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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nikki83 Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 12:28:46 PM
Just in the process of setting up a new first aid kit, what would you say are essentials or things you swear by?
I have :
Purple Spray
Cotton Wool Roll
Vet Wraps

Still need to buy:
Some wound ointment
Poultices - is it ok to use cut up nappies?, i have tons of these!

What am I missing, what would you recommend in terms of brands of creams etc?

Nikki x
17   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Pasha Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 09:37:18 AM
I was going to say a Thermometer and Vaseline

I tend to use Hibiscrub and Sudocreme for everything

Another "invaluable" and cheap item in mine is Rosemary & Sulphur cream... i'm using tonnes of the stuff at the moment - any little dry bit of skin gets some he he and great in the winter for mud fever!

Vetwrap (buy a box as when you do get an abcess, typically the feed shop only have 2 rolls in stock in a lurid orange and I like my boys to look pretty even when sick lol!) AND a cold wrap boot (i've tried the instant bandages and could never get them to go cold)... love these boots you pop in the freezer for 30 mins... in fact, just leave it in there and ready to go if you ever need it! Was a life saver when Shesky got Lyphangitis on box rest!!!
flosskins Posted - 17 Aug 2010 : 09:07:25 AM
i also have a little bowl for putting the hibiscrub/water in to clean wounds, latex gloves, a thermometer, vaseline and wound powder
Kharidian Posted - 16 Aug 2010 : 9:27:21 PM
Originally posted by xsara

A tin of silver aluminium spray I put it on most cuts now and leave them to heal. Also seems to be good on big wounds with proud flesh gave them good clean remove all scabs pat dry and spray.

Ooh, I've never heard of that - can you pm me a proprietry name so I can look into this stuff, please?

marionpack Posted - 16 Aug 2010 : 12:22:43 PM
Salt, wound powder, Sudacream, vet wrap, gamgee, poultice,
Hopefully non of us will need any of the items listed but always handy to have, but I bet when/if we do they are out of date, like looking in the back of the food cupboard for stuff that hasn't been used recently
Timbercroft Posted - 16 Aug 2010 : 07:46:44 AM
Lol @ Ros..."biscuits for emergencies"!!! I have to pop some in my box!!!

Lots of good ideas here! I would agree with -
Terramycin spray
Arnica - tabs & gel
Tube of Sedalin
Poultice (i must be the mug who is buying the pricey one!!!!)
Aloe Vera
Round ended scissors
Vet wrap
Would also agree with Duck tape, its great on the the lower hoof if needed(on top of bandage!)
.... Im sure this list will go on and on!

Linda x
xsara Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 11:49:46 PM
A tin of silver aluminium spray I put it on most cuts now and leave them to heal. Also seems to be good on big wounds with proud flesh gave them good clean remove all scabs pat dry and spray.
Kharidian Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 9:44:10 PM
I seem to manage most things with Purple Spray and/or Sudacrem! For hoof poultices I agree - Duct Tape to stop them wearing through.

The only other thing - for BIG wounds - Proflavine emulsion (buy 500ml from your Chemist very cheaply) as it keeps the wound moist while it is healing. Copper Sulphate crystals (if necessary), to resolve proud flesh (rather than having the Vet cut it away).

This list is from personal experience - I'm not a professional "horse mender".

Callisto Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 6:00:53 PM
Panty liners make good sterile dressings and don't stick to wounds. Small bottle of high factor sun tan lotion and aftersun. Also those cold bandages - can't remember their name, but was incredibly useful when my sister got kicked at a ride - took the swelling down, obviously they are meant for horses really, but I would always carry one of those now. Sting relief for horse fly bites - have one niece who is a human magnet for things that bite.

Rescue Remedy for shock ( mainly for rider, but also good for horse)
TAE Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 5:35:13 PM
I got a tube of iodine grease from my vet. Cheaper than most creams, it doesn't wash off quickly like powders and creams, it keeps the wound sterile and soft, my boy healed very quickly with it. But it does look awful!

Also for hoof abcess, Duck tape over the vet wrap, just around the hoof helps to stop them wearing through the bottom and getting the poultice off.

Round ended scissors for cutting hair away to be able to see what your dealing with, without risking stabbing a jumpy horse with the points can be a help.
nikki83 Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 5:17:14 PM
ooooh arnica, thanks, forgot about that!
Goldenmane - is the toilet roll for human emergencies
Nikki x
Goldenmane Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 4:58:36 PM
Poultice boot
Steri strips
Toilet roll??
I have cottonwool pads
Just checked mine, also polos!
moatside Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 4:39:25 PM
Nappies (newborn size)
Kaolin Poultice
Arnica - tabs & gel
Tube of Sedalin for emergencies
Antiseptic wipes
Manuka Honey
Vet wrap
nikki83 Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 3:21:52 PM
thanks v much. Will get those little extras. I thought i had read somewhere that if you soak some nappies in epsom salts you can use them like that. Will get some proper ones anyway. Do you use the sudocrem and honey straight onto wounds/grazes etc? X
Delyth Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 3:09:58 PM
Poultices have an active ingrediant which I've always taken to be epsom salts but I think it's a mild antiseptic ?? This is what helps draw the abcess. Nappies wouldn't have this wld they !!! Having had the abcess from hell - now with a hoof section :( I'd never be without poultices, gamgee and the cheapest vetwrap I can find. Oh and Terramycin spray......all of which seemed to have failed !!!
mogwai Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 1:47:18 PM

Other things i have in there, not necessarily in order, and not necessarily for horses...
1/plasters for scrapes and cuts to the children!
2/a little box of biscuits for emergencies (believe me, if one of the girls gets hungry and i'm half way through something, you really do need to be able to keep a lid on it for a while!)
3/Manuka honey (for too many situations to mention!)
4/Suda crem (see above)
5/Gamgee (probably covered by cushioned dressings?)
6/Tubi grips (great for keeping a wound clean a free of shavings, but letting the air to it. Size e!)
7/Aloe Vera (Dr organic, contains just aloe vera, some of them have all sorts of other rubbish in them!)
8/ Mine also has steroid spray for L.V flare ups and Danilon
9/antiseptic wipes (again for children!)
10/Alchohol hand gel!
Nappies are ace for Poultices!
Can't remeber what else i have in there, i'l have a look. I would ditch the purple nspray!
nissibay Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 12:31:57 PM
Hey i was going to do this thread too, lol "great minds"........ ill just look at ur answers now
nikki83 Posted - 15 Aug 2010 : 12:30:00 PM
Just remembered I also have some non adhesive cushioned dressings.

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