHLESS Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 10:48:10 AM
I'm sure we would all agree with you Linda: and that's why the Arabian Standard Of Excellence is in place.
Personal preferences can be a stumbling block.
LYNDILOU Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 08:30:48 AM
all the horses above were excellent ambassadors for the breed , no one will dispute that, I will continue to look to the future, breed for excellence and the type that shouts Arabian and cannot be confused with any other breed !
TOOTHLESS Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 06:18:34 AM
Ralvon Pilgrim was a magnificent arabian horse. His dam Trix Silver produced some beautiful stock from a variety of stallions. I feel sure his movement came from her, and he passed it on. He was unlike his sire Rickham and more like his grand sire Rissam. Rissam was used by Lady W as an example of the perfect head and neck.
Ralvon Pilgrim was sent to England and won Supreme International champion as part of the celebration of the Queen's silver jubilee.
If Pilgrim was alive today he would still be applauded in the ring.
Kazhak Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 10:35:24 PM
Wow what an interesting thread.. some very interesting points here..
thought I'd share my thoughts.. firstly I would probably choose that first horse in that first picture, obviously not based on that picture of him.. over many badly conformed arabians being bred these days.. not that all are badly conformed.. (please don't bite my head off thinking I'm referring to anyone's horses here - I'm not) got to remember that photo was badly taken.. & comparing it to such a lovely specimen who had by the looks some on the end of the camera who knew what they were doing & at a show no less was entirely unfair! lol

I have so many old photographs of so many of those famous old style Arabians it was hard to choose just 1 or 2 to show as comparisons, I will however write a quick background before posting my 'graph's the first pic is the only pic I could find of the particular horse I wanted to show.. (if anyone knows of the horse & might have some more to share please PM me I'm looking for more & would love some) - the reason why I settled on the first horse is due to the line up in the pedigree of all 3 of the stallions pictured in my post.

obviously the picture does not do him justice, still

this next is a grandson of that stallion (funny you mention the Ralvon bloodline toothless, as pilgrim is part of my comparison)

& last but not least my fathers Stallion who is a son of the above stallion, please be kind these were taken on a cheap digital & in winter & he was a bit dusty from a roll after his rugs were taken off & he's woolly as anything, not to mention he is 20 years young.!!!

& one last one

I do have better head shots of him floating around somewhere, & while not the most extremely pretty head, he does have a quality head & always breeds beautiful heads, after he breeds great legs!! (grin)

my basic check for quality always starts at the feet & legs, then moves up, firstly I'll check to see if all the angles line up correctly. can't go wrong there..

Edited to say... wow lovely photos Pashon.. beautiful mare.. quality is still quality no matter its model number!

also very well said Lisa rachel, loved your comments & info on legs & short cannons.. I was always taught no matter what the breed is, it should have relative short cannons & a long forearm & free elbows & well let down hocks & gaskins that are neither too skinny nor to wide.
yes I have spent years here too defending the Arab as not being banana headed & psychotic.. nice to see there are others out there who are doing the same..

still those that don't see the truth are the unlucky ones.. for the Arabian is the greatest breed of horse on the planet.. from their genetic make up & rich temperament, from their almost seeming riding compatibility with us humans to a conformation that is air ride at its best.. to their quick wits & lovable natures, & Lastly their unrivaled Passion & lust for life... that is the thing that gets me every time... when I get a chance to visit my dads stallions & watch a 20 something year old stallion show off in the paddock just because your there to enjoy it with him.... & watch him snort & fly & then in moments be calm & have my dad sitting underneath him...

taken right after the above action shots,

I am sorry my post has grown in the editing.. but the Arabian is so hard not to be passionate about.. thinking about it actually brings tears to my eyes (silly romantic that I am)

lastly just cause I love the inadvertant lighting affect I captured with this one..

can you tell that I am in absolute love with this lovely boy.. I can't help it, I was 8 when he was born.. I still remember the day! (secretly he is other than my own stallion the only man I am truly in love with, the only "Man" I feel this strongly about)

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