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 Do your Horses have any funny habits?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pinkvboots Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 11:51:06 AM
Arabi likes to stick his tongue out so you can massage it, seems to put him in a trance like state, I have only known of one other horse that did this.
I would be interested to know if anyone else's horse does this or has any other silly habits, most people find it really funny when they first meet him, we bought him when he was two and we were told he has always done it,he also loves licking your hands and tries to lick my face.
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nn Posted - 16 Feb 2010 : 7:48:07 PM
Well we have a two year old AA filly who flops her lips together in the stable, on the way to the field,at the gate in fact she seems to do it all the time. It is very irritating!

We have a traditional cob who likes to rub his lips on peoples heads.
He also gallops up his field when he sees the horse box and if he gets the chance likes to go and stand on it.(Freak)

A dressage horse who blows bubbles at tea time.

Its like living in the nut house some days.

All very cute i suppose!!!!

basbob Posted - 16 Feb 2010 : 6:56:49 PM
I have a licker too - he sucks my fingers and any other skin he can grab hold of. Bless him!
Zarena Posted - 16 Feb 2010 : 1:29:40 PM
My yearling, who has been great friends with the dog since the day he was born, takes the dog's coat off by undoing three velcro straps. Silly dog stands there and lets him!
barbara.gregory Posted - 15 Feb 2010 : 4:24:32 PM
My stallion, Spanish Crusader (Sultan to his friends), puts his top lip over my thumb and I have to stroke the inside of his top lip and his gums. He will stand for hours (if I would keep it up for hours) in a trance like state. Moataz al Nakkeb (Taz to his friends) bashes his feed bucket against the walls of the stable when he has finished his feed; it sounds like the demolition squad have arrived. He used to have a jolly ball in his stable but the racket he made banging that against the walls was so bad I put it in his field. Also, he would whack it into me when I went into the stable and IT HURT! Some of my mares lift a front leg when they are eating their short feed.

One of Malthouse's stallions used to like his tongue stroked, can't remember which one it was now.

Khazzim Shah will balance his feed bucket on the top of his stable door and eat out of it without dropping it or spilling any of his food, amazing to watch.

Helen Newton Posted - 15 Feb 2010 : 2:32:43 PM
Where do I start?! If I spend too long picking out Carly's front feet he will grap the back of my jeans and give me a wedgy. He is another one who loves to remove hats - and spectacles He always (almost literally!) sucks up to vets by licking their faces, in an effort to get special treatment I'm sure Rooster is a stick waver and bucket thrower. They both remove offending objects (rugs, towels, brushes etc) from stable partitions, doors, fences. Carly will carefully unbolt his stable door with his prehensile lips so I have to make sure I put the kick bolt over. If he sees me hitch up the trailer he will disappear down the field and come back covered in mud looking pleased with himself. I could go on.... Tikki, the mare, just snorts loudly at anything she doesn't like the look of - the stick waving, bucket throwing etc etc..
pinkvboots Posted - 15 Feb 2010 : 1:58:05 PM
Thanks everyone for sharing your horses habits I have loved reading about them, Sugar I cant believe Rio likes his tongue held the same as Arabi maybe its a Mareikh thing I must come down and see him, I just dont feel like going anywhere in this cold weather.
Otto Posted - 14 Feb 2010 : 6:26:51 PM
My gelding Otto likes to pick up lunge whips/sticks/brooms/hose pipes etc and wave them around in mid air (sometimes whilst walking or trotting so you have to watch he doesn't hit you with it). This game goes on for a very very long time and usually I have to remove the offending item before someone gets a black eye.

He also loves having his fetlocks stroked. Another one who goes off into a trance-like state, or "Ottoland" as we call it.

Margaret Posted - 14 Feb 2010 : 12:32:44 PM
Arabs seem to have a thing about their tongues.

Ammi sticks his out of the side of his mouth and then appears to try and lick his eye - he sticks his tongue up the side of his face as far as he can. He's always done it; usually when in his stable and I thought it was a boredom thing, but he will do it under saddle sometimes. We've had some very funny looks from judges, and comments about not liking the bit/tongue over the bit etc. - but no, it's just Ammi amusing himself
Nichole Waller Posted - 14 Feb 2010 : 10:42:58 AM
Ozzy sucks polo's out of my mouth by giving me a full on french kiss... He also chucks his feed bowls over the door every morning to let me know he has finished.

I've been doing carrot stretches with him fairly regularly and he now turns his head and rests it on his back waiting for the carrot before I've even got them out of my pocket
BabsR Posted - 13 Feb 2010 : 3:55:05 PM
Yes, over the years we have had one or two horses with funny habits. Our boy Savannah just loved his tongue fondled. As soon as anyone approached his door, out flopped a great long tongue....when stroked or squeezed, he was in seventh heaven. Our TB stallion used to slap his lips together really quickly..made such a strange sound!! He used to do this whenever he knew it was feedtime.

The best one was our old boy (the bay stallion in our sig pics) He would always greet any visitors with a huge grin and when asked "show us your pearly whites then" he would always oblige

Then there was our gelding Jazz....loved to play football....when in his stables, he would grab his football, rush round his box, leaping and bucking, before tossing the ball over his door, then proceed to call to anyone near to throw his ball back again. He would keep up this game for as long as anyone would play with him.

Funnily have not had many girlies with funny little habits, or is it just that boys never grow up and still like to be boys??

Valentine Arabians Posted - 13 Feb 2010 : 11:03:55 AM
Love this thread!

