Yearling Fillies
1.Maranas Nani by Psytadel: bred by Marana Stud and Owned
by Linda Hughes
2.Bint Yazmeena by Psynergy: bred and owned by Dean Ingham
Intermediate Yearling Fillies
1.Gloriana by Ekstern: bred and owned by Heather Brown
2.Mullawi by Ruger: bred and owned by Angela Pulsford
Senior Yearling Fillies
1.Louisianna by Yamesco: bred and owned by Hon Mrs M A
2.AJA Bint Sanadina: bred and owned by Mr and Mrs Hickford
Junior 2 Year Fillies
1.Boudica by Psyche's Spirit: bred and owned by Heather
2.Aziza by Arastin: bred and oned by Pat Hannay

Senior 2 Year Fillies
1.DG Sahiba by CH El Brillo: bred by D /gerbaulet and owned
by Mr and Mrs Hickford
2.Marieta by Besson Carol: bred by Byatt & Tatum
and owned by Mr and Mrs Hartley
3 Year Fillies
1.Lady Madonna by Psyche's Spirit: bred and owned by Heather
2.Alishya by Psytadel: bred by Sifaco Benelux and owned
by Mr and Mrs Atkins
Champion: DG Sahiba
Reserve: Marieta
Reserve Reserve: Boudica
Junior Yearling Colts
1.Addaya by Azteq: bred and owned by Mr and Mrs Segre
2.SH Taboo by G Tamin: bred and owned by Greenwood and

Senior Yearling Colts
1.Angelo by Enzo: bred by Enzo partnership and owned by
Linda Hughes
2.Prince Psyche by Psyche's First Edition: bred and owned
by Mrs Beeley
2 Year Colts
1.Forever Besson by Besson Carol: bred by Knight and owned
by Mr and Mrs Foreman
2.Nijani by Al Maraam: bred by Jackie ware and owned by
Andrea Ware
3 Year Colts
1.Jabban by Esta-Espashan: bred by A Wallace and owned
by Mr and Mrs Bundy
2.Oasashan by Orashaan: bred by P Butt and owned by Mr
and Mrs Jones
Reserve:Forever Besson
Reserve Reserve:Prince Psyche
Mares with Foal
1.Sadika by Simeon Sadik: bred by Mrs Hannay and owned
by Heather Nichol
2.Labanka by Abakon: bred by A Kuljf and owned by Mr & Mrs
1.Unnamed by Movin Star: bred and owned by Mr & Mrs
2.Chamin E by El Amin: bred and owned by Mr & Mrs
Junior Barren Mares
1.Psyche's Thais by Padron's Psyche: bred by Trummer and
owned by McKenzie-Owen
2.AJA Benaja by FS Bengali: bred and owned by Mr & Mrs

Senior Barren Mares
1.Ffliration by Ffatal Attraction: bred by
Mr & Mrs
M Gamlin and owned by Miss G Allen
2.Mirabella by Balaton: bred by Tersk and owned by Caroline
Champion: Fflirtation
Reserve: Psyche's Thais
Reserve Reserve: AJA Benaja
Junior Geldings
1.EA Amiah by EA Azniah El Shaklan: bred and owned by Katie
2.Lymerik by G Iridis: bred by Sue Richards and owned
by Mr & Mrs Bermingham
Senior Geldings
1.Erros by Mezalians: bred by Mrs Chat and owned by Ms
2.Zinjadi by Masjadi Gold Shadow: bred by H M Crowle and
owned by Mrs Breeze
Champion: Erros
Reserve Reserve: EA Amiah
Junior Stallions
1.AJA Svengali by FS Bengali:
bred by J Hickford and owned by Miss A Bethell
2.Eddashaan by Orashaan: bred and owned by Mr & Mrs

Senior Stallions
1.Erald by Monogramm: bred by Michalow and owned by Matthews
and Gamlin
2.Ali Khamsin by Camargue: bred by Mr & Mrs Prothero
and owned by Mr & Mrs Turner
Champion: Erald
Reserve: Ali Khamsin
Reserve Reserve: AJA Svengali
Open Ridden Stallions HOYS
l.Toman by Grand QUALIFIER: bred by Mrs Kadri and owned
by Mrs Evans
2.Storm Seeker by Esperanzo: bred by Mrs A Richardson
and owned by Mr & Mrs Stone
Open Ridden Geldings HOYS
1.Maleikero by Dakshah: bred by Miss N J T Haworth and
owned by Andrea Boyle
2.Nayinski by Nayef QUALIFIER: bred by Mrs C Ratcliffe
and owned by Miss S Turner
Open Ridden Mares HOYS
1.Silver Lil by Silver Satyr: bred by Mrs A Dixon and owned
by Andrea Boyle
2.Bey Selima by Ganemede QUALIFIER: bred by Mrs C Cooke
and owned by Mrs A Peel
Champion: Toman
Reserve: Maleikero
Novice Ridden Stallion
1.Camargue Too by Carmargue: bred and owned by Greenwood
2.AJA Ben Rajah by FS Bengali: bred by Mr & Mrs Hickford
and owned by Mrs A Taylor

Novice Ridden Mares
1.OAS Panache by El Saleem: bred by A Le'vell and owned
by Mrs Anderson
2.Maharani HBN by AF Damaskus: bred by FC Monteiro and
owned by Jackie Ware
Novice Ridden Gelding
1.Anazeh by El Mokari: bred and owned by Mr & Mrs
2.Sharem by Rusleem: bred and owned by Mrs Carr
Champion:OAS Panache
Reserve:Camargue Too
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