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Ludanella Posted - 05 Aug 2010 : 2:18:59 PM
get your horse to wee away from home? My girl will not go at shows! She just gets more and more twitchy & touchy. Not good when you're trying to do a show! Even when other horses go next to her she still holds on! Help!
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ludanella Posted - 08 Aug 2010 : 09:12:28 AM
Found one solution yestrday. Donkeys! She saw them and that was it! Need to get a donkey now!
ali bali Posted - 06 Aug 2010 : 5:53:43 PM
We teach our horses to wee on a whistle command. Not sure how much truth is in this but apparently there is something in the pitch of a whistle which can trigger the need to go, bit like running a tap!!! We have a specific whistle that we use, unfortunately no way to demonstrate it online

We teach them by whistling every time we see them having a pee, best time is when they go back into their stables on a new bed. After a while once they start to associate the sound with weeing then you can start to request a wee, again at times that they are likely to go anyway. Praise when you get the desired result. Once they wee on command in the stable you can gradually move on to doing it outside in quiet non-stressful environments and then work your way up to the doing it at shows.

This works with most horses given time but we do have one that will pee happily on command in his stable but never ever in 8 years has obliged on command in the 'real world'...
Evie Posted - 05 Aug 2010 : 11:19:30 PM
My mare is exactly the same, no matter how long a ride you go out for she won't do a wee until she is back home, and she doesn't really like having to do poos out on a ride either!!!! This evening when I was riding she hung on and on until she was just by the turning into the yard and then did a poo!!!
Kharidian Posted - 05 Aug 2010 : 10:33:44 PM
Maybe it's a girl thing - both of my geldings follow the Martini principle - "Any time, any place, anywhere" - Roger, in particular, likes an audience!

TAE Posted - 05 Aug 2010 : 9:31:39 PM
Not much help but may make you laugh

I had the opposit problem with the welsh arab I used to showjump. He was a great competition pony, really enjoyed himself only got eliminated when he took his own course, He'd see any jump and just go for it ignoring any breaking or attempts to turn.

He regularly had a nervous or excited wee just when asked to go into the ring or when infront of the judges or the largest crowd possible as everyone waited for him to finish before ringing the bell.

Good luck finding a solution.
george Posted - 05 Aug 2010 : 7:25:12 PM
Feed her some fresh dandelions they are a natural diuretic (they'll make her wee) my boy loves them, and his bed is always soaking after we graze the verges in hand
Vera Posted - 05 Aug 2010 : 4:06:36 PM
Take some smelly wet bedding from home and put it in the stable at the show. It will make it smell more homely to her.

Suelin Posted - 05 Aug 2010 : 3:12:23 PM
I would start at home. Watch and see what her regular habit is. When she pees at that time give her a command, i.e. "Good girl, do a wee" or some such similar. When she does because she was starting to already praise her like mad and give a treat perhaps. Do this every time. With a little time you will start to give her this command actually before she pees at a time you know she will want to, then she will oblige and you reward her. Before you know where you are she will be peeing on command at home. Keep this up and then you will be able to do this wherever you are. She's bright, she'll soon catch on.

I taught my gelding to do this and he will pee in a bucket if I ask him, anywhere now.

Good luck with it. It isn't a difficult thing to teach but you do need to be consistent and patient.
Ludanella Posted - 05 Aug 2010 : 2:56:16 PM
Not as embarressed as me attempting to do a show on a horse who won't go in a straight line and launches each transition! Try telling the judge that she can go well but......!
Milotkha Posted - 05 Aug 2010 : 2:21:49 PM
Bless her...!! She is probably all embarressed.!!

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