Female Champion BESS FA’IZAH WH Justice/Sharon
El Kendal

Reserve MAGORA Gazal Al Shaqab/Margotka

Sr Male AL LAHAB Laheeb/The Vision HG

Reserve RAMINO Zandai Aqir/Egyptian Rabia

Sr Female EAGLERIDGE PASSIONATA Sanadik El Shaklan/River
Oak Dmity

Reserve ROBIN K CG Balih El Jamaal/Sweet Gypsy Rose

Liberty JK CATALYST PR Krystal Prince/Victoria II

Foal Champion HYPNOTIC IBN ETERNITY Eternity Ibn Navarrone
D/WH Marissa Rose

Reserve SILUETTE El Sid/Inessa

showground taken from in the castle

View of showground

apples decorating the showground (Borgloon is situated
in the heart of Belgium’s fruit producing

flag for Elran Cup

Trophies for
top 5

head of foal statue in ring centre

judges l to r Mrs L Perroy (Brazil);Mrs S Garde-Ehlert
(Germany); Dr N Marei (Egypt); Mr M Ismer (Germany);
Dr G Aragno (Italy)