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T O P I C    R E V I E W
templars Posted - 07 Aug 2010 : 7:44:57 PM
...... eventing a pure bred again!

Today was Harley's first BE event

Till now, I've withdrawn him from competing - don't ask me why - I honestly don't know if it's cos I had doubts or cos I was too protective of him and scared he'd get hurt.

This week, I've been working away and wonderful Stephen and Evie took the choice right out of my hands. Thanks to them, they've all had a cracking week training and so when I got home last night, all clothes, boots and tack were packed in the wagon, Harls had been bathed and spruced and we were all ready for the off. It was quite emotional witnessing the handing over of the saddle, bridle and boots that Taz used to wear. And so rewarding that he would be going out in a simple snaffle bridle and no martingale. Eventing an Arab is so easy - same tack for all three phases, just boots to change.

I know he had the capability to do everything that's needed but after all his trauma, I still get a panic attack at how he'll cope psychologically with it all. Well today he let us all know - he did brilliantly. Not a winning result and lots of room for improvement but bless him, he completed which is all I wanted for him.

When we got there and walked the course, I'll admit, I didn't pay too much attention because I never thought he'd get through the dressage and the show jumping so it didn't seem worthwhile worrying about something that was never going to happen. But it did!

His dressage was - well - stunning! When we first used to take the Beautiful and Talented Taragun to events, people would openly laugh at us. But with Harls, they just stopped and stared literally open mouthed. It was raining and drizzly and so it was quite ethereal to see a white Arabian stallion in the haze in the sort of outline I never, ever dreamed he would be able to achieve! Totally concentrating and at one with Evie. The comments on his dressage sheet were really nice and lots of good encouragement.

Then show jumping. Again, I know he can do it but he can get a bit cavalier and sloppy and this time there were burger vans and stalls and flags all around the arena. And horses warming up for the cross country right at the side of the biggest fence in the track. By this time, I had serious doubts and never thought he'd get round. I thought he'd either stop or have so many fences down because he'd be so busy looking at all the sights, that he wouldn't be allowed to go cross country. Shame on me! I can never watch show jumping at events and so I wandered off and as I turned to go back to the wagon, I saw Harley flying over the double, round to the spooky fence and on to the finish. Not a clear round but I was totally amazed at his attitude - carrying Evie forward to every fence and never once looking at them as though they were going to eat him

As I walked towards them I realised I had tears streaming down my face and I just hugged Harls.

Back to the wagon and by this time, you'd have thought he'd been at it all his life - no need to tie him up - he stood like a dream between the wagons (mare in the next wagon and he didn't bat an eyelid) without anyone holding him. Quick slurp, changed his boots and off we went to the start of the cross country.

It was only then I realised that I hadn't paid attention and by now I was a complete bag of nerves. As we got to the start box, I was sobbing and Evie sent me away so she could concentrate. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - off and I saw the two most precious souls in my life shoot out of the start box as I yelled "Fly the Flag" at the top of my voice through the sobs!

Again, not a completely clear round but he sailed up and down steps, over walls and barrels, through the water. He didn't like the steeplechase fence because it had a lot of brush on the top and Evie made a mistake at the most simple fence on the course (thanks for your honesty Evie) but other than that a brilliant round and most important of all - they flew over the finish line safe and with grins on both their faces!

I'm truly humbled today - I'm sorry that I doubted you Harls, deep down I knew you could do it but my panic overtook my emotions.

Massive, massive thank you to Stephen for keeping me calm and keeping the tissues flowing.

But more than anything - thanks to Evie and Harls for making a long hidden dream come true. Homebred on homebred and making a mum so proud me eyes keep leaking!

Signing off now because every bone is my body is aching because I've been so tense all day. And definitely going to crack open a bottle of bubbly to toast the most amazing daughter and horse in the world. Love you both and so, so, so proud of you both xx
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kelly Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 11:56:28 AM
Congratulations! I love reading your posts, and once again, have come away quite emotional!

