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littlearabians Posted - 16 Aug 2010 : 10:26:09 AM
does any of you know something that will kill docks but not clover?

I have got quite a few docks in one of my winter paddocks, and would like to spray now so the paddock can rest a couple of months before being used.
18   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
delly-b Posted - 19 Aug 2010 : 6:39:58 PM
If you google Headland Polo it will give you a website where you can buy online... if you call the man there he is extremely knowledgeable and will be able to help you with your problems.

What I would also suggest is that you get your land soil tested and lime if necessary. Weeds just love poor and barren soil... I would also rake over and over seed all your bald patches too to avoid weeds coming through these.

ps... I topped all my fields first, then sprayed, then left a few weeks then topped off again. So far, so good. Since then I have fertilised the winter paddock and overseeded... its looking much better.
sab2 Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 6:19:47 PM
I sprayed our docks with grazon and it has killed them, just need to start on buttercups next.
honey Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 5:57:17 PM
we use depatox. Its been fantastic it even kills ragwort!! It never killed the clover either.
littlearabians Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 2:24:24 PM
thank you for that information... do you know how soon after the first spray it would need to be done again?.... should I buy Polo or graze on for this treatment??... we do have all the machines our self (well yard owner does), so if I speak kindly (read: buying a pint) to one of the lads they will most likely spray for me.

I do think most of mine are seeding at the moment... but again there are so many that I would kill myself running round to all the little ones.
Margaret Posted - 18 Aug 2010 : 1:27:40 PM
It sounds as if you have a real infestation.

I've always used Grazon in a back pack and just sprayed as necessary; I used to have lots but they're now down to just a few and I just cut off the seedheads before they seed: once they've seeded the plants die. You'll probably have to get your field sprayed by a contractor (maybe more than once) to get a head start, but after that hopefully you can spot kill and eventually get to the stage I'm at where you just get rid of the seeds.

Docks are biennial; they come up the first year, die back and come back the second year when they seed and then die. I find mine seem to be in separate batches - one lots seeds in the spring and one in the autumn, little b****rs.
littlearabians Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 10:11:22 PM
my problem is that the fields have never been treated for docks so in that particular winter paddock there are hundreds if not thousand of the little buggers.... it will take me years to pull them all op.

paddock has been topped 2 times this year, but it has done nothing at all, they all come back within weeks.
vjc Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 7:54:36 PM
Yayyy thanks Caryn consider it my new job
Kharidian Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 6:08:29 PM
It does look like "stinking mayweed", so that's good, as it turns its little toes up when you get tough with it - it certainly doesn't fight back!

vjc Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 5:52:16 PM
Thanks caryn, it does pong i have to admit! does this picture help to identify it???

cmj, i know how you feel!!! the weeds have suddenly taken hold while i like a nice selection of herbs and the odd wild flower i think this is just ridiculous!!!
cmj Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 4:56:48 PM
I have many and varied weeds too . Tried strimming, ok but takes forever, paid out for topping, was good but growing back now. My contractor said he would spray NEXT year, so my question is am I too late to have a go now with my knapsack sprayer?

Kharidian Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 3:47:19 PM
I can't get the picture to enlarge enough but I THINK it's "stinking mayweed" (that's what we call it in Essex, anyway).

If so, it has very shallow roots but the stems/leaves flop over and the grass doesn't grow underneath the canopy and it smells bad if you pull it. Does this sound right?

If so, never fear, it's not very tenacious, just mow it down before it sets seed (you might have to do it for a couple of years) and then the grass will grow back. I have a big patch (not as big as yours, though) which I have pulled by hand, not hard work in itself, except for the actual surface area of the stuff.

vjc Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 3:23:32 PM
OK folks What do i use on these??? very pretty when they appeared but just a tad to many for me!!!

Suelin Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 2:29:25 PM
I have always used Grazon on docks with good results and they don't seem to come back either. Saddlebred are you sure that it is docks you are having trouble with or Horseradish. The plants are not dissimilar and horseradish is a nightmare to get rid of, I have even tried ultra industrial strength on that to no avail.
saddlebred Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 11:58:59 AM
Docks are a nightmare. I am in the process of digging them Jane because herbicides seem to not get the roots. Its a very laborious task and not brilliant for your back either!
littlearabians Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 10:15:59 AM
thank you I will try Headland Polo my problem is only docks (well got some nettles too but not really a problem.
delly-b Posted - 16 Aug 2010 : 10:05:27 PM
I think most selective herbicides will kill off clover tho some do say clover will recover after a period of time. This year I used Headland Polo which I found far better than pastor, grazon or blaster for my field. I also bought solar plus which helped against ragwort tho I did also use barrier h on that.... After 2 weeks I topped the fields and so far so good... Nettles, docs, buttercups havnt returned!
rasaljadi Posted - 16 Aug 2010 : 9:40:31 PM
Pastor kills docks i have used it every year for 10 yrs, though not sure about the clover i think it does not kill clover, google pastor weed killer sure you will find it there.

Kharidian Posted - 16 Aug 2010 : 9:28:54 PM
I'm afraid I dig weeds up by hand.....a very slow but sure method!


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