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 Wales to Jordan (Ridden by Lisa Rachel)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nichole Waller Posted - 15 Jul 2010 : 3:09:34 PM
Lisa - or anyone else that might know...

Where i can find the link to the Blog / story that Lisa and her husband wrote about their journey from Wales to Jordan with their Arabs..?

I was telling a friend about it a few days ago and she wants to read it.. I had it stored in 'my favorites' for ages but it's disappeared..

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
georgiauk Posted - 11 Aug 2010 : 09:50:05 AM
Congratulations, cooked to perfection I'm sure 8) Another one eager for piccies........ ;)
Clutha Posted - 30 Jul 2010 : 10:37:18 AM
Absolutely wonderful, so glad the maths was right!

You'll be loving those markings before long, sounds like he has the familiy character already. Sure his uncle will be watching over him with pride

Can't wait for the photos! Remember to email one to The Crabbet Organisation for inclusion on their 2010 foal centerfold.
bagface Posted - 28 Jul 2010 : 9:13:54 PM
Awww Lisa, CONGRATULATIONS :) Mandy had filled me in and I am really really happy for you! Can't wait to see the pics and miss u loads, hope you are well!
LYNDILOU Posted - 28 Jul 2010 : 8:52:11 PM
wow congratulations , will be waiting for pic now
lisa rachel Posted - 28 Jul 2010 : 7:18:57 PM
Thanks Everyone !!!
Will try to get some pics up.
garnet Posted - 28 Jul 2010 : 10:15:06 AM
So pleased to hear this wonderful news . I have been looking on New Arrivals every day in anticipation of his arrival!
Zan Posted - 28 Jul 2010 : 09:24:39 AM
Woo hoo!!!! He's here safe and sound!!!!
I love the way his name is going to tribute Audin. I quite like Rabbani, to link back to the wonderful Ben Rabba.
Looking forward to seeing photos--the white markings will probably look wonderful once he grows to fit them
Arachnid Posted - 28 Jul 2010 : 08:56:41 AM
Congratulations. I think we need photos especially of the crazy white markings
firstlady Posted - 27 Jul 2010 : 11:54:25 PM

fab news congratulations Lisa
looking foreward to pics
and his name will be a lovely tribute to Audin
what about Amani ?? but expect you've already thought of that and loads more besides
catch up with you soon
Callisto Posted - 27 Jul 2010 : 11:09:42 PM
Hurrah! It's a boy! Congratulations Pic's please, and the mare's owner sounds like a wonderful person.
lisa rachel Posted - 27 Jul 2010 : 10:36:54 PM
Here are my excuses....
1) insanely busy at work... nearly no sleep
2)I was always told not to celebrate anything until the foal is a week old
but... yes (yes yes YES!!!!!)
Audins nephew was born last Tuesday.
He is quite athletic and realtively refined has ridiculous (and none too attractive) white markings BUT he is sooooo friendly and sweet and confident exactly like my dear Audin
Couldn't be happier
will try to get some pics on!
When I am not working, riding or with him... he is at the mare owners farm, I am trawling the internet for arab names, he was going to be Hassan, but not sure that's him... maybe Rabbani,Habeeb etc but then as we discussed Clutha, it will be followed by......... Ibn'kh Audin.

Clutha, Geoffreys mare barn is heaven on earth isn't it?
PS I haven't leased the mare the owner was just kind enough to LET me have a foal out of her, how nice is that??
Callisto Posted - 27 Jul 2010 : 8:27:27 PM
I do hope that Clutha's 2+2 is right
Clutha Posted - 27 Jul 2010 : 6:34:27 PM
Oh Lisa have you been holding out on us?

I happened to have a superb visit to Imperial Stud today (still on a high from seeing 7 gorgeous stallions & 21 lovely ladies)

Mr Plaisier mentioned when he was showing us a lovely gentleman called Imperial Zar that he had a son born recently to a vet who had leased a mare. Now how many coincidences do there need to be before I start adding 2 plus 2?

Have you taken delivary of a nephew to your special lad??

If he is yours, congratulations !

Please can you post some photos??? Sure looking at how many have accessed your site I'm not the only one waiting for news!
lisa rachel Posted - 20 Jul 2010 : 9:41:15 PM
thanks to an enormous amount of help from Rui (Admin) the web site is up and a bit more robust
(ps don't know if it was anyone from here but we did get a very nice email which disappeared into the ether so whoever it was.... thanks)
Nichole Waller Posted - 19 Jul 2010 : 1:28:32 PM
The link has crashed again..!