Belle backs you into a corner to scratch her bum and gently kicks you in the shins if you ignore her.
Mitraz also sticks his tongue out to be played with (must be a 'boy' thing).
Minnie wee's in a bucket.
Mimikha (2009 filly) stands side on to the stable door, with her nose in the air when she wants her neck scratched.
Malek has to hold onto your shoulder and follows you around when you are trying to skip out his stable (another 'boy' thing)!
William steps back, looks at you, tilts his head to one side, then stretches his neck right out and stands with his muzzle resting against your arm...usually after he has got in to trouble, almost as if apologising! He used to chase his tail, but that has stopped since we had (ssshhhh!) his bits removed!!!
Molly always examines, in great detail, any new footware. If she approves, she wanders off, if not, you are guaranteed a nip in disgust.
Jetstream (mother-in-law's mini US-bred gelding) licks my bum when I am hanging up his net...pervert!
debs Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 10:09:57 PM
My old boy used to flick my pony tail round and round until I moved, very quickly grab my tight jods...never catching my skin and would grab the top of my wellies and pull.
Ali rolls his tongue and flicks it in and out. When I brush his tail he drops his willie....wish I could get him to stop that one.
My friends youngster manages to grab hold of any bit of fabric thst sticks out... little bits on cuffs, the fabric pulleys on zips, no matter how small he grabs them and pulls them off. Including my hood off of one of my jackets
zebo Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 9:39:15 PM
I forgot to say that my mare Eastworth Ahmoshini talks like Mr Ed all the time!
vjc Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 9:33:12 PM
What a brilliant thread this is!!! full of equine characters am loving HT the donkey
lesleyA Maya has the same dam as eddie (elmdale enchantress) and her sire is the stunning royal command of wentward who is standing at murraybrookstud, and she is equally as cheeky as mr Ed
zebo Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 9:27:36 PM
We've had a few strange ones too over the years, we had a brood mare that would sit in the field like a dog on a daily basis. We also have had colts who chase their tails. We also had a colt who would empty his water bucket and then run around the stable banging it around the walls, he loved doing it but it really upset everything else on the yard it made so much noise!
Arabs are very different!
Mrs DJ Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 7:58:04 PM
Oooooh. I'd forgotten that one - my mare waves a back leg at me when her 'bits' need cleaning, too.
And backs up to me in the field for her backside scratching. Once frightened a friend of mine by doing it to her - she thought she was about to get both barrels!!
Meggie-Lu Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 7:41:36 PM
I love the fact that each horsey's have there own lil habits! Some r so funni!!
Mrs Vlacq Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 7:22:36 PM
Our ould TB stallion used to present his tongue on command and would let anyone play with it all day long... occsasionally sliding it back in to get wet again. It too sent him to zzzzzzzz
Wooly headbutts people on command and frisks anyone new - right pocket, left pocket, hat, shoes (cos that's where you keep polos apparently!) - he's just a thug.
Rubyn will bang his door and do a little dance to tell me that he wants a wee and he has to have a new bit of straw - even if you've just put him in to a new bed, he has to have a new bit delivered to wee on.
Valiant turns buckets inside-out. Sees them as a challenge
Khazad (stallion) likes to hold things, usually your collar, then nods off in bliss. He also cocks his leg out horizontal at bath time to get his bits cleaned
I think it's great you all take the time to notice thees things about your horses - gotta love a horse with character!
sugar xx Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 6:59:25 PM
Rio likes his teeth or lips smacked and sometimes pokes his tongue out for you to hold
Asbo chases his tail like a dog very funny to watch he likes to do it if he has an audience!
and Dancer likes to eat polos from out of your mouth she is very gentle
some of their little habits are very strange but amusing
Meggie-Lu Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 5:58:09 PM
As Merlin dosent live on his own these r the random things the boys get up 2:
Pudsey - As he is blind and deaf he lays in the middle of the feild, and eats the grass around him, then gets up and moves along a bit then lays down again!! It's very funni 2 watch!
Gerry - Scratches his bum on the fence, he also sticks his bum in your face when ur poo picking untill you tickle it! Gerry also weridly licks hair and faces! Maybe it's and arab thing?
HT - Walks right up to the horses and brays in their faces!!! Lol, the horses jump out of thier skins! (Not Pudsey he just satnds there) He is a donkey by the way! Haha!
Merlin- is the most random horse ever! He rolls like a dog! When he is in the stable laying on fresh straw he rolls over and you can blow rasberry's on his fat tummy!
Merlin also sings along to the radio! He's a big oprea fan!! He neighs along and when the notes get higher he throws his head up and down!! Haha!!

Here are the offenders!



LesleyA Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 5:56:38 PM
All very funny...would love to see a horse chasing his tail too.

JVC Maya is beautiful does she share the same mummy or daddy to Eddie?
rosie Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 5:21:25 PM
Rosie LOVES a running hose pipe, so much so that if we hold it up in the air, she grabs it - looks sooooo funny as she can't drink the water quick enough so theres water everywhere!
Also, she'll pee in the bucket for us.
Bertie - his quirk is he'll back up to you for a bottom scratch.
razberry Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 5:01:44 PM
My boy loves to roll his tongue, seems to relax him. Yet every time you go to get the camera out he puts it away!
Took my brother 2 hours of patiently waiting outside his stable one night to get a snap!
Pashon2001 Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 4:38:50 PM
Hakka likes his teeth smacked!?! And a coloured mare I had here used to cock her leg when she peed lol
dinkidoo Posted - 12 Feb 2010 : 2:52:18 PM
Dinki likes to almost bite my hand to get some skin between his teeth and then sucks like a baby! It takes quite a lot of trust on my behalf but he loves to do it and closes his eyes all relaxed
Kerry likes to be a scary horse towards adults that dont know her all teeth nashing and head swirling but put my 2 tiny little girls in front of her and shes like a mother hen!

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