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radfan Posted - 16 Jun 2009 : 4:49:49 PM
Hi, Does anyone know where Bint Bint Shakira is now? She was being sold tail end of 2007 , beginning of 2008 and there was a post on here by a lady name of Kerry who was asking for past info about her. I am not sure whether it was Kerry who was selling her or had just bought her. Any news would be appreciated. Knew Shakira and her family well. Excellent bloodlines.
Thanx, Clare x
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
moonlight Posted - 08 Jan 2013 : 4:15:07 PM
Kira has a home for life with me and is currently being an excellent nanny to last year's colt foal. She took part in our Open Day this summer and really showed off her fabulous trot. So far I haven't been able to get her in foal so may have one last try this year but she is happy living out, rugged up, stuffing as much of the round bale hay as she can get to. She is quirky but we love her -probably because of that!
s.jade Posted - 07 Jan 2013 : 11:08:48 AM
Also just picked this up. Glad Shakira is in a good home, I very nearly bought her before Kerry did but sadly the transport from Kent was just too much then. She looked a lovely mare.
I already had Saeed at the time, who we gelded after 3 years and sold on as mentioned above after almost 6 years with me as we outgrew each others capabilities (mostly meaning Saeed hated anything other than leisurely hacks haha!)
He went to a fabulous home in the New Forest and though now retired due to suspected navicular is in a home for the rest of his days. I offered to have him back to retire but his new mum adores him too much to let him go!
Hope Shakira is still well also.
radfan Posted - 06 Jan 2013 : 8:42:21 PM
Hi Guys. Picking up on this link a year or so down the line. How are you both. Do you still have Shakira Moonlight? and is she well? xx
radfan Posted - 23 Jun 2009 : 12:15:52 PM
That sounds great Moonlight, I am sure you two will have a wonderful time. Please keep me posted, it is so good to know she is happy and well. Enjoy the summer together. its the best tiome of year by far. Clare x
moonlight Posted - 19 Jun 2009 : 2:44:32 PM
Just to let you all know that Shakira and I have been doing some Tteam work this morning and she seemed so much more relaxed that I had a ride round the school on her, walked her back to the stable yard and rode around there a bit next to her friend Zara. She really doesn't understand what ridden aids are, it is just like riding a youngster. She was very good though and although it was a short ride we both had fun, good to go slowly, especially now I know more of her unconventional past!! I think there's a pleasure ride in Milton Keynes in August so it might be fun to aim for that as she could go with Zara by her side. Am considering Eaglescliffe as a stallion, lots of Silver Fire breeding there, not sure how that works with Kira's tho?
radfan Posted - 18 Jun 2009 : 11:21:53 AM
Lovely to hear from you all. I am really glad it has helped peice together the early years. It sounds as though the difficulty in catching has been passed down from Billy to her daughter and grandaughter - LOL. I truely believe that both Bt Bt Shakiria and Shimmering Bt Shakira will both make you happy over the years. My mare (Lyana Bint Radfan) was unbroken when I bought her from the breeder and I really took my time with her and built an unbreakable bond. Because the trust was so established when I got on her for the fist time she never put a foot wrong from thereon. So it sounds as htough the way you are both taking your time and understanding them both you will have a very happy and loving future together. Moonlight - When Bt BT Shakiri was sold I don't think she had been sat on, to be honest I dont think she had ever even had her feet done. Because she roamed over so many acres constantly her feet used to break off when she was young and remarkably stay in pretty good shape overall. She was relatively un-handled and because of this we really wondered what would happen to her. She is so lucky to have found such caring owners Kerry & Moonlight. Please keep me updated on which stallion you choose Mooonlight. I will be watching with interest. Keep in touch. x
moonlight Posted - 18 Jun 2009 : 08:01:15 AM
Thank you for all the detailed info on Shakira's early life, it helps explain a great deal about how she is now. She is very well and is now much more trusting than when I first brought her home. She went through a phase of being tricky to catch too and though she is fine with me she is very wary of strangers. A couple of weeks ago she spent a week with me in Bath on a Tteam/Ttouch course and since then she has really gained in confidence.
She has completely stopped pulling faces and I rode her for the first time yesterday. Does anyone know when she was broken to ride or how much she has done as she seems very green?
Looking forward to finding a lovely stallion for her as I think she has both good breeding and a wonderful personality to pass on.
Really good to piece her life together, I wonder what happened after 2001? good to be in touch with everyone, all info very much appreciated, thank you!
triple velvet Posted - 18 Jun 2009 : 06:44:30 AM
Oh that is such a sweet story. Looks like Kira takes after her mum at pulling faces. She don't like strangers and will put ears back and looks like she is threatening them if they approach her stable. Once befriended she's great she loves a good head and bum rub.

