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 WHITE WINGS - NPS 464. -1900~ Polo Pony Stallion.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Rozy Rider Posted - 02 Dec 2009 : 1:07:44 PM
Hi Pelle It sounds as if this might be your White Wings bred by The Radnorshire Polo & Riding Pony Co Ltd.

White Wings -NPS 464, a Dark Chestnut standing 14.2hh, was the sire of 2908 FLU - NPS. (Flu's dam was registered FUNNY FACE so just maybe she had the white face too).leaving you the link to
6692 FANNY FRECKLES - NPS Born in April 1927.

Any more info on this White Wings please..and if your Mother or Gran Mother find a pic I'll stick it with his info.
Found this..
Royal Agricultural Society of England - Business & Economics - 1915
Polo and Riding Ponies.2 Clui 41.— Polo and Riding Pony ... White Wings 464. d.
Robbery 2571 by Gold Medallist (vol. 20, p. 1022 GSB). 302 III. ...
Bath and West and Southern Counties Society - Business & Economics - 1914
Pony Stallion, not exceeding 15 hands, suitable to get Polo or Riding Ponies.
... White Wings, foaled 1906, bred by the Radnorshire Polo and Riding Pony Co.
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rozy Rider Posted - 05 Jan 2010 : 12:34:18 PM
Cheers Sue.
Melynda Posted - 02 Jan 2010 : 1:32:40 PM
He was a thoroughbred and it is General Stud Book Vol 16 p.242 you want.
I've got it and have put his details on Sport Horse.
Rozy Rider Posted - 01 Jan 2010 : 9:51:56 PM
Thanks Lynda, Hope I got the right Hermit, Didnt he do well - 150 offsprings..and he looks mor like a PB/AA than a TB...
Happy New Year.
Cheers Sue
Lynda Posted - 01 Jan 2010 : 12:36:36 PM
Can't find Whitehall at the moment - I haven't got Vol X1V of the Polo pony or NPS.

If, as you say, he was by Hermit, this could be the well known thoroughbred of the same name.

Oh My 425, foaled 1900 height 14.2h.h.dark chestnut, blaze, white off hind leg, by Belgrave (16.h.h)Vol X111. p 39 by Knowsley
out of Corwen Fanny (Welsh Mountain) dark brown 11h.h. No sire listed for Fanny, and out of a Welsh Mountain mare.

Oh My was owned and bred by the Keynsham Stud Co, Amberley Court, Monmouth.

Oh My had a daughter named Oh My 11 who was by Mootrub (32) chestnut 14.1h.h. I take it that this is the Arab Mootrub!

Oh My 11 progeny are:

1903 Oh My 111 (supp 1903-6)Dark Ches filly by White Flight (189)
1906 White Knight (supp. 1906) Ches colt by White Flight (189)

Rozy Rider Posted - 31 Dec 2009 : 10:40:15 PM
Thanks again Lynda, Please could you check this please,
Whitehall Vol XV1 P 242 By Hermit
could it be Wermit or Hermit.
Looks like White Mask may be out of Oh My 425.
Cheers Sue
Lynda Posted - 31 Dec 2009 : 12:26:37 PM
I've found a little more for White Wings. In Vol X11 of Polo and riding pony stud book:

White Wings 464 registered in Vol 11. Dark Chestnut, white blaze and inside half of off fore pastern and both hind pasterns. Foaled 1906. Height 15h.h. Measured 8th November 1911.

After the show results already mentioned is "This stallion was registered by the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries for 1911 and 1912, and represented the breed at the International Horse Show Parade, Olympia 1912".
Rozy Rider Posted - 29 Dec 2009 : 9:27:01 PM
Thanks Melynda. Good Picture.
Still searching, please dont put the books down..yet
Cheers Sue

White Wings (as a Yearling).
Melynda Posted - 29 Dec 2009 : 8:54:27 PM
I put Gown Boy and his picture on here a few days ago.
Rozy Rider Posted - 29 Dec 2009 : 6:53:19 PM
Hi Lynda. Dont put them away yet, Just the job, Thanks very much.
Lynda Posted - 29 Dec 2009 : 4:06:00 PM
Hi Sue,
I knew these lovely old books would come in handy!

