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 Would anyone like a free riding holiday?picture

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LYNDILOU Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 11:04:33 AM
I cant go, but I will pay the £250 to any one of you who would like to do this wonderful thing for Brooke Hospital I will also pledge the first sponsership of £50 to get the ball rolling , here is the link and anyone who is seriously interested contact me by PM[:D
21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LYNDILOU Posted - 15 Feb 2010 : 3:20:11 PM
Sad to say I dont think we will be able to make the target of £3,000 on here, so unfortunatley its a no go thanks anyway all who offered to donate
janice Posted - 11 Feb 2010 : 9:31:05 PM
I'll sponser too, a very good cause.
precious Posted - 10 Feb 2010 : 11:38:03 AM
I'll give a few pounds for whover does it. Cant afford alot but if everyone puts £5 or whatever they can afford it helps.
LadyB Posted - 09 Feb 2010 : 10:06:52 PM
Hi everyone, I went on the BHS sponsored ride in Jordan and it was THE most amazing thing I have ever done in my life! I really recommend the sponsored 'holidays' with the BHS. I must say it was hard going in Jordan but I would do it again at the drop of a hat. Met some wonderful people and had a experience I will never forget. It is making me feel all tingly thinking about it again.....

I done loads of things to raise the money, ie organised a sponsored local ride, swam 50 lengths and got people to sponsor me... you could do car boots - there are allot of options if you put your mind to it!!

Good lock to whoever takes up this fabulous opportunity - and well done you Lynda for offering it!!!
jaj Posted - 06 Feb 2010 : 12:01:51 AM

Have to say I agree that a goal and a story is always good to get people giving. Bit like Haiti and children in need etc, we wouldn't necessarily give that money ordinarily or at least not on that scale but a cause (like those people climbing Kilimanjaro) does seem to get people digging into their pockets.

I would be happy to sponsor someone to do the ride for sure ! (not the full £3k though obviously , mind you my numbers might come up tomorrow night on the lottery so who knows ).

LYNDILOU Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 10:19:18 PM
I have to disagree there Suyen I think the holiday would be a great thing , and Emma could come back with photos and write a lovely story all about her adventure all in a good cause, it will also help rise awareness of the plight of the animals working in third world countries, so few people really know or understand their plight,
I had a group of hikers walking past my gate stop and read the sign I put out about the eggs money going to the brooke hospital , they had no idea what it was until I told them
suyents Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 8:11:05 PM
i've been thinking about this all day and, if we can raise that sort of money why don't we just GIVE it to the Brook??? After all, no one really needs to go on the holiday part, and then the money would ALL go to the really needy cause. i suddenly remembered today that, to my mind, sponsorship is really about self in a way and giving is just about giving. Simple.
LYNDILOU Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 6:04:54 PM
That would be wonderful Emma, I will also offer a covering to WSA Charismma*** to the highest bidder closed bids to my PM and the money to go towards the sponsership of Emma on her ride
Gemma Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 3:01:37 PM
If I were to do this, I would be attempting to raise sponsorship amongst my contacts, so would not be expecting ALines to raise the full amount. So you could agree that ALines raises, say, £1500 and I come up with the rest?
LYNDILOU Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 2:39:27 PM
I have spoken to the head office about it , and yes we would have to rise about £3,000 in sponsorship money, I would need to get you to pledge your money at soonest to find out if it would be achievable before we send someone off to Iceland, how about it????? I will ask Paula if we can have a sticky on this thread
Totalrookie Posted - 05 Feb 2010 : 2:35:01 PM
I'd love to do it, but realistically can't. Would be willing to sponsor anyone from on Alines who takes up the challenge though.
Slave 2 Magic Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 9:25:33 PM
Lynda, I wish I'd known about the possibility of folks on here sponsoring. I have all the forms and booked the time off work and then realised the sponsorship amount was huge. If the amount isn't raised you have to pay the difference yourself and sadly I couldn't afford to do that.
Gemma Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 8:43:58 PM
Have sent you a PM Lynda!
suyents Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 7:03:52 PM
i would also be happy to do this, but know that raising the sponser money would be quite impossible for me...but if the ALines can raise £3K then i would happily ride.
LYNDILOU Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 2:56:05 PM
well once we get someone to take the offer up Amanda , that would be the next step , to ask all the wonderful caring and kind members on A/lines to sponser you
AJJ Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 2:43:30 PM
Looks fab, I bet if I suggested my partner would do it as long as it doesn't clash too much with any other of his endurance competitions. It looks a great experience of the icelandic ponies as well as raising money for such a good cause so close to our hearts.

I will see what response I get and may be taking the kind offer up!! I am sure othe AL's would sponsor as much as they could afford

Smiler Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 2:04:26 PM
would love to do something like that but never will whos gonna look after my mob

good luck though to anyone who can
LYNDILOU Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 1:36:38 PM
we may be able to here ???
Slave 2 Magic Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 1:23:42 PM
I applied to go on this but after looking into it closer you have to get nearly £3000 in sponsorship! There is no way I'd be able to raise that much.
Gemma Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 12:15:59 PM
Hmm I'm free that week. Will discuss with OH and see if he'll look after the menagerie.....
Pasha Posted - 04 Feb 2010 : 11:44:20 AM
I would LOVE to do something like this, but typically one of my friends is getting married that weekend!!! Very good luck to whoever takes you up on your very generous offer Linda! Will be a once in a lifetime experience! x

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