Falcon started his endurance career rather late in his life. He was
bought for my teenage daughter to compete side saddle, hunt & do
riding club, but shortly after leaving school, she started a job with
the Cotswold Equine centre & left me "holding the horse",
so at 12yrs.old he began doing Pleasure rides, followed by a novice
year with the EHPS, then progressed to opens, & eventually rides
of 40 & 50 miles, race rides (one being Southport beach race ride
where he won the 50ml. ride in 3hrs 17mins-very exhilarating!).

Falcon at 19 - Alnwick, Northumbria 1994
In 1989 we did the 1COmi Summer Solstice ride at Ludlow where we got
- lost in the dark & did 106 miles! The following year we were better
prepared, did our homework, had more crew members, & lots of help
from Lancs EHPS members, & made 7th out Of 14 finishers (40 starters),
so I was well pleased. Slight lameness, which meant failing the Vet
inspection after the ride led to his eventual retirement at the age
of 21yrs, but then he came out - of retirement to do another season
of pleasure rides & 25ml CTR's & really enjoyed 3 days at Sherwood,
doing 50mls in 2 days with a rest day in between.

Falcon at 20 - Ullswater, Cumbria 1995
He is part bred Arab, registered as Cark Alexander out of Cark Jenny
Wren (PBA) by High Sheriff of Yealand (PBA), having General Grant &
Ahmar as pure bred grandsires, & Clonmel maternal grandam (TBxConnemara)
I bought a TBx Connemara mare to replace him, but she has had problems
with the annular ligament, has had 2 operations which were a success
but unfortunately her tendon has not stood up to the work so she is
now in foal to the purebred DAKSHAH, owned by Woodwards, High Tor Arabians,
& I am eagerly awaiting the birth of my new Endurance horse!

Falcon at 21 - Yorkshire Wolds 1996
This is the year which sees the demise of BERA & EHPS & the
birth of a new endurance society--ENDURANCE GB, so as my mare retires,
Falcon makes his 2nd comeback at 27yrs young! I hope to pleasure ride
him & choose nice 4Oklms(euro-speak!) graded rides & just see
how he goes. He seems as keen as ever & when the Vet gave him his
Prevac last week & took his heart rate he must have thought we were
starting a ride & tried to knock her over to get out of the door!

Falcon at 21 - Tebay 1996
I'll continue to do Long Distance as long as he's keen to go. It's
the greatest discipline in which to really get to know your horse &
I'll know when he's had enough. Vettings are strict & the welfare
of the horse is paramount.
Its an up and coming sport so why not give it a try?
Most horses really enjoy it and Arabs are especially suited to it.
Information can be obtained from
Inaugural rides start in February to kick start the new society. Information
from above address or log on to the website at www.endurancegb.org
Best wishes to all subscribers to Arabian Lines
Angela Leadbetter.