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 Is 3 to young to put in foal

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simbba Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 3:24:40 PM
Was wondering what age everyone else considers to be a good age to breed first foal? I normally breed between 4/5yrs depending on how physically and mentally developed they are!

I am currently thinking about putting my coming 3yr old filly in foal she is both stated the above and very mature,would like to know your views?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
simbba Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 9:35:11 PM
Thanks everyonewill let you all know what i decide!if i do it is going to be a very exciting foal with the stallion i have planed for her

nikki Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 11:55:02 AM
as others have said it depends on the mare, good luck in whatever you decide
Meggie-Lu Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 11:40:36 AM
You known your filly best, if she is well developed chances are she will be a great mummy!
Timbercroft Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 07:19:24 AM
Would all so say if your mare is physically and mentally ready she should be fine, they all differ at that age!

Good luck with your plans!

Linda x
Pashon2001 Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 8:54:37 PM
What you have described is horrible but any mare young or old can have foaling/pregnancy problems, I wouldnt think her age was relevant to be honest. As you say she did look mature enough. I have also had mares that cannot hold weight etc etc so they have gone on to be riding horses, and quite happy in that life.
s.jade Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 8:35:31 PM
Depends on the mare
I covered two 3 yr olds (now 6yr olds) at the time thought both were mature enough as they were big, well grown girls.
One coped very well, blossomed whilst she was infoal, and was a superb mother and kept her boy on her until he was 6 and a half months no problem. We only weaned him as he was getting "ideas" about mum...
The other struggled throughout her pragnancy, wouldn't hold weight, then we nearly lost her just after foaling, didn't enjoy her colt at all and we had to take him off at just over 4 months as she was doing badly.

I still have a lovely 5 yr old waiting yet another year at least before we cover her as she's still not ready.
jasjmm Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 6:07:46 PM
A very knowledgeable friend of mine said simply "if she is mature enough, she will take. If she isn't, she won't". With my own filly, I would never have bred her at 3 as she was simply too "baby" mentally and physically and was very late in her "year" also.
Debbie Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 5:57:20 PM
I put my mare in foal at 3 as she was physically and mentally ready. Was a super mum at 4 and now just had her 2nd foal 10 days ago at 6 yrs old. Her sister however was not ready last year and I wouldn't put her in foal this year either and she is 4!
BabsR Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 5:45:28 PM
If your filly is sufficiently mature, and you have a ridden career mapped out for her after weaning, then I think breeding a foal can only be beneficial to your mare at a later date

In our own experience, foaling matures the mare, physically and mentally...from "girl to woman", so to speak. By the time your mare has weaned, she will be rising five years and at the ideal age to commence training towards a ridden career.

Then, maybe many years later, she can return to Motherhood and having foaled as a young mare....the birthing process is made easier

Good luck, whatever your decision


edited to correct typo
LYNDILOU Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 4:41:18 PM
Some are not mature minded enough for a foal of their own at that age, while some will be great mums
I waited until Venus was 5 ( and I still wonder if she will make a good mummy)!( she is such a baby
simbba Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 4:32:47 PM
She will actually be 3 if i decide to!And very mature for her yrs bless her,thanks for your replies

mogwai Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 4:23:36 PM
I would have put my Crabbet filly in foal when she was 3, but i think it is highly unlikely my polish/english filly will be ready.
Pashon2001 Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 3:30:12 PM
I have put 3 yr olds in foal, if they are physically and mentally mature enough, but definately not all. If you feel your filly is ready then go for it, as you have bred before I'm sure you will know. I always wait for them to be actually 3 though, not just their third year
NatH Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 3:28:51 PM
I think it all depends on the mare.

If you think she is ready, she probably is. Good luck with your plans

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