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T O P I C    R E V I E W
angelarab Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 7:45:48 PM
I have been given from Freecycle a GFS bridle but is very very dry, have cleaned with glycerine soap Koa-chaline (sp) and then left in a carrier bag with a drizzle of neats foot oil for a few days and given it a shake a few times a day, The leather is still dry, any tips, i appreciate i may have got it a bit wrong, so all advice welcome i am on a budget
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bexr Posted - 19 Feb 2010 : 09:35:53 AM
When I get old dryed out leather to repair, I tend to use Mink Paste on it.
Kharidian Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 8:52:31 PM
Neatsfoot and glycerine saddle soap - but you knew I'd say that - 'cos I'm so old-fashioned!

Meggie-Lu Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 8:51:49 PM
Theres one my Aunty Nick uses and it smells like honey!! It's lush!! When i go 2 see her, i clean all her tack, if it's nice i do it in the garden where i am atacked by bees and wasps! Haha!
I dnt no what it's called tho, but it's reali gd!
rosie Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 8:50:28 PM
another recommendation for neatsfoot oil.
If its really dry,I would soak it in the oil for a while, then leave to dry, then soak again.
Mrs Vlacq Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 8:06:59 PM
Flexalan will eat your stitching on bridles!!!! But great on saddles with a known creak
If the bridle has been cooked by central heating when damp it will never be quite the same again, but you can get it supple, if not the lovely deep sheen you would expect. It needs to be in a warm environment (not your tackroom) and fed regularly, but not excessively, or it will stretch.
Treat with Neatsfoot oil - 2 coats inside, 1 coat outside.
Then soft glycerin soap every day and work it into the leather - bend it and roll it about.
Another NF treatment in a few days if needs be. Very therapeutic..... good for your hands too
Meggie-Lu Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 8:05:06 PM
This might sound silly but could you use baby oil?
MinHe Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 8:00:35 PM
Personally, I find Flexalan very good on dry leather. A tin goes a long way and lasts for ages!


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