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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Karon Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 8:05:01 PM
Just as I was starting to do some work with my youngest mare Rasheeka (now 9 - about time she did something!), she has come down with peritonitis. Again. Twice in 2 years - almost to the day. And less than a week after I'd bought her a new saddle (I wonder if she planned this....).

Last time she was at death's door, she was so ill - fortunately, this time round it's much milder (if peritonitis can ever be called mild), and she's on antibiotics which the vet is hopeful will work well. Last time treatment lasted over 3 months (with a bill that took my entire bonus and then some - just as well I got a bonus that year!) and it was 6 months before I could do anything with her. I really hope she's not ill for so long this time - not because I want to ride her (although of course I do) but because, of course, I hate seeing her ill and uncomfortable. I'm just keeping everything crossed that the next blood test results come back fairly OK (the ones run yesterday weren't too bad, just slightly different to normal ranges) and that the antibiotics will work without a prolonged course of drugs needed.

If anyone can send healing, please could you send some for Rash.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Karon Posted - 11 Aug 2010 : 7:49:20 PM
First time round, Sue, Rash was shivering (despite the weather being warm), lethargic, not eating, tucked up - typical colic symptoms except the shivering really. This time round she just wasn't "right" - she's a quiet horse anyway but was more so than usual, and looked (still does) a slightly odder shape than usual. She's still got a bit of a strange shape compared to how she was before the peritonitis but she looks sort of bloated at the moment.

TBH if you suspect peritonitis, I'd get the vet out yesterday and do a peritoneal (sp?) tap to confirm it or otherwise. I still think that, if I'd left Rash first time, she wouldn't have lasted 48 hours with it.
Rozy Rider Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 11:29:21 PM
Sorry Karon to hear your mare is pooly..I've never heard of this in horses, although I guess there no reason they can't get it same as us...How does it show it self..I've had my mare a bit iffy of late and wondering what it might slight belly ache. So another thing to consider.

Hope she goes on well..
debs Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 11:21:08 PM
Fingers x'd its good news
Karon Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 8:17:36 PM
Thanks everyone.

Debs, I have no idea at all how she's got it this time. I hope it's not environmental (same time of year within days as 2 years ago), I'm going to speak to the vet about ulcers when I see him again just in case, but it could just be "one of those things". I am sure that last time, it was down to a slight gut displacement that righted itself but caused some gut to get trapped - that's sort of paraphrasing one of the vet's ideas from last time, too. But this time? Haven't a clue - and I really wish I had.

Vet did phone to say the results were back but I was driving at the time so he'll call me tomorrow. Fingers very firmly crossed for tomorrow's call. But she does look reasonably well, and apart fro neverthelessm not moving freely you wouldn't know there's anything wrong - she's stuffing her feed down her just in case I change my mind and just give her Happy Hoof again. I'm giving her some hard feed (not much - less than half a scoop) to mix the drugs in and she thinks that's wonderful!

I'm fairly confident she'll be OK, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't worrying nevertheless.
arabianrio Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 6:59:53 PM
So hard for you again...thinking of you
saddlebred Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 6:52:07 PM
Oh dear. Poor Rasheeka. That is very unlucky getting it twice. Loads of healing vibes on their way.
Helen Newton Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 10:17:11 AM
Hi Karon, sorry to hear about Rasheeka, it's such a worry when they are are poorly. Hope she gets well soon.
vjc Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 09:30:31 AM
So sorry to hear this, thinking of you and Rasheeka, and sending huge healing vibes your
moatside Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 07:46:29 AM
Oh dear... fingers crossed
Goldenmane Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 07:39:00 AM
Horses, who'd have them...loads of healing thought coming your way and everything crossed.
mogwai Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 07:29:33 AM
Everything crossed for your girl xxx
Arabianknights Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 10:37:30 PM
My horse had peritonitis a few years ago - he too was at death's door by all accounts. I wonder if Arabs are more susceptible?

Sending lots of healing thoughts your way..

debs Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 10:20:27 PM
Karon, do you mind if i ask how she got it??? Have heard of 2 others with it... hope you dont mind???
george Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 9:21:14 PM
Hope you have some good news soon, fingers crossed
Callisto Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 8:12:03 PM
Fingers crossed that it's not nearly as bad as last time and she recovers as soon as possible

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