Kira is very sweet with me and I love her to bits but sometimes I think she has split personalities, she too can be a bugger to catch and so has to wear a headcollar all the time when in the field. BUT not all the time sometimes she comes running to me and others times she's just a cow. I always win though, never give in. People on my livery yard think I'm mad but they don't understand Arabs/youngsters. Call themselves horsey people!!

Then on Monday morning I was leading her to her field which is just across a road and down a dirt path. Unfortunately for me I had her on my weak side (left) as we just come off the road and I always lead between horse and car on the road. Well there was this blue plastic on the floor that she thought was going to kill her so she must of thought she would try hide behind mum but bounced into me pushing and legging me over, which made her panicky seeing her mum kissing the floor so she stood on my inner thigh by this time I had let go and she just buggered off to her friends.

She then had the cheek when I caught her to think she was going to use me back as a head rub while I was closing the gate!! Youngsters hey!

Radfan thanks for telling us this story I have found some pics of bt bt shakira with Billy so will post them later.

Moonshine I would love an up to date pic of Kira's mum if you have one.

Taranastorm I will try find some other pics of Kira, she's a bit fat at present due to being turned out 24/7 at the moment.

taranstorm Posted - 17 Jun 2009 : 9:26:42 PM
That nice of how you knew her,shakira was funny mare,great with me and who she knows but pulls faces at people who she didn't know!but never ever had bad bone in her as she can be sweet ....Her filly shimmering bint shakira is very like her sire in colour,shape which i need find good pictures to email you (triple velvet) so you have look and would agree!he is 19yrs now,still looking fabulous!Do miss shakira very much as have owned her for few years but very pleased she went to you moonlight and keep in touch
radfan Posted - 17 Jun 2009 : 8:54:51 PM
Hi, well first can I say it is great to hear from you Kerry, also Moonlight and triple Velvet. It is lovely to hear Bt Bt Shakira is well and happy and also lovely to hear of Shimmering Bt Shakira - her filly. I didn't know she had another foal, so to see the pics is wonderful. When I was 13 (cough cough EEk, I am 35 now) I started visiting some Arab ponies in a large 20 acre field (Tesco's stands there now!) There was a lovely chestnut Arab mare who I later found out was Nabileh - Shakira's mum (we called her BIlly) and a couple of others. It was the end of the winter and it had clearly been tough for them. They all needed building up and were waiting for the grass to start pushing through. Billy was not the friendliest of ponies and constantly wore a headcoller as difficult to catch. This was where my first involvement with Billy started as I bought her a new one and used to change it for her so it didn't rub her nose (remember I was only 13) Once I had hold of her she became completely meek and submissive. I would change her headcoller for a clean one but once I let her go she always became hostile again. Not long after I started visiting the ponies I met there owner and breeder, gentle man with much knowledge of bloodlines and breeding. This is where my love of the Arab horse began and over the years Billy had many foals. I accompanied the breeder to Surrey where Both Zircon Nazeer (type his name into google and lots info available) and Donax (Zircon Nazeer's father) were kept at stud. I was with the breeder when we took Billy and she was covered by Donax - the result was Shakira. Now, as BIlly was difficult to handle and many were afraid to catch her as she would lay her ears back against her head and really snarl at you when Shakira was born she remained relatively unhandled as BIlly was so protective therefore Shakiri took on several of her mothers traits and consequently remained a bit wild herself. They lived a very natural life which was certainly tough at times - out all year with no shelter so by the end of the winter they often looked quite sorry for themselves and in need of good Spring grass to fatten them up. In the summer they ate and ate and put n tons of weight which used to see them through the winter. While many will have opinions about this I have to say them roamed over 20-30 acres of land and although sometimes tough it was probably the closest one could get to "natural" enviroment. All the foals were born in the fields within the herd and the herd would protect the newborn and look after them. Surprisingly enough there were very few problems when taken into consideration how many were born this way. All the ponies he bred (many of outstanding bloodlines) had sweet natures and good dispositions. Apart from BIlly that was - bless her heart, I think she was her own worse enemy as by being so hostile she had less interaction with humans as they feared her, which meant she became more hostile and on and on. Apart from me, I was the only one in those early years who could catch and pet her ......... for a short time only! ............. Anyway Shakira was born on 12th August 1993 (dam Nabileh - sire Donax) and had three foals - First one was premature and died - the second one was born on 16th July 1997 (sire Zircon Nazeer) name Gabrielle - Grey - 100% arab but I dont think was registered and the third one was born on 15th May 2001 - 50% arab named Tobiano (sire part bred coloured colt) no other info on this one and as far as I know was not registed with the PBA society. Soon after this she was sold but I believe she Donax's last offspring ever before he died. Her bloodlines are excellent. Please see:

