By Ann Grogan
Foal, Youngstock, Amateur Show and Open Stallion
Landlords Farm, Westhoughton, Lancs - 9th
October 2005
With some trepidation, it was decided to hold the very
first Foal, Youngstock, Amateur Show and Stallion Parade.
Would people come? Would it be a success? With hindsight
there was nothing to worry about as the show was extremely
well supported and a wonderful day was had by all.

Azure Bay
There were good entries in most classes although not all
came forward as can be expected. The Amateur Ridden section
was judged by Miss Joanna Smith and her Champion and Reserve
was Azure Bay, exhibited and ridden by Miss E Harrison
and Ali Shammal exhibited by Mr M Lewis and ridden by Miss
C Street, respectively.

Amateur Home Produced In Hand classes were very well
supported and in one of the classes we had 9 entries
10 forward. It didn’t really matter, who’s
counting anyway? Our In Hand judge, Mrs Kathy Houghton
did a fine job as I’m sure most who attended the
show will agree. Her Amateur Home Produced Champion was
Ohio, a very nice grey pure bred stallion by Raz Al Jadi
out of Az Enigma exhibited by Miss D Hill. In Reserve was
a lovely part bred yearling gelding Hooray Henry, bred
by Mike and Jayne Johnson out of Gordon’s Ginny by
Malik Ibn Rostam. Hooray Henry is owned by Nikki Hamilton,
this was her first Arab show and as you can imagine she
was over the moon.
were all delighted with the Foal classes. Mirage Psynergise
by Psynergy out of Farrida bred by Sally Roberts and owned
by Miss A Bethell, won the Pure Bred Colt Foal class. He
is full brother to Mirage Psyndikate who has been a prolific
winner and I’m sure all are hoping baby brother will
follow in his sister’s footsteps.
Pure Bred Filly / Gelding Foal class was won by HT Karelia,
bred by the Woodward family by Shaikh Al Kuran
out of Karimda, another top class filly from the High Tor
Stud. Second in this class was the gorgeous chestnut filly
foal, Chamin E by El Amin out of Marih Loretta, owned and
bred by Mark & Claire Moore. I’m sure all those
who saw this charming filly, trotting around the arena
at Birchenley Manor at our Spring Show, with her championship
sash, will never forget her.
A Chance of Fame
The Part Bred/Anglo Colt Foal class was won by a delightful
young man, Gadabout. He is by Rotherwood Giggalo out of
Chasecroft Dimple, owned and bred by Mrs Margaret Ogden-Bailey.
A fairy tale bay filly foal, Marcosie Tiiger Lilly by Strinesdale
Mastermind out of Deehaven Tinkerbell was the winner of
the Part Bred/Anglo Filly Foal class. She is owned and
bred by Mr T M Buckley.
one entry forward for the coloured foal class but wow,
what an entry. A Dream Come True, a skewbold filly
by Blacklord Sirdar out of Moonstone’s Baby Pie exhibited
by Mr Nigel Grogan, brought the house down. Looking more
pure bred than some pure breds, she trotted effortlessly
round the arena, tail over her back, giving a 20-20-20
for movement performance. Amazing! She was Mrs Houghton’s
Foal Champion with the fairytale foal Marcosie Tiger Lily
in Reserve.

AJA Angali
Open Youngstock classes were generally well supported
but a few more partbreds and coloured enteries would have
been nice. The Champion sash went to AJA Angali by Kubinec
out of AJA Beneja owned by Mr Alf Hallworth. A truly top
class yearling filly, destined for great things ahead.
In Reserve was another of Mr T M Buckley’s beautiful
part breds, this time a quality bay/black two year old
cold by Sudden Finality by Cusop Dark Secret out of Cusop
Stallion Parade was great fun with 13 entered and 9 forward.
It provided fabulous lunch time
Being an Open Stallion Parade, we had a selection of different
breeds represented including a gorgeous Caspian, Sports
Horses, Welsh Section D, an American Show Horse & a
Coloured Part Bred. Of course the pure bred boys were there
giving it plenty. My own personal highlight of the day,
was when father and son Malik Ibn Rostam and Rashiek Ibn
Malik came in together and did the most amazing trot, side
by side, down the centre of the arena. It brought a lump
to my throat. One reason being it was Malik Ibn Rostam’s
first ever outing, although 14 years old, he had never
left his home before. Owners Elaine Preston and Peter Hogan
should be very proud of him he behaved impeccably and was
a very respectable second place in his class.
To conclude, the show was a great success and much positive
feedback has been received. It was a truly friendly show,
with rosettes to all competitors, a great venue and a great
atmosphere. The show, for me, was summed up when a young
lady who had only ever done local Pony Clubs shows before,
rang to thank me for a wonderful day. Although she came
5th out of 5 in her class, she said it had given her a
real buzz and that she had learned an awful lot from watching
the other competitors. It has given her the encouragement
to attend some Arab shows next year.
that’s what it was all about ! ! !