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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rosie Posted - 18 Apr 2013 : 12:30:09 PM
About 5 weeks ago, Chelle took Bertie and Rosie out showjumping.
Bertie went in 3 classes, and won 2 and was 2nd in the other.
That night we noticed 2 small lumps on his back in the saddle area, and when you touched them he was VERY sore.

We then arranged for a saddler and physiotherapist to check him out.
The saddler said that his saddle no longer fitted and it was probably our old saddle causing the problem. A new saddle was purchased so hopefully problem sorted?

She said that her dilemma was that Bertie is short backed and needs a small saddle and Chelle is sooo tall and needs a larger saddle but she found a saddle to fit Bertie.

She also advised us to use a girth with non-elastic ends as her theory is that the elastic has the 'give and take' movement which causes the saddle to move, and to use a polypad as Bertie may be thin-skinned?

I've always used girths with elastic ends and also thin numnahs with the belief that if a saddle fits then a thin numnah is adequate?

So we now have a new saddle, girth, and numnah.

Physiotherapist came out and gave Bertie a treatment which he did need as he was sore.

We were then entered to go to cricklands, so the phsyio came out a week later to check on Bertie and whether he was OK to ride again or need longer off. After another check, she said he didn't need any treatment and in her opinion he was fit for 3 days of competition.

My gut feeling, was that him and Michelle maybe needed longer to make sure for certain he was OK and they were both happy with the new saddle so we didn't go.
Instead Chelle hacked bertie out then on Sunday took him x-country.Anyone that has seen my videos on fb will have seen that he jumped fabulously, with tail up and ears *****ed.

That evening, I noticed Bertie's back is sore again

Poor Bertie.
I've had a chat with the vet and we've put him on bute to help with the pain and inflammation, and in his opinion he thinks we still have a saddle issue? Bertie is happy being ridden and jumped but something is still not right.

We have the phsyio coming out again on Friday evening.

If anyone has any suggestions or advise then I'd really appreciate it as at the moment I feel I am banging my head against a brick wall and not getting anywhere.

I seem to be taking so much advise but not getting anywhere:

I have a vet who thinks its a saddle problem.
A saddler who thinks that Chelle is now too tall for Bertie, and needs a bigger horse.
And a phsyio who makes Bertie better then he goes sore again.
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Nichole Waller Posted - 26 Apr 2013 : 08:54:22 AM
I have an English Saddle Company saddle for my welsh x Arab. This fits her really well and I've had no problems with it. But she is much more of an off the peg fit than my Arab. It doesn't fit my Arab at all but then they are completely different shapes and sizes.
rosie Posted - 25 Apr 2013 : 9:13:34 PM
anyone tried 'saddle company' saddles? NOT the Arabian saddle company
Cinnypony Posted - 23 Apr 2013 : 2:04:31 PM
Walk away with your money back

Have you thought about a Free n Easy as I have 2 for endurance - one is a GP and they also do jumping as well as endurance saddles.

My 2 - I bought 1 new (v expensive), but I bought a second and one for £420. Whether you buy a new one or one off ebay, Les Sparks who makes them will come out and fit. He is based in County Durham, but fits us all the way down in Hampshire too.
sarahjo Posted - 23 Apr 2013 : 1:14:42 PM
I would also walk away and try someone else. It just sounds like she's got her mind set on what the problem is and you could end up going round in circles with her. Also there's no saying she will have anything that will fit better. Someone else might have different makes of saddles to try?
Hope it works out ok

kath Posted - 23 Apr 2013 : 11:13:44 AM
I would use a different saddler. You will know yourself that Chelle isnt too big, its jsut a case of finding a make of saddle that will accomodate her leg. There are definately ones out there, though as a short person i can't help with what! But if shes tall, it wont be her seat thats the problem but her leg so it shouldnt be an unsurmountable problem,

Poor Bertie, i hope he is ok soon - saddles are a nightmare! I have had loads of issues with Gus and now he's a slim jim i'm having to buy another saddle (last one was XW, this will be a MW!) It seems that the Ideals suit him and a lot of other Arabs too, so might be soemthing to look out for
Pasch Posted - 23 Apr 2013 : 11:04:28 AM
I would also walk away.
Judith S Posted - 23 Apr 2013 : 10:44:28 AM
I would walk away, she has already said that the rider is too big for the horse so what is she going to change that will make a difference? She will just come back to the same conclusion further down the line if things are not working.
sab2 Posted - 23 Apr 2013 : 10:36:41 AM
Rosie have you tried David Sayer from Yarm , hes been working on a similar problem with my friend and her horse, hes very hard to get hold of sometimes but Sandra in the shop is great. Have you tried the wintec / Bates in 17in , i know they are not for every horse and still need fitting by saddler but the wintec are very light and can come with flock or cair.
rosie Posted - 23 Apr 2013 : 10:16:44 AM
Got the vet coming out today - Bertie is going to be injected with a steroid .