Although this doesn't seem to have linked, you may have to copy and paste it into the toolbar. On you can also look up Donax & Zircon Nazeer. I bought my mare (Lyana Bint Radfan) from the same breeder and over the generations there are cross overs of bloodlines with both Shakira and Nabileh (Billy). When I bought my mare she was already in foal to Kareem (Nabilya & Zircon Nazeer) and in 2000 Kasardi Kareem was born. So I guess he is Shakira's half nephew. Nabilya (BIlly) was sadly put to sleep a while ago now as she just became to aggressive. She was an old girl when she was PTS in 1993, and it is only recently since my mum and I discovered Arabian Lines we have found Shakira and many of the other Arabs who have been sold over the years. Shakira's half brother Saaed's old owner posts here too, her username is s.jade, she bought Saaed from same breeder and he is now in a new home in the New forest area I believe. Well I hope I have given you some further info. I am sorry it is an essay but I dont really know how I could have condensed it as I wanted to give you a real background to Bt Bt Shakira life. I have some early pics of her I will post to you if you want and some of her mum Billy. Do you have any at all? Would love to see some of Kira and once again her filly looks wonderful. I can't really advise on which bloodlines would be good to breed her with Moonlight as although being involved in Arabs for years I have only actually just started researching bloodlines and breeding programms very recently. However I will let her breeder know of both Kira and Shimmering Bt Shakira's good fortune. Please keep in touch and give both Bt Bt Shakira and Shimmering Bt Shakira a kiss from me.
Clare x

taranstorm Posted - 17 Jun 2009 : 6:23:10 PM
Triple velvet - kira looks stunning as usual,so pleased she went to you as her owner as i know she be loved and spoilt with you all,same goes for you moonlight having shakira as she deserves best and be happy for rest of her life
triple velvet Posted - 17 Jun 2009 : 5:13:30 PM
This is Kira "Shimmering Bint Shakira" daughter of Bint Bint Shakira. I'm glad her mum has found a lovely home.
My filly is now 2 she is very fast, intellegent, strong and pretty.

taranstorm Posted - 17 Jun 2009 : 1:45:52 PM
Moonlight - Welcome
moonlight Posted - 17 Jun 2009 : 11:10:58 AM

I bought Kira from Kerry a couple of months ago and would love more info on her. She has a home for life with me and I hope to breed from her, am considering stallions now so would love to hear any expert views on what would go well with her bloodlines. I'm excited to find out more about her, have only just joined the forum so look forward to hearing more!
taranstorm Posted - 16 Jun 2009 : 6:51:39 PM
Have PM you

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