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 Filickr has changed - help!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
moonlight Posted - 21 May 2013 : 08:37:05 AM
Flickr has changed and there is no longer a share option as there was, what do I do? Help please Rui! x
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rui Posted - 07 Sep 2015 : 10:00:04 PM
Glad you made it :).
sab2 Posted - 07 Sep 2015 : 6:59:58 PM
Yeah did it, thankyou so much
Rui Posted - 07 Sep 2015 : 6:42:55 PM
Let me know if you have any issues :).
sab2 Posted - 07 Sep 2015 : 2:16:19 PM
Thankyou so much Rui i shall give it a go later as must go muck out now
Rui Posted - 04 Sep 2015 : 9:33:53 PM
Originally posted by sab2

I am having trouble posting from Flickr , i cannot see the code i would normally just a bb code or something like that. I am sure it must be simple but my brain cannot work it out

If you click an image, to obtain the bb code, you need to press the icon show in yellow, in this imagem, located at the bottom right of the screen:

You will then get several sharing options. Just choose the bb code, copy and then paste it into our flickr tool, which I have just updated to work with the latest flickr version.

sab2 Posted - 04 Sep 2015 : 12:16:03 PM
I am having trouble posting from Flickr , i cannot see the code i would normally just a bb code or something like that. I am sure it must be simple but my brain cannot work it out
Rui Posted - 24 May 2013 : 12:55:17 PM
It seems they updated version of flickr is still experiencing issues, but now all the share buttons work, so it can be used to get the code to work with out flickr tool. I will have to revise our tutorials on the issue.
moonlight Posted - 21 May 2013 : 5:00:49 PM
Thank you Rui, will explore!!
Rui Posted - 21 May 2013 : 2:45:24 PM
They still have the share option for some pictures, as shown here:

You click the icon in "pink" at the bottom right and you will be offered the chance to share and then the code can be copied just as before. The problem is that they seem to have removed the option to share the most recent files or I am missing something...

If you use Chrome, the best way is to go the all sizes page (click the icon with the two arrows at the bottom right, it's the next to last one) and then click the size you want.

Then right click the image and choose Copy Image URL. Then come here and paste it inside our image tags:


If you use Firefox, you can do the same by right clicking the image and choosing Copy Image Location
Rui Posted - 21 May 2013 : 2:14:07 PM
I will take a look and let you know. Seems they have made a good job hiding the share option.

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