Training Demonstration By Wayne Walker
By Sarah Jones

Sam, Russell and I went along to the above seminar, as I
feel it is always a good thing to have a little knowledge
of many methods, this way you can string together what you
need for each individual horse, as they are all..... Individuals.
the idyllic surroundings of Grange Farm, Derbyshire, the
morning of Sunday was cold.... but the hospitality of
Madeline and Wayne, as always, was warm and friendly as was
the greeting from the beautiful stallion Sanbinec (Sanadik
el Shaklan x Bay Diva) who entertained the guests with an
outstanding display of flamboyancy from his field.
The training
day had very obviously been planned ahead; Wayne began by introducing
himself and running through
the days events would entail. He then started the session
with an immaculately presented colt Bay Ffantasy (Bay Dream
x Ffinesse). Wayne had been working on this colt for two
weeks and proceeded to demonstrate the importance of ground
work explaining that if "you give them the grounding
to start with .then everything else follows" It was
evidential during this session with the colt that Wayne worked
totally with kindness and a quiet respect for the animal
in question.

We were then shown a 5 year old mare that was
further advanced in her training and Wayne proceeded to explain
to everyone
the different ways of standing a horse out in front of the
judge to show the horse off to its best potential. We then
had a chance to put Wayne's ground work training into practice
under his excellent supervision!!!!!!!
Wayne then bought out
a variety of fillies, and a gorgeous mare with which he covered
the subjects of
free schooling
and lunging - and some more audience participation in standing
out. He didn't overtire or bore any of the horses shown,
he explained that the emphasis should be on "quality
time" with each horse so that they are enjoying what
they are doing with you without switching off. He then went
on to cover clipping, conditioning, feeding, toning, bathing,
make up and bridles.
Whilst we were there, we were privileged
to see Wayne and "his
stallion". Templars Orchestral Pearl (Last Crescendo
x Templars Magic Pearl). The raport that this stallion had
with this handler was beautiful to watch and what we should
all strive for in a relationship. Wayne went on to show us
free schooling and .... free riding!!!! and how working with
kindness and consistency can build bridges.

The whole seminar was very well put together.
Wayne answered continuous numerous questions throughout the
day with ease
and good humour. I have seen some of the best handlers in
this country at work with various horses and I must say that
Wayne Walker has that quality that will take him to the top
and keep him there. He treats each horse as if it is an individual
and he has a total obvious love of what he does and what
he does it with. He makes it fun and so evidently has the
horses best interest always at heart.
He told us at the end
that he felt a little awkward with us there as we were not
really beginners and he felt he only
really went through the basics.......all I can say to that
is " It doesn't matter Wayne, seeing you with that stallion
was beautiful to watch, and we never stop learning.......I
actually learnt a lot that day, (including not to leave my
camera full of pictures unattended with my husband!!!! opps
sorry Wayne!).

The training days are perfect for anyone who
wants to know a little or a lot about any of the fundaments
of showing
- I can honestly say that Wayne covered the lot, and what
he didn't cover he was free to be questioned about. The lunch
was beautiful, the company was totally araby equine, and
there were endless supplies of tea and coffee throughout
the day....what more could you want?!...well.....maybe we
can manage to conjure up some hot sunshine next time eh guys?!!!
to the question of "Will there be anymore training
days in the future at Grange Farm?"........well
this space!
Sarah Jones