Zara Moon and her 17 yo pure bred gelding Yamavar (by Yahmur) bred
by Mrs Rohaise Thomas-Everard. They had an exceptional season and
won the Supreme Champion award with a massive total of 3709 points,
more than 1,000 ahead of their nearest rival. In addition Zara collected
the Peter Ball trophy for the Young rider gaining most points riding
more than one horse, the Pegasus trophy for the horse/pony gaining
most points in Endurance Rides in the current season, The Young Rider
Grand Prix Trophy, the Mesaoud Trophy for the best pure bred Arabian,
and the Nippa Trophy for the Champion horse/pony ridden by a Young

courtesy of Eric G Jones 01747 860625)
Mary Stubbs and Warrens Hill Chanda.
Mary Stubbs and Warrens Hill Chanda. They also had a great season,
taking 1st place in the 2 day 160km Southern Championships and 2nd
place in the 160km one day Alfred's Tower Ride. Mary and Chanda won
the Senior Championship as well as the Adonis Trophy for the best
three results in ERs in the current season, the Cairo Trophy for the
best part bred Arabian, The EGB FEI Championship and the annual Points
Award Shield for the reserve Supreme Champion.

(Photo courtesy of Eric G Jones 01747 860625)
Wolfendale and The Gilded Orchid
Dominic Wolfendale and his pure bred mare The Gilded Orchid (bred
by Michael Harris) won the Zarpa Trophy for the Junior Rider Reserve
Champion, and the picture shows them having fun at the Quantocks ride
in September.

(Photo courtesy of Eric G Jones 01747 860625)
Les Spark and Magica's Minstrel
Les Spark and Magica's Minstrel (by Imad), winners of the Jeffmaur
Trophy awarded to the male rider gaining most points in all types
of ride

(Photo courtesy of Eric G Jones 01747 860625)
Jean Merchant
and Tanita
Jean Merchant and her pure bred mare Tanita were winners of the Cotswold
Trophy, awarded to the pony (under 14.2hh) and rider combination gaining
the most points in all types of ride.

courtesy of Eric G Jones 01747 860625)
Katie Parkin and Khazhuv
Sisters Gemma and Katie Parkin from Derbyshire had a great season
with their 2 pure bred gelding Lutandorvici and Khazhuv (by Dhruv).
Lutandorvici has been very successful for several season, but for
Khazhuv 2004 was his first year in the limelight. Between them they
won the Windard Best New horse Trophy awarded to the horse/pony gaining
the most points in ERs in its first ER season, the Mellor Young Rider
trophy awarded to the Young Rider gaining most point in ERs with more
than one horse, took second and third in the Mesaoud trophy for the
best pure bred Arabian and were 2 members of the 4 horse Bakewell
Tarts team that won the Green Dragon Team Award. In addition Lutandorvici
was 3rd in the Supreme Championship.

(Photo courtesy of Eric G Jones 01747 860625)
Liz Cooper
and Song of Fire
Cooper and her part bred Arab mare Song of Fire were the winners of
the Ross Trophy awarded to the Horse/pony bred by its current owner
gaining the most points in all types of rides

courtesy of Eric G Jones 01747 860625)
Liz Taylor
and Falaina bint Chatanz
Liz Taylor and Falaina bint Chatanz (bred by Lesley Dunn), completed
their first 1 day 160km ride this year at Thetford Forest, and won
the Talisman Trophy awarded to the horse/pony achieving the fastest
time in a 1 day 16km ER in the current season.

courtesy of Eric G Jones 01747 860625)
Sue Bostlemann
and Vlacq Teleri
Bostlemann and Vlacq Teleri (by Shah Shadow) started the season with
a Gold award at the Golden Horseshoe ride, and then took 3rd place
in the Summer Solstice 1 day 160km ride. These achievements were enough
to win them the Witham Golden Colonel Salver - the senior Grand Prix
courtesy of Eric G Jones 01747 860625)
Laura Graham
and Bright Dreamer
Laura Graham
and Bright Dreamer won the Ragham Trophy for the Young Rider gaining
the most points in graded rides of under 48km
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