Offspring of First Flight are as follows:

1899 White Flight (189)Ches Colt by Whitehall Vol XV1 P 242 By Hermit bred by Keynsham Stud.
1901 Royal Flight (370) Black/Brown Colt by Birmingham Royal (127)
bred by Keynsham Stud.
1902 Wishes Fulfilled Bay filly by Schoolmaster (233) bred by Keynsham Stud.
1903 First Principal (Supp. 1903-4) Bay Colt by Schoolmaster (233) bred by Radnorshire P & R.P. Co.
1904 Senior Wrangler (Supp. 1904-5-6) Chestnut colt by Gownboy (114) bred by Radnorshire P & R.P. Co.
1905 New Year's Gift (Supp. 1905-6) Brown Filly by Shy Boy (105)bred by Radnorshire P & R.P. Co.
1906 White Wings

Have also found Gownboy sire of Senior Wrangler. He was foaled in 1896 Chestnut with a white face and grey hairs on flanks and quarters. Height 14.1h.h. Owned by Keynsham Stud.
Breeder: S. Hughes Hewitt Sports Club S.W.
Sire: Montezuma (Vol XV11 p. 424) by George Fredrick
Dam: Santa Zeta brown 15h.h Vol XV11 p. 320 by Galliard out of Lady Jenny (Vol XV p. 242 by See Saw.
Rozy Rider Posted - 29 Dec 2009 : 3:00:23 PM
Hi Lynda,Earlier in this post you have said that First Flight has six off springs in total and the lat one is/was White Wings. If this info is still avaiable, is there any chance you could tell us who and how the other five are bred and there details please.
Thanks You in Advance.
Cheers Sue
Rozy Rider Posted - 11 Dec 2009 : 12:24:02 PM
Hi All, Now found another two, one bred by Lady Durland and one owned by her.
NPS.5433 DARK DAWN 1904 (s.GREY DAWN 18/d. 1425 ZOE,s.FITZJAMES, a TB )
CROFT DAWNLIGHT (supp. 1926) (s.MOORSIDE II ( Vol.XXI.p232)a TB I think, d.DARK DAWN)

Looks like Lady Durlands prefix was CROFT.
Cheers folks.
Rozy Rider Posted - 08 Dec 2009 : 10:35:26 AM
Thanks Wendy, Found her now and now added to allbreeds, there are a few Clarione ( at least two Arabs) so if anyone can add any othe the missing breeding, especially if you have this family entered in any NPS, that would be great and any relationship to Pelle's Mothers White Wings II.
Leaving the link.

Cheers Sue
hollyland Posted - 07 Dec 2009 : 5:48:36 PM
Vol XX
Rozy Rider Posted - 07 Dec 2009 : 12:15:14 PM
Hollyland, Can you tell us which NPSR 6070 & 1201, is in please.
Thanks Sue
hollyland Posted - 06 Dec 2009 : 7:26:23 PM
There is a 6070 Croft Clearlight,black mare,14h born 1925. Bred by Lady Durand, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire.
She was by Clarione 1201 (15h) and out of Black Bess of Bridstow(AMR) (14.2)
Pelle Posted - 05 Dec 2009 : 5:48:00 PM
My mother has found a photo (1923) from India , of a polopony called Torchlight ridden by sir Edward Durand, by WhiteWingsII (our stallion!!!) out of aussie Waler mare.
And also a photo of Croft Portlight,when ridden by my grandmother cubhunting 1933, polobred, winner of many prices in the showring including H.R.H The duke of Gloucester's Cup and Championship Melton Mowbray Show 1932. Owner/breeder sir Edward Durand. My grandmother has made a note, had a very good morning cubhunting, Portlight went very well, just a few bucks when first wearing sidesaddle but Lady Durand just said too much oats too little exercise.
Is Croft Portlight in NPS registers?
Rozy Rider Posted - 02 Dec 2009 : 8:16:46 PM
Found this on Book search. Fits in nicely, Thanks Lynda for your help.Sue

White Wings, foaled 1906, bred by the Radnorshire Polo and Riding Pony Co., Ltd.
, ... Llangunllo, RSO, Radnorshire ; s White Mask (190), First Flight (615),
Lynda Posted - 02 Dec 2009 : 5:46:19 PM
What to do in the terrible weather - look up stud books!

I have found in the Polo and Riding pony stud book Vol 1X a mare named First Flight Dark Brown, small star. Foaled 1888 Height 14.2
Breeder S. Bennett, Says Farm, Coalpit Heath, Nr Bristol.
Sire Balquihidar. Brown 15.2 Vol X11 page 350 by Blair Athol
Dam(659) Polly (supposed Arab) White 14h.h

The races won by First Flight when entered by the Keynsham Stud, The Lodge Stud Farm, Keynsham, Somerset have the following particulars added.

Owned up to 1894 by Mr S. Bennett during which time she won and was placed in several races under National Pony and Galloway rules as "The Parasite"

Owned in 1895-6 by Mr H.S Reeks during which time shw was played and hunted and won many polo, and yeomanry races also several Hunt races and steeplechases as "Bess"

Owned in 1897-98 by the Keynsham stud during which time she ran as "The Swallow.

She has 6 offspring registered, the final one by the name of White Wings born in 1906 and Chestnut. He is by White Mask (190).

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