Now to the saddle dilemma - the saddler has now returned my calls, and has offered to either take the saddle back and walk away, or work with us and getting a saddle that fits.

Shes a lovely lady, BUT shes convinced that Michelle is too tall/big on Bertie and thats our problem, BUT my vet and physio say that is a load of rubbish and our problem is with the saddle. Do I give her the chance to sort the problem out?

My gut feeling is to walk away, and work with a saddler that the physio knows and they can work together with us.

I don't mind paying for a saddle that fits, but I think we really need to go down the route of a trial and buy. The first saddler, can do us a made to measure saddle but I don't want to go down that route if she can't guarantee that Bertie will be happy with it and she can't give me a guarantee that will be the case.

I've had problems with saddle fitting an Arab before, but NEVER to this level.

Whats your thoughts? Where do i go from here?
Callisto Posted - 21 Apr 2013 : 9:40:52 PM
with reference to Flair, maybe that is why the Bates works for Buzz - it is the Cair system - not quite the same I know, but along the same lines.
Arachnid Posted - 21 Apr 2013 : 6:14:10 PM
I've got a 16.5 inch saddle but the saddler has created a a bit more room in the seat for me! Maybe your saddler could do something similar? it is a straightish cut GP so I can jump in it.

Has your saddler suggested a conversion to flair? Its worth looking into for sensitive beasties. My GP is currently away being reflocked in 'sensitive boy flocking' and if this doesn't work I'll get it converted to flair.

I'm pretty sure this is why the Wow works for us so well (because otherwise it is rather too long and heavy)
Quarabian Posted - 21 Apr 2013 : 4:07:18 PM
Love that pic Callisto. I would love to ride there.

As to saddles, the length of the saddle is not as important as how the weight is distributed. If it fits properly the weight should be spread over a wide area. Consider western saddles. However, I don't think Chelle is guilty of this, but some riders can sit on their seatbones quite hard!!! Bertis wouldn't go as well for her as he does if that were the case.
Cinnypony Posted - 21 Apr 2013 : 3:04:59 PM
Hi. Agree re your saddler talking piffle (love that word). Cinny is a short backed 14h and I am 5'6. We have a 17" FnE. The panels are very adjustable, and we use for endurance. Ours is a GP so we can also jump.
Callisto Posted - 21 Apr 2013 : 1:47:34 PM
I am 5'7" and I ride my very shortcoupled 14.1hh pony in a 16.5" Bates VSD. I have a long upper leg, and the saddler didn't believe I would fit in it, and he couldn't take a bigger saddle. That was when he was 5, he is now rising 10 and still in same saddle (although have put different gullets in it as he grew). He has been ridden all day and got grade 1's at up to 40km endurance in it with no issues. The straighter cut gives me more leg loom and you can adjust the kneeroll position. It is very comfortable for me, and good for jumping (and for sitting into when he gets a bit carried away and starts bucking ).

We went through a lot of different saddles before we found this one (to trial, not buy). One saddler who I asked to check it told me it was too long for his back, and that his back would be sore, but then had to take it back because he couldn't find any sore bits (and he tried very hard to find some...).

This is my 5' 7" niece riding in it with huge sheepskin seat saver

So it is possible, good luck with your search.
rosie Posted - 21 Apr 2013 : 1:25:03 PM
Originally posted by sarahjo

With my previous horse I had the problem of saddle fitting as I am 5ft7 and my horse was 14'3hh. My saddler said ideally the horse would have 16.5" but I needed a 17" due to the length of my leg. In an ideal world a child would ride him

Sarahjo - that is a similiar size to Michelle and Bertie, but he can't cope with the 17 " saddle. I guess our next step is to see if Chelle & Bertie can cope with a 16 1/2 " saddle?
sarahjo Posted - 19 Apr 2013 : 9:14:39 PM
With my previous horse I had the problem of saddle fitting as I am 5ft7 and my horse was 14'3hh. My saddler said ideally the horse would have 16.5" but I needed a 17" due to the length of my leg. In an ideal world a child would ride him
Anyhow if I had the smaller saddle the weight distribution would happen in a different part of the saddle (ie right at the back instead of in the middle) thus causing more problems than a saddle that was slightly too long for the horse. So basically the best compromise to suit both of us. Saying that the first saddle I had off her she knew wasn't quite right and she did swap it with no worries. It's an excel event and def recommend them.

