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 Best of British 'Winter Celebrations' Feb 6th

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
alkarif Posted - 30 Dec 2010 : 3:30:12 PM
In-Hand Officianado's - Something for Everyone (Guaranteed)

A MEGA IN-HAND SHOW...........Lancashire Area

Rossendale & Hyndburn EC (Croft Top) Accrington, Lancs.

6th February 2011


3 Rings stacked full of In-Hand Classes (45 classes in total)
'EVENING PERFORMANCE' - 7 Separate Championships including Youngstock and Amateur Performance/Home Produced Sections
& Not forgetting our fantastic SUPREME CHAMPIONSHIP

A Show with a difference as only 'Best of British Team' know how to produce!

Why not email us for a schedule and make it a date in your diaries.

email: (or)

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 6th!!!!!

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
alkarif Posted - 06 Feb 2011 : 12:22:32 AM
Only ONE Pre-Entered Arab (Closing Date 5th Feb)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope some turn up on the day.

Doesn't look like we'll be splitting the class into Pure - Part-Bred & Anglo!
OldHand Posted - 31 Jan 2011 : 6:03:57 PM
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Change the name to 'The Summers on its way show' Brena ,might make me feel warmer !!!!
alkarif Posted - 31 Jan 2011 : 4:39:22 PM
A quick reminder to let you know that the Best of British ‘Winter Celebrations’ Pre-Entry Closing Date is FAST approaching – this Saturday, 5th February 2011,

Sue is waiting up till midnight, then all-comers after that are ‘On-the-Day’ Entries. (Why not save yourself a few pounds and get your entries in a.s.a.p).

Sue has been incredibly busy!!!!! But you’ll have to wait ‘n’ see what she’s been up to when you get to the show.

As per usual you can rely on Best of British Team to put on something special!

Stanley & Boogie are getting on their best ‘Bib and Tucker’ thanks to (Mum) Helen’s imagination.


Read more:
alkarif Posted - 23 Jan 2011 : 8:21:55 PM
Judges: (All Un-Affiliated)

Ring 1: Ms. D. Oakes (Cheshire)
Ring 2: Mrs. S. Richardson (Lancashire)
Ring 3: Mr. C. Bradley (Lancashire)

Hope this helps Ashqar.
ashquar Posted - 22 Jan 2011 : 9:10:34 PM
Hi Brenda,
I have been telling people about you're show and they have been asking who the judges are.
BabsR Posted - 31 Dec 2010 : 2:23:31 PM
Brenda....Here also, making a last ditch attempt to encourage Arab/Anglo/Part Bred Arab Breeders/Owners to come out from behind closed doors and show their treasured friends at our New Show aimed specifically at home produced exhibitors

A new Arab concept.....SIX consecutive monthly Shows exclusively for
Pure/Part and Anglo Arabs which offers the keen amateur a chance to
expand their horses capabilities. Lots of classes and Championships
plus dressage and clear round jumping. Also Veterans, Young Handler and Young Rider. For those who own unregistered AA/Arab/PBA, classes are also included with their relative championships

Plans are well under way and a proposed draft is posted for those interested, the first show `West Midlands Arabian Festival Show` is to be staged on Sunday May 8th 2011 (Recently revised so not to clash with North Staffs AHS and Midlands AHS Spring Shows)

Full info in our website, by clicking onto the WMAF web page

Brenda, wishing your Gold Series Show a huge success and apologies for hijacking your thread We are both fighting the same try to get more Arab enthusiasts to exhibit at our Shows
Good Luck and hope your efforts are well rewarded


Revised Show date added

angelarab Posted - 31 Dec 2010 : 2:15:53 PM
Humm maybe Baz should come for a day out? Have pm'd you my email address for schedule please
alkarif Posted - 31 Dec 2010 : 11:13:27 AM
Thanks to everyone who has requested schedules via the email. Here's hoping we can promote our breed at all levels of competition.

Our judges names will be published as soon as the final one has confirmed.
alkarif Posted - 30 Dec 2010 : 3:57:08 PM
If anyone wants a schedule...send us your email!
alkarif Posted - 30 Dec 2010 : 3:43:46 PM
For Arab people...we do have an Arab Class currently combined with Anglo's & Part-Breds at this new show in February. I would love to split this class and have a Pure-Bred Class separate but it totally depends on entries. Even if we don't split the class, there are other classes available too. Open Youngstock or Open Yearlings other Open classes not to forget Amateur Produced Youngstock and Amateur Produced Horses that Arabs could also enter, so you wouldn't be coming for just one class. There are also Sport Horse Sections that Arabs would be welcome to enter as they are so versatile and should be taking their rightful place in this type of class. If we get the entries (Pre-Booked) we can prepare the schedule to accomodate. On the Day entries are most welcome too (but cost more!)

I was devastated when we decided to lose the Arab Section at our 'Champions of the Future' Show in November due entirely to poor support, another reason why we combined the breed at this show. I would love to prove everything wrong and welcome a full arab section again. Lets get all those arabs out and promote the breed at grass roots levels where it counts!

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