The 10-hour flight to Dallas was just the first leg of
our journey, followed by another hour’s flight to
Fort Smith in Arkansas, then a 90 mile drive by taxi to
the small town of Mena and no, we were not there yet, we
still had another 10 mile car ride to the Ranch, so when
we finally got there on the morning of 9th October, I was
seriously beginning to question my sanity.
My friend Pam Cooper and I sat in the diner of our motel
and laughed as we contemplated an easier hobby, say breeding
goldfish or collecting teapots! After all, once you have
seen one Arab horse you have surely seen them all (as my
husband always says), silly man! He said: “Why go
half way around the world to see horses when you only need
to walk out the back door? Talk about a Busman’s Holiday!”.
This is from the mouth of a man who thinks every worthy
thing should have an engine and preferably wings, so you
can see what I am up against! But seriously, this was to
be a pilgrimage for us, this was a once-in-a-lifetime journey
to what I consider the ultimate Arabian horse stud and was
it worth the stress? Cost? Sleepless hours on the aircraft?
You bet it was!
We were greeted on the morning of the 10th by Sheila Theriot,
Judith Forbis’s personal secretary, and given our
name tags, Judith walked over and spoke to us, smiled sweetly
and the miles melted into nothing, we felt at home immediately
and knew this was going to be a memorable trip.
The three day seminar consisted of talks by prominent judges,
Lisa Lacy, artists such as Karen Kasper, photographer Jerry
Sparagowski (or Spare Gasket as Judith lovingly refers to
him!), Anna Bishop Director of the Pyramid Society and several
other interesting people. There was an introduction to the
stallions about midday on the first day, my first chance
to see those beautiful boys up close and personal. Ansata
Sokar, Ansata Malik Shah, Ansata Sirius and Ansata Iemhotep,
the senior stallion who was to me an ethereal vision and
possessed that special magic few stallions have, that look
of eagles, the look that says I am allowing you to gaze
upon me even though you are not worthy. Oh, look, there
I go again, drifting off the subject I started! Back to
the three day seminar, I will tell you about the horses
The first introduction by Judith was to be Karen Kasper,
artist and sculptor, who gave a very interesting talk relating
to art and the connection between art and the art of breeding
horses, believe me there is a connection and it gave some
serious thought as to where the Arabian horse is going,
after all, it is unique and shouldn’t drift too far
from its original roots, the desert from whence it came.
The Egyptian horse is more like the original desert horse
in its physical appearance, that cannot be denied, however,
it is man and man’s need that have dictated its evolution
since leaving the desert and it now has to live and survive
in different surroundings, which I might add it has adapted
to very successfully. But we must think carefully about
being too extreme in anything, just look at man’s
intervention in dogs and cats! Too short legs, too flat
nose, too much coat etc., have caused problems in most pedigree
animals, so we must beware when desiring too much out of
a change from the original desert horse. Anyway, that is
a long and complex subject and one to be pondered by many
a breeder when choosing their particular horse, be it Russian,
Polish, English, Egyptian, or a mixture, they all came from
the original desert bred horse.
I will leave that subject before I get stoned by the purists
and go on to the next which was to be an interesting judging
workshop, the speakers here were Lisa Lacy, a very nice
young lady and a very knowledgeable judge, and of course,
Judith Forbis herself who is a worldwide respected judge.
Cynthia Culbertson gave a talk on Arabic literature and
how it relates to the Bedouin view of how an Arab should
look and so connect to the eye of the judge at the time
they are judging the horse. She had a calming voice and
I felt myself drift off to the desert camp fires and palm
trees, oops! Here I go again. Back to the judging workshop,
after the talk ended we were given note books and pens and
taken out to judge live horses, this was interesting and
I found I was in agreement with Lisa Lacy at the end! Have
I missed my vocation? Goodness no, I have no wish to be
a judge, who wants to make one friend and ten enemies at
every show? It takes a very special person to be a good
judge and I know very few, however, it was a most enlightening
workshop and one I will remember when the next show season
comes around.

After lunch another feast of horses, this time at liberty
when they showed themselves as the true beauties they are
famous for, then we were taken back to our hotel to freshen
up for the big party celebration, all posh frocks and yes,
turbans! There was to be a turban wrapping contest which
was hilarious, my sides ached with laughing, everyone had
a good time and gifts were given for almost everything you
can think of, we were given gifts for travelling to the
seminar! and nice ones too, I shall treasure mine. Judith
and Don cut the celebration cake and we all ate heartily,
no expense was spared, we had a lovely meal and drinks flowed
freely even though Mena is a dry town! (I suppose it’s
okay to drink in your own home though). Pam and I were surprised
to be told “No mam, no drinks can be bought here in
the town”, I thought Pam was going to go into shock!
“What, no glass of wine with my meal?!” ...
she nearly had withdrawal symptoms! So we were happy when
Saturday night arrived and we could have a glass or three!
The last day started a little later as the party had kept
us up late (most civilised), it was a very informal day,
you could just wander around the barns, ask questions and
generally soak in the atmosphere of the farm. I could see
why Judith and Don lived there, a most peaceful