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 Shadwell Stud - Fadjik and Cindy?????

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lorna.adams Posted - 09 Jan 2010 : 12:44:56 PM

I bought a filly called Lottie in September. She was bred at Shadwell stud. her Sire is Fadjik who I have managed to find lots of info on which is all fabulous. Her Dam is called Cindy and i can't find anything on her. I have e-mailed Shadwell and they couldn't give me any info on her except her name.
Lottie was born at Shadwell.

If anyone out there knows anything about Cindy I would love to hear it! A pic would be fab!


4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jamana Posted - 12 Jan 2010 : 6:20:06 PM
Was her foaling date either really early or quite late? She could be the result of a test mating where they check that the stallion is fertile before the season starts. She would then just be out of one of the studs foster mares.

A couple of years ago there were some youngsters advertised in our local free-ads by two top class TB racehorse sires from Shadwell. Both were the result of half bred test matings and had been given to the man as he was retiring after working at Shadwell for many years. Unfortunately the man had got too old to look after them any more.
lorna.adams Posted - 09 Jan 2010 : 5:17:22 PM
she's not registerd. got a weatherbys passport.
lorna.adams Posted - 09 Jan 2010 : 5:16:24 PM
I'm not sure if she is pure bred. He Dad definatly is but have no idea of her mums breeding. I bought her from a dealer who got her directly from Shadwell. I e-mailed shadwell to check that she was definatly one of theres and they confirmed it but they could only confirm her dams name which is Cindy. Her passport has no breeding record on it
Rozy Rider Posted - 09 Jan 2010 : 5:15:54 PM
So is she a registered purebred Arab??.

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