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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rasaljadi Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 7:29:57 PM
I know there are a few arabs that have done both inhand and ridden, i have always thought it would be great to do both however can they cope with being on there toes doing inhand and then a well behaved ridden horse, would you do both in the same year?

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tiny Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 11:36:02 PM
I have always done both.... Dahzik did both both the novice ridden stallion and the in hand at the national this year and pffokus often did both the ridden and in hand at the same show. both love the hype of the in hand but also enjoyed their ridden work. Arabs are clever animals and they know the difference between the 2 and no reason they can't enjoy both.
natntaz Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 11:27:51 PM
I have shown my old boy in the past when he was younger
in hand first and then ridden, I remember one time when
the ridden was straight after the in hand so no warm up and
tacked him up outside the ring. There wasnt very many in
the ridden class but he won both classes Pic of him
at the show in my sig pics, my daughter was riding him and
she was only about 14 at the time to
s.jade Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 9:29:51 PM
My mare has this year; shown inhand, under saddle (locally), show jumped and XC schooled! No reason they can't fo it all.....
Her daughter will go out and do both next year too we hope!
honey Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 9:15:07 PM
yep when i showed ros inhand he was snorting and blowing and showing off, as soon as i put the saddle on at the same show he was a docile laid back plod. People were like your not going to put a saddle on him your mad, to be quiet amazed at his total change in attitude. Maybe those arabs that are un naturally trained for the inhand shows and hyped up til there brains exlode might be a different story.
kath Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 9:08:37 PM
Thats the whole reason i bought both! IMO in hand should just be a grounding for the ridden stuff, esp for a gelding who will not have another job.

And not only will Gus do ridden showing, he will SJ, dressage, and XC
clio Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 8:18:47 PM
Originally posted by HORSE

We did both at local show got first inland and third in ridden class was over the moon I say bring it on

Well done you Keep at it

Ours know when the show halter is on what is expected from them
And the same when they have the saddle on.

Put boots on Autumn and she also knows that means fun jumping lol
george Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 8:13:28 PM
Well, if I have the confidence to ride in front of an audience in the future, Nabil will definitely be doing both, and even if I am still "too chicken" I will be riding at home afterwards for him to have the experience
HORSE Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 8:11:11 PM
We did both at local show got first inland and third in ridden class was over the moon I say bring it on
clio Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 8:03:25 PM
We do both in the same show ???
Etoile Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 8:03:00 PM
They certainly should be able to after all whats an inhand horse supposed to be if not a ridden or potential ridden (depending on age) horse! We had our first bash a showing today at a local riding club show and did both in hand and ridden, and I certainly don't see why we would do any different at any show in the future.

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