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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Looloo Posted - 18 Sep 2009 : 10:19:43 PM
Anyone have R Ali Bey (Sire) in the lines.. ? and Shaliekah (Dam) .. how do you find out about the Dams...just keep getting a blank... but it was mum... doesn't that matter? curious
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cate Posted - 07 Oct 2009 : 12:55:51 AM
If you go onto youtube and put in R Ali Bey a lovely video comes up showing him strutting his stuff. I used to own a lovely black stallion by R Ali Bey and watching the video was like watching Jaffa (AH Walkyria Bhaltos). Super temperament and great character.
Looloo Posted - 04 Oct 2009 : 4:04:15 PM
Hi all
thanx for the help and advice..have been on the web and viewed loads of his relatives ! I think Cawthorne is mentioned on his papers (DER !) I will check that lead out.. And it is good to know that mum was well liked with a nice temperament.... Lovely to view his baby half sister too...pretty lady..
Zenitha Posted - 02 Oct 2009 : 7:32:42 PM
I have an Ali Bey daughter, rising 4 .....

ZAS Ishraq (R Ali Bey / Siraj Bint Deepak)
Elainem Posted - 30 Sep 2009 : 6:17:33 PM
Shaliekah was at Cawthorne and we won many championships with her, and a second place at Towerlands. She was a lovely mare with a superb temperament and was my favourite. The last time I saw her was at the Northern Group Show at Harrogate where she wasn't shown due to an injury but her foal was.

rosie Posted - 30 Sep 2009 : 5:26:37 PM
If my memory is correct then she was a regular on the show scene in the early 1990's, & I think she was at Cawthorne Arabians, Haggis.
Rozy Rider Posted - 30 Sep 2009 : 3:58:41 PM

Is this one yours.??? and the dam below..

haggis Posted - 25 Sep 2009 : 10:13:47 PM
go to all breed pedigree . You can type in the horses name and up comes the pedigree, sometimes there are several horses with the same name, I think I met Shaliekah , was she at Cawthorne Arabians?

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