All Photos Sweet
author: Sadika
Replied on: 30 May 2009 9:43:48 PM
Message: North-West AHS SHOW 25th
May 2009
Anglo/PBA Ridden Champion: Kavanagh's Distinction
Res: Kamal Ibn Dara
Ridden Champion: Kavanagh's Distinction
Res: Kamal Ibn Dara
Novice Mares: Shaikhs Argenta

Gelding and Novice Champion: Malik Ibn Rossali
and Novice Champion: Malik Ibn Rossali
Stallion and Res: El Sahir
Open Mares: Maiad (3rd HOYS win in a row!) HOYS Qualifier: Azhiqa
Open Geldings: 2 classes winners: AJA Ben Rajah (HOYS Qualifier); ZA
Karis Ibn Azal (Open Champion and Overall Champion)
Open Stallions: RA Zanam (Res Open Champion)
Amateur Champion: Azure Bay Res: Royal Crown Derby

BEAUTIFUL hot day - not a cloud in the sky!!!! Lovely arena and well
ventilated - thank goodness!!
author: pat ww
Replied on: 30 May 2009 11:21:01 PM
Just a few
to start
Saturday 30 May 2009 RIDDEN CLASSES
Judge Miss L Maryon
CLASS 1 novice Anglo / part bred mare gelding stallion
Kavanaghs Distinction, exhibited by E Cross
2nd. Kamal Ibn Dara, exhibited and bred by S and D Tandy
3rd. Gordons Angel, Exh by V Weir
4th Downies Mystic Melody exh bred by L Tait
CLASS 2 Anglo and part bred mare gelding stallion not exceeding 148cm
Sunberry Golden Tribute, Exh and bred by Mrs. J Kent
2nd Royal Crown Derby, Exh by H Anderson
3rd. Wychenlea Act of Honour, exh by J Rosebury
4th Gordons Angel, exh V Weir
CLASS 3 Anglo, part bred 148 - 153cms mare gelding stallion
Mettlewood Jubilee Tribute exh and bred by N Hutton- McKenzie
2nd Cest la Vie, exh by S Hazeldine
3rd Kavanaghs Royal Sensation exh by B H Evans
CLASS 4 Anglo part bred over 153 cm mare gelding stallion
Kamal Ibn Dara exh and bred by S and D Tandy
2nd Silvan Sentiment exh by R Nelson
3rd Silver Pimpernal exh by J Wilkinson and D Froggat
4th Royal Duet exh by A Allen
5th Longriver Eternity, exh by a Embleton
6th Kizella exh by D Kirkham
CLASS 5 young riders 12 - 16
Cest la Vie exh by S Hazeldine
2nd Qmriya Ghadameeze Exh by S Tandy
3rd Phantom Estasha exh by D Daniels
CLASS 6 young rider 14 - 21
AJA Ben Rajah exh by T Pollard
2nd Royal Crown Derby, exh by H Anderson
author: Sadika
Replied on: 31 May 2009 5:45:15 PM
Jr Male
Champion: Danni California
Res Asbeau
Res Res GB Adala
Jr Female Champion: Psyada
Res Maybelisa (also owner/breeder high points)
Res Res Aimee May
Gelding Champion: Emir Ibn Esteema
Res Shada (Veteran gelding winner)
Res Res Chanzes R
Sr Female: Alia EA
Res Miranas Nani
Res Res Bylinka

Sr Male: Karat
Sr Male:
Karat (High Poiints of the show 94.3 - WOW!)
Res AH Walmir
Res Res CAS Sabur
Doubles for Janine in the Juniors and the Atkins in the seniors.
author: mirage
Replied on: 31 May 2009 5:45:50 PM
1st GB Adala by WH Justice bred and owned Mr and Mrs Keegan
2nd Psyngali LA by AJA Svengali
3rd Alkara Bassino by H Tobago
4th Harribeau by CAS Sabur
Yearling fillies
1st Aimee May by CAS Sabur bred and owned Elaine Preston
2nd LTF Annyetta by G Tamin
3rd SJ Psyches Tilly by Psyches first Edition
4th GE Al Amira by EA Azniah El Shaklan
Two year old colts
1st Asbeau by CAS Sabur bred and owned by Mr & Mrs Johnson
2nd AB Navarino by Psytadel
3rd Perfect Design LA by Master Design GA
4th Magnum Dancer by Magnum Psyche out of My Midnight Dancer
Two year old fillies
1st Maybelisa
Two year
old fillies
1st Maybelisa by Psadisho Ibn Esstashan out of Maybe Bey Be bred and
owned Hon Mrs Wragg
2nd MA Could It Be Majic by Legacy of Fame bred and owned Mike Ashmore
3rd Lakiara MH by HB Bastille
4th Angelic Image by Psyches Image

Three Year old Colt
(two forward)
1st Danni Kalifornia
Three Year
old Colt (two forward)
1st Danni Kalifornia by WH Justice bred Z Bermingham owned McGregor/Lewthwaite
2nd Champiaan by Psadisho Ibn Esstashan

Three year old fillies
1st Psyada
Three year
old fillies
1st Psyada (Junior Female Champion)by Psynergy bred S Jones owned J
2nd Annia EA by Khidar
author: mirage
Replied on: 31 May 2009 6:04:35 PM
Junior geldings
1st Katanah by El Sahir
2nd Psyara by Psynergy
3rd Marazarli by Azinja el Shaklan
Senior Geldings
1st Emir Ibn Essteema (champion) by FS Bengali
2nd Chanzes R (reserve)by Vodolej
3rd Zanzibar PA by Psytadel
Veteran gelding
1st Shada by Ibn Estasha
author: mirage
Replied on: 31 May 2009 6:07:00 PM
Mares with
foal (two forward)
1st Ess First Lady by Ess El Shakran
2nd White China Bay by Solmood

Foals (one forward)
1st Thee Gigolo
Foals (one
1st Thee Gigolo out of White China Bay by Thee Equalizer

Mares 4-7 years
1st Alia EA (champion) by Khidar
Mares 4-7
1st Alia EA (champion) by Khidar
2nd Muranas Nani by Psytadel

Mares 8-16 years
1st Bylinka by Piligrim
Mares 8-16
1st Bylinka by Piligrim
2nd HT Georgette by Dakshah
3rd Marzookah by Amal
author: mirage
Replied on: 31 May 2009 8:23:30 PM
Head - junior Perfect Design LA
classic Head - senior AA Assal

2001 - 2009