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tillyben1 Posted - 07 Aug 2010 : 9:07:58 PM
My ponys feet have gone really bad over the last couple of months he was shod just under 2 weeks ago, and he has lost his front shoe.
one half of the front foot looks straight rather than round as so much of it has cracked away.i have got him some kevin bacon stuff for his feet so going to start using that.
i am thinking is it worth taking his shoes off and letting his feet try and grow better without shoes.i dont want to lose my horse through having no foot.
what would you do ?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
alison Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 12:32:28 PM
My boy has had dry hooves due to all the hot weather I have been using a product called hoof moist for the past 6 weeks and it's fantastic, really improves the quality of the hoof and definitely helps keep moisture in. I also use a biotin supplement and the farrier trims every 5/6 weeks. His feet now look great really pleased with them. Good luck with your boy.

kirst Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 09:37:00 AM
I bought a part bred welsh mare last year and her feet were in a bad state. I put her on Top Spec Anti-Lam balancer and I was amazed at the results. I totally recommend it if you want to see an improvement in the hoof growth and quality.
jaybird Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 07:28:28 AM
Hi all

If I were you I would try another farrier...sometimes taking shoes off will worsen the cracking & splitting problem, this happened to my Jay, I took his shoes off whilst he was undergoing gelding his feet were in a dreadful state after three weeks and the farrier really struggled to get shoes on again..once on again his feet never had a current horse suffers from cracks the farrier deals with them on a five week basis..this horse has never been shod in his life he certainly does not get fed any additional sugar products so that is definately not the problem, hydration of the foot certainly helps I'm sure the supplements can assist, but they are no substitute for a good farrier.

loosefur Posted - 07 Aug 2010 : 11:03:40 PM
If your pony's feet are cracking badly then this always down to diet. He's getting too much sugar. What sort of grazing is he on? If you want to see improvements in his feet then treat him as if he was a laminitic pony and turn him out onto a starvation paddock. If he gets any hard feed (pony nuts and/or chop) make sure they don't contain molasses, if they do swap to a feed that doesn't, such as Fast Fibre. Taking the shoes off will help (I'm a barefooter and shoes are ALWAYS a bad thing for feet) but the hooves will crack round the nail holes as the hoof wall has been damaged by having metal nails banged into it. You have to be patient. The nail holes should grow out in about eight weeks and once they have the hoof wall will strengthen up, provided you've also addressed his diet. Upping his work will also help him burn off more calories - to continue working him with his shoes off invest in some hoof boots.
tillyben1 Posted - 07 Aug 2010 : 10:20:59 PM
will he be ok still being out in field or would you bring him in.
taranstorm Posted - 07 Aug 2010 : 9:58:12 PM
Totally agree with you,best shoes off to let it grow naturally same time use kevin bacon stuff - totally HATE shoes with passion!
tillyben1 Posted - 07 Aug 2010 : 9:22:25 PM
when he was done last time he said his feet are a mess but managed to get a shoe on, i did say is it worth taking the shoes off and turning him out with none.
he did say his feet will still crack especially where the nails have been.
but to be honest i think having no shoe on right now is better, because if he keeps losing the shoe that could pull bits away form his hoof.
BeckyPhillips Posted - 07 Aug 2010 : 9:18:02 PM
i would talk to your farrier about it
mines fab and so helpful,
bonkers had pretty bad feet when i got him and they still arnt great. teh farrier recomended we put him on pro feet feed supplement and used keratex hoof hardner on them. after a few months the farrier noticed a difference and hes now told us that kevin bacon stuff is good.

but i think best bet is have a word with him
elgar polish prince Posted - 07 Aug 2010 : 9:15:43 PM
i have found kevin bacon very good was recomended to me by my farrier and really does keep feet good summer through winter! i have also found that happy hoof chalf by dengie helps with quality foot growth

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