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 Jollibits barb or arab stallion?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Pelle Posted - 05 Dec 2009 : 6:14:29 PM
Mother has found a photo of miss Berryl Perry on Tit-bits , by Jollibits (Barb polopony from India) ex forest mare.Winning Childrens Comp. Withington show 1928. Anyone who know who Jollibits is?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rozy Rider Posted - 12 Jan 2010 : 10:31:47 PM
Lynda Found this.. with the last horse mentioned.. Tit Bits.. and Silver in there too.

Found some info in the Journal of the Arab Horse Society, called The Arab Horse in India, Past and Present by Brigadier W.H. Anderson CBE. late Director of Remounts in India.

Apart from the introduction, there is mention of Foundation Sires of the Ahmednager Stud. This states that about 26 Arab stallions purchased from the racecourse at Bombay and Poona, have been at the stud since 1902. The most distinguised of them were the following:
Singer (1906) Purity (1909) Zoolphokar (1906) Grey 14.2, leg 7in, girth 64.5in; winner of six races Rs 12,300 all from 4-6 furlongs.
Others mentioned are: Dictate (1914) Krushan (1915) Warminster (1913) Ferry Boat (1912) Silver Thrush (1921) Mundil; Khundil; Amin; Mansoor Beg; Tit-bits.

Rozy Rider Posted - 20 Dec 2009 : 3:44:54 PM
Hi Pelle, Have a look at Mabroud, he was with Mrs Oscar Muntz, Foxhams in 1930. Looks a bit interesting..Mrs Muir brought him back to Devon from India..and he's a 1907 & Grey. Searching now to find the other progeny mentioned by him....
Does he ring any bells your end....Zool ???
Cheers Sue

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