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 Washing bathing advice please

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Holly Posted - 16 Feb 2010 : 2:17:39 PM

My 2 year old Lily hates having water sponged or hosed on to her legs to the point that she starts doing little rears and pawing and almost ends up hitting me with her hhoves. Shes a cheeky little monkey, very confident and sure of her self. Ive only had her for almost 1 year and she came to me unhandled so it took me a few months to get her used to being brushed especially her legs and picking up her feet.

The funny thing is that ive taken her for a couple of walks down the road where theres a stream and she will happily walk through and stand in the stream which is about 1 foot deep and splash around and have a drink.

have you guys got any tips? i can't remember how i got my other girls used to water and baths but im dreading spring time when i try to bath lily before her first show! i can see my self ending up in A and E!!
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Holly Posted - 18 Feb 2010 : 1:20:37 PM
Thanks for tips and advice

i will start trying to wash legs and tail etc at the coming weekends and when the weather gets warmer we will try to do a bit of her body....she has started moulting already so spring can't be far away!
saddlebred Posted - 17 Feb 2010 : 07:27:49 AM
I second Mrs. Vlacq's advice. My youngster was a nightmare with the hose or buckets on the yard and she was worse if I tied her up. I now put her in the stable and use warm water and just follow her round with her tail in a bucket till she gives up and eats her hay. They are all individuals - my girl reacts to being put under pressure so I have to gradually desentisize her to things.
I am sure you will crack it.
Fran E Posted - 16 Feb 2010 : 7:40:16 PM
Have you tried putting her beside another horse that doesn't mind having it done, so she can learn that its all ok and it doesn't hurt (I've just gone through this with my 10 month old filly) - I stood her beside another horse everyday for a week or so while I cleaned their legs off and my wellies, then when I could move around with the hose without a reaction I started doing her legs (she's better with front legs than back) and doesn't like it on too strong, she did pull about a bit but then just stood still.

Remember youngest learn alot by watching what happens around them - also try not to make too much of an issue with it.

hope this might help.
basbob Posted - 16 Feb 2010 : 6:53:22 PM
Try warm water - my boy hates it cold though he'll splash about in puddles!
Mrs Vlacq Posted - 16 Feb 2010 : 5:21:14 PM
Is she the same if you bathed her with a brush rather than a sponge? If she is a ticklish soul, it may be the feel of the trickles of water that she doesn't like. Try wiped her legs and hooves over with a damp cloth/towel so that when you apply more water, it soaks through her coat, than than beads and trickles down her legs.

Also, where do you try to bath her? If it's on concrete or rubber matting, it can be the noise of drips that makes them fidget. Try giving her a mini bath in a stable with some bedding.

Sounds as if she isn't water phobic, just a cheeky youngsters. Lots of mini baths and she will soon switch off. Do her tail 1 day, her neck and chest another. You'll crack it, without getting landed on!

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