I did manage to copy all of the text which i have put together in a word document (all 95 pages of it..!) None of the pictures would download as the site has crashed but i have managed to take some from the video clip and cut and paste them onto the word document.

If anyone wants a copy PM me with your email address and i'll send it to you.
Suelin Posted - 19 Jul 2010 : 12:46:46 AM
A truly amazing and inspirational story. I felt I was there with you. Saying that I couldn't have coped with either the intense cold or the heat. Well done to all of you.
garnet Posted - 18 Jul 2010 : 6:48:25 PM
I have spent all afternoon reading about this amazing journey. I am evidently the right age and cultural background for the Python etc jokes and references, which had me laughing out loud, and even remember reading 'Travels with a Donkey' at school a million years ago.
Tears were shed for Audin - such a desperately sad thing to happen. I know he will always be missed but I hope that the 'silver lining foal' will be everything that you hope for and a reminder of your much-loved boy.
Zan Posted - 18 Jul 2010 : 6:34:09 PM
Lisa and Harry's blog is truly inspirational---the first time I read it my immediate reaction was that it should be published. The tragedy of Audin's death is a big thing to share with the whole world though.That is the thing with all the best stories about animals---there is always tragedy, because animals always die, and they always die too soon, because they don't live as long as humans. In fact, when you have a really wonderful relationship with an animal, unlike humans and their miriad betrayals and deceits, the only way an animal hurts you is to die, and it is a huge loss. But if there wasn't so much love in the first place the loss wouldn't be as great---any human or horse who has had a relationship like Lisa and Audin has been truly blessed.

I think this blog should be compulsory reading for all the owners and trainers of the barbie doll on a string type showing Arabs

I am so looking forward to hearing all about Audin's niece/nephew, who will also be so closely related to my sister's Red Rabba---this is an amazing line of horses
Bev Parker Posted - 18 Jul 2010 : 6:18:10 PM
If you love reading about epic journeys by horse try Jeremy James books. He rode from Turkey to West Wales. He also rode across Bulgaria and Romania and has written about the work of Ada Cole and the ILPH - now World Horse Welfare. Truly Inspirational. Also try James Greenwoods account for replicating Tschiffley's ride across South America.

I can't wait to read this - I'll try downloading it an obscure time of night or early morning so as not to crash the site!
barbara.gregory Posted - 18 Jul 2010 : 4:45:41 PM
i need some time to read this all, sounds like a fantastic journey. When I next have a day off work I will spend half of it enjoying the ride!!!

LYNDILOU Posted - 18 Jul 2010 : 2:50:25 PM
I think Paula (our a/lines owner) would love to have it for her living library Lisa, could you maybe get it put in there for us ?
Nichole Waller Posted - 18 Jul 2010 : 1:55:53 PM
Thanks Lisa for getting the link to work again. I've copied and paste the whole lot onto emails to myself. I don't want to loose it again.

It would be lovely if this was published... if you ever get round to doing it please let us know as i'd love to buy a copy.

In the mean time i might try and print it out so my mum and dad (who don't do computers) can read it..

Can't wait to see pics of your new foal when it arrives..

lisa rachel Posted - 18 Jul 2010 : 11:22:11 AM
Exactly Lynda!
Link works again but downloading bits may cause it to crash again, it only has a small bandwith so can't take a lot of traffic (I actually don't know what I am talking about here but Harry said something like that!).
LYNDILOU Posted - 18 Jul 2010 : 08:36:27 AM
from the mouth of babes hey
lisa rachel Posted - 17 Jul 2010 : 11:27:10 PM
Thanks Debbie!
As I said to Pam I am now paranoid that she /he will be deformed and dysmature because he/she is 2 weeks overdue... me who spends my working day telling people not to worry when their mares are overdue

Sorry about the link everyone, we got an email from 'plusnet ABUSE team' because the site exceeded it's band width, (by a long way!!)... they want us to pay for more band width or 'take steps to ensure that this doesn't happen again'... so when the link goes up could some people wait a few days before reading.... cheers!
Thanks for all your kind comments but at the end of the day it was just a really long holiday and when you are travelling with horses as kind and cooperative as our, and I am sure all your, Arabs are it makes even difficult times a pleasure. This breed is very special.
After the end of our trip but when we were still living in Jordan I was talking to a teenage bedouin boy in Azrak, I told him we had come from Wales riding our Arab horses. He stopped walking and turned to me and said... 'do you know what is special about an Arab horse?... he is more than a horse, he is a friend.'

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