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 KADAM KHAIR (BACHA) - Arab 1910~.Info

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Rozy Rider Posted - 03 Jan 2010 : 12:27:52 AM
Info please on a Grey Arab Stallion KADAM KHAIR 'BACHA', Arab-Bred Register Vol.I. Born around 1910~ and covered as few New Forest Ponies.
Thank You
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rozy Rider Posted - 09 Jan 2010 : 12:11:58 AM
IREX. Born in 1927, a Chestnut, he covered a few Welsh mares.

RIX. 1927,Arab, Just has the one New Forest mare listed as covered.

North Wind,(sire: POLE STAR (Imp) Desert Bred Arab)
NORTH STAR,(Imp) Arab.

Pelle Posted - 05 Jan 2010 : 5:55:02 PM
Mother has found in NPS vol XX in New Forest section,
4539 Garth Fletchwood Lass (late Fletchwood Lass vol 18)
sire Field Marshal 512 chestnut 14.2hh
dam (62 N.F.S.B.) Burley Queen by an arab horse (someone has made a note in ink ; Rex bay arab horse 13.2hh, winner at Hyberabad and Meerut in 1883-1886-1887)
grand dam New Forest Pony.
And in an article in Horse&Hound in 1942: Several New Forest and polobred mares by the minature oriental stallion Aabaan was winner at county shows. Mrs van Zeller's mare Oriental Light 14-1 hh by Aabaan out of Northsnow by North Wind (PBAvol IV )winner of showjumping and Hack classes, and a very good jumper.
Rex and Aabaan? all info welcome.
Rozy Rider Posted - 04 Jan 2010 : 11:03:01 PM
Thanks Lynda, Another one from Hants..Ring any Bells Pelle..
Wonder if he's got any more stock.( other than 2 New Forest's of Fred Cobb)
Lynda Posted - 04 Jan 2010 : 10:50:39 AM
Kadam Khair ("BACHA") is in The Arab bred register 1921, under the section for Eastern Stallions possessing at least 50% of Pure Arab blood.

Born 1897 Grey, blaze, both hind and off fore white.
A Gulf Arab: bred at Sinnah. His sire was an Arab from Kerkuk.
Owned by Miss Edith Pycroft, Street Cottage, Burley, Brockenhurst, Hants

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