Hope you get it sorted.


rosie Posted - 19 Apr 2013 : 7:59:45 PM
Well the physio has been out to work on Bertie this evening. In her opinion his 'new saddle' that was fitted by a master saddler doesn't fit him - now to see if I can get my money back or a replacement saddle that does fit?
dawn Posted - 19 Apr 2013 : 12:30:27 PM
i can vouch for prestige saddles every day of the week for arabs. i have both boys in them and just had saddler out this week as bought new prestige in january - he retemplated from original fitting and ralph has muscled up by 10mm which he said was brilliant as he is now able to use himself fully . they are built on a smaller pattern than most saddles so accomodate a shorter coupled wide ribbed arab but the seats accomodate a normal seat if that makes sense. joshua who is a very short coupled 14.3hh arab has a 16 inch prstige dressage saddle and i am a size 12 and 5.4 inch and it fits me perfectly. i have had many nightmares over the years with saddles/backs/saddlers who swear im being difficult because ive told them i dont agree with their fitting and got my money back on a made to measure saddle after my horse had to have 10 days treatment as it sat too long on him .....glad im sotred now but does sound like your saddler isnt doing a good job
flash arabs Posted - 19 Apr 2013 : 12:10:59 PM
Have a look at saddle company saddles adjustable by millimetres also do a longer flap on shorter saddles and you can have under synthetic top leather for a smart look but cheaper than full leather my horse is very sensitive but i swear by mine :-) good luck
pinkvboots Posted - 18 Apr 2013 : 9:35:23 PM
I have a Lavinia Mitchell saddle and can only say my horse has already replaced some muscle that previous saddles have damaged, I have been using this method for about 5 months so its worked for us.
FullCircle Posted - 18 Apr 2013 : 8:15:37 PM
I went round and round with my old saddler and a short coupled pba. He could take 16.5 or 17 inch max, I needed a 17.5 inch. He also had those same sore lumps that you describe. I bought a reactor panel for my boy and it's been well worth the money! Lovely to ride in and he's so much more comfy!
Judith S Posted - 18 Apr 2013 : 7:20:02 PM
LM used to fit Balance saddles and now does her own similar saddles. They are good in the way that they are properly wide enough for the horse, but the shimming in the pockets of the numnah can be a bit imprecise and I have seen a horse with a very sore back from one that had just been refitted. As with everything they suit some but not all and may well be worth considering.
LIV Posted - 18 Apr 2013 : 7:15:22 PM
After experiencing this exact same problem I would definitely say it's the saddle.

I had my saddle fitter back and she told me to girth him up differently but he still had huge swellings. I demanded someone else come out as she obviously couldn't see that the saddle just did not fit at all. The next visit with someone else fixed the problem as he required a totally different saddle (like I had originally been telling the previous woman) and I have never had a problem since.
glo Posted - 18 Apr 2013 : 6:52:45 PM
Well thats 3 people on this thread that have had Lavinia fit saddles to them!!!
MirandaToo Posted - 18 Apr 2013 : 6:41:20 PM
I'm trying to write this in bit of a rush so hoping it makes sense!

I've had all sorts of saddle problems which I won't bore you with! I recently went (out of desperation!!) to a clinic held by a lovely lady called Lavinia Mitchell who makes and fits saddles, my horse physio and a human physio. Long story short, it was incredibly informative and covered soooo many areas of horse anatomy and how the saddle fits.

The thing that really made me look at my saddle is the fact that LM doesn't 'fit' saddles to the horses current shape, but fits slightly wider and then shims the saddle, allowing the horse to muscle up underneath... I'm explaining this really badly, but there is loads of info on her site.

I was really sceptical about this approach as, like you, I thought if a saddle fitted I should only use a thin numnah under - however, having listened to her and seen the templates of different horses she has worked with, I have to say I'm converted..... sure that it's not to everyone's way of doing things, but it makes sense to me and seems to be working for my pony who has almost exactly the same probs as you are describing!

By the way, having seen vids, there is no way your daughter is too big for Bertie.... but if she is I'll happily take him off your hands!!!

Sorry, in a real rush, but if you do want more info PM me, or try emailing Lavinia who I'm sure will offer advice!

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