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T O P I C    R E V I E W
honey Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 12:18:45 PM
Joanne and i took xsara and gizzy to a dressage to music lesson last night and have to say it was great fun. I found that gizzy automatically changed her pace to the music herself all i had to do was keep her going forward and steer. Someone at the lesson was asking us about them and said can i ask why arabs? I said because there very pretty, good paces, extremly talented. intellegent, athletic and have a good jump, i also told her arabs cross well with any breed. Instructor said at the end that the two of them were able to adjust themselfs to the music and a constant contact and both are riding beautifully. But must say poor gizzy was panting and sweating, but she never tired kept going and i think she enjoyed it. we had a tb, a welsh type and a cob type in the lesson with our halfbred arabs, and the rest all had trouble adjusting the paces to the music.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
garnet Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 8:09:16 PM
I used to love doing this with Garnet. It is really interesting to try riding to different pieces of music that you think will suit - some that you thought would be good are hopeless when you ride to them, while with others the horse just loves them and dances!
pinkvboots Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 12:53:00 PM
Well done Honey and Xsara sounds good fun, I suppose the music is just trial and error trying to find the right one difficult when you have a class full of various horses, sounds like both yours did well though.

A friend of mine does it allot her horse she competes at advanced medium and its lovely to watch with all the extended trot and flying changes she does really well at it.
Did you take any pictures?

Edited to say: the last one I watched her do was to a Madonna track I think its called Prayer. I cant remember the other song she tends to use two different ones in each class.
xsara Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 5:28:29 PM
Yeah it was great fun xsara was a dream I didn't push her outline overly though s she is only in out of the field a week but thought it would be a good way to get her going again and she enjoyed it too.
honey Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 5:03:29 PM
Originally posted by Pasha

So glad you enjoyed it! I LOVE DTM

BUT you should be using music to suit and enhance your horses natural paces, not trying to fit their paces to the music!!! It is an art, but when done correctly, is beautiful!

cause it was a lesson there was horses with different paces in it mixed, all about the same height though and all had different levels of collection. So she was trying to find music that suited them all rather well. The cob was strong but not active, the welsh type was active but short, the tb was long paced but not active and was lazy. Gizzy was very active and able to lengthen her stride as much or as little as she needed, and xsara she coped well too. Did some quadrelle work too with them. I would love to do dressage at a high level but would need some help getting there.
Pasha Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 4:27:11 PM
So glad you enjoyed it! I LOVE DTM

BUT you should be using music to suit and enhance your horses natural paces, not trying to fit their paces to the music!!! It is an art, but when done correctly, is beautiful!
Emma B Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 12:35:27 PM
well done thats something i want to try xxx

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