Daisy & Buttercup "
pregnancy had been text book. She had been bagging up
normally and on Sunday 18th April she had wax on her teats.
So a couple of sleepless nights were expected, but at
1.30am she started foaling and by 2.00 am had given birth
to a healthy filly foal by Bay Dream.
did not show a lot of interest in baby but did not seem
aggressive or frightened. I had been handling her udder
as she was a maiden, and although she did not mind me
milking her, she would not let her foal suckle. The situation
got worse and she went for the foal attempting to kick
and bite her, as she tried to suckle.

was sedated, given painkillers and oxytorin by the vet,
and finally the foal had its first feed. There followed
two days of sedation or twitching to allow baby to feed
every 1-2 hours with bottle feeds in between. Unfortunately
Saffron still would not accept her foal, it was so traumatic
for them both and everyone involved.
Luckily the National Foaling Bank came to the rescue,
and on the Wednesday afternoon Andrew and Denise such
a wonderful couple from Daventry, brought their much loved
Welsh X Arab 13.2 pony "Daisy" and her dead
foal to Taverham, Norwich.

foal was skinned and put over a sack of straw, Andrew
then had to convince her, that it was her dead foal come
back to life. They pretended to suckle and Daisy got excited.
Meanwhile Saffron's foal had been bottle fed with Daisy's
milk and smeared with her and the dead foal's faeces.
The dead foals skin was tied onto " Buttercup "
and she was backed into the stable for Daisy to sniff.
Again Daisy got excited, but allowed the baby to suckle.
This was repeated 7-8 times during the following 12 hours.
By which time Daisy had produced lots of milk and they
did not want to be parted. The dead foals skin was removed
and all was still well.

is a wonderful and protective mum, and Buttercup is a
happy healthy well adjusted normal foal. As for Saffron,
a ridden career is perhaps in store for her. She is happy
without her foal, and calls to them both.
I cannot thank Joanne Varden enough for all her helpful
advice, she is available on the telephone 24 hours a day,
Andrew and Denise Murray for their time, effort , concern
and generosity in lending me Daisy, Barbara Gregory for
sitting up with me for two days and nights feeding Buttercup
and keeping up my spirits, and Tina, Pat and Evelyn for
their help and concern.
hope to be able to show off Buttercup to the world next
year, but in the meantime if anyone can suggest an appropriate
name beginning with "S" I would love to hear
from them.

Church Farm Arabians
01603 408765 /07944 952971