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Vik1 Posted - 28 Oct 2012 : 11:44:39 AM
what do you use? If any and how often?

My older lady has quite bad superficial cracks on her back feet that are steadily getting worse. Shes been barefoot behind now for 7 years. Her feet are a good shape but utter crap growth, always have been. Tried all sorts of supplements to no farriers formula, biotin etc

In summer, they were quite bad with the dry hard ground. Now I think its the combination of wet and then the bedding drying them out at night.

Ive been using Kevin Bacons hoof grease every 2nd night or so but not sure if I doing the right thing or not. Read it can actually keep moisture out which could make cracks worse.

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Judith S Posted - 29 Oct 2012 : 08:25:46 AM
I think you may have answered your own question - 'This is the leg she is permanently lame on'.
If she is favouring that leg and putting different stresses through the hoof then those stresses will often show up as cracks in the hoof as the structure tries to respond. We had this long-term after Amigo had spavins in both hocks followed by navicular, years of compensation caused his hooves to crack and they are finally right now that the whole body is working correctly.
complete novice Posted - 29 Oct 2012 : 08:08:34 AM
If her hooves are drying out a bit quick when she comes in could you try some aqueous cream, wet the hooves first and then rub some in, really cheap and it does provide moisture but still allows the hoof to breathe.
Vik1 Posted - 28 Oct 2012 : 5:51:59 PM
Actually was looking at them again tonight. One hoof is fine and looks good (the one that had the abscess in her heel). Its her off hind that has the cracks. Farrier says they are nothing to worry about. Meant to take a pic of it but forgot! She does get her toes rolled when she gets a trim, but I dont do it in between.
Possibly caused by her dragging her toe? This is the leg she is permanently lame on. She gets danilon every day but you can still see it very slightly in trot.
pinkvboots Posted - 28 Oct 2012 : 4:27:10 PM
Seedy toe can cause cracks get your farrier to check she has not got the start of it, was very common this year both mine had it.

Edited to say, if the cracks are getting high get the farrier make an indention in the hoof wall above the crack it can stop them going all the way up.
Etoile Posted - 28 Oct 2012 : 4:10:51 PM
Do you keep a roll on the edge of the hoof walls between trims? We found that doing this every week or two on spirits feet has stopped a few minor superficial cracks getting worse, and now we're just waiting for them to grow out.
Judith S Posted - 28 Oct 2012 : 2:02:05 PM
If feet are cracking like that on a horse with good diet I would be looking towards a potential physical problem preventing the horse standing and using itself properly, or a poor trim.
FireLight Posted - 28 Oct 2012 : 1:34:53 PM
I use Farriers Formula. I was going to take him off it as didn't think it was working but vet told me to be patient and finally after 5 months his feet look great, no cracks, even kept a set of shoes on for 6 weeks - first time ever! Have used Kevin Bacon on my other horse and was pleased. My vet said different products will work on some and not others so bit of trail and error.
garnet Posted - 28 Oct 2012 : 1:02:39 PM
Forgot to say Red also has Farriers Formula since lami, again on farrier's advice. Great, now I've said it twice!
garnet Posted - 28 Oct 2012 : 1:01:40 PM
I have used Naf Hoofmoist for many years on all horses. Since Red had lami 2 years ago farrier advised me to use Keratex (actually bought Naf Rockhard as Keratex was sold out) as his front feet weren't brilliant. Have also used it on his hinds after he had shoes off and got some breaking when it was hot and dry (which day was that?) Seems to work well - you use it every day for a while and then just once or twice a week. Red has also had Farriers Formula since lami, also on farrier's advice.

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