Where was this event, if you don't mind me asking?
Honeyb060674 Posted - 10 Aug 2010 : 06:51:23 AM
Fantastic! Well done Team Templars...Harley looks as though he's going to take up the baton with ease!!
MinHe Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 10:49:46 PM
There aren't enough words to comment on this wonderful story! Congratulations to you all and keep the flag flying!

MinHe Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 10:49:05 PM
There aren't enough words to comment on this wonderful story! Congratulations to you all and keep the flag flying!

jaj Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 9:28:52 PM
That's brilliant, well done you must be so proud and fantastic couple of pictures too !
Kharidian Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 9:24:00 PM
Absolutely FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!

Karon Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 8:00:29 PM
He is stunning, and looks fantastic jumping. Well done to you all
Tizzi10 Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 7:05:38 PM
How fabulous...well done to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jingo Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 6:41:05 PM
Well done Team Templars - hope you enjoyed your well deserved bubbly
angelarab Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 3:37:22 PM
Well done, yet again i have tears of joy in my eyes for you
Bebely Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 11:21:07 AM
What a wonderful, inspiring post. Well done and I look forward to more updates and more pics. What a fantastic team.
Claire Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 11:19:05 AM
well done evie and harley- fantastic post and photos, looking forward to the next installment! x
lulu Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 11:08:06 AM
Congratulations I love reading your reports and yes I was a bit moist eyed as well.
gabriele ault Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 10:53:26 AM
Many congratulation to the most amazing family in the world..proud to call you friends
lots of love
Doug & Gabi
Cate Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 10:21:52 AM
Fabulous! What else can one say.
Roseanne Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 09:43:19 AM
Excellent - what an achievement for you all. Well done and keep up the good work (and the reports and pictures on AL!!!
LYNDILOU Posted - 09 Aug 2010 : 08:07:23 AM
Rachelle , I have only just seen this and I too had tears reading it , what you and Evie do for the arabian IS fly the flag, and they are sure to be recognised as a force to contend equally alongside other breeds , bless team Templars
trinity Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 8:10:18 PM
So excited to read this, & so pleased you've seen your dream come true. Harls & Evie look amazing together. Delighted for you all.
Libby Frost Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 1:07:36 PM
And crabbet bred tooEvie is an inspiration to any junior rider thinking about giving it a shot , well done guys

Glad Tari's ok
alison Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 12:25:01 PM
Amazing well done everyone.

Arabian Girl Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 12:14:17 PM
Thank you for posting Rochelle..i love to know how you are all getting are all amazing ,,,massive congratulations to you all at Templars xx Lynne
BabsR Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 09:51:46 AM
Once again, team Templars out there flying the flag and proving Arabian capability over fences. You must be so proud, as you say homebred on homebred....what could be more pleasing than that, a real double Whamee[

Just keep on doing it the way you always do Evie and Harvey and Team


moatside Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 08:50:28 AM
Well done!!
templars Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 08:47:19 AM
Thank you all so much for your comments and for taking Harls to your hearts and loving him like we do

Jess - thank you for your lovely words - Evie will be in touch later today

Libby - Tari is absolutely fine and playing "lady of the night" with Harls' dad - Last Crescendo and thoroughly enjoying life as a retired diva. She's back with her old friends - Evie's eventing ponies, Tari, Bumble and Nancy are Cresh's harem and they are having a whale of time giving him the run around in their field. It has a steep banked stream running right down one side and a little wood in one corner - they set off as a group along the stream and then just pop over it and disappear in the trees. Cresh didn't know what to do at first and he used to have to go to the bridge to catch up but he's a quick learner and now he jumps the stream as well! Guess who thought of that game????

Harley is out of a tiny (14.1) 100% Crabbet mare, Templars Magic Pearl (Achims Silver Magic x Hadida Pearl) and by Last Crescendo (Imad x Carillion), so he's about 99% Crabbet but 100% Old English (sorry, I do know his exact percentage but I'm having a mind block this morning, think it's 99.97%)

He's very perky this morning, tired but looking extremely pleased with himself and his usual vocal self - feed me, feed me NOW!
lisa rachel Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 08:12:45 AM
Thanks for doing such a wonderful job in opening 'normal' horse people's eyes to these beautiful talented horses, I wish you and Evie and Harley all the luck in the world
PS could you remind me how he is bred... did know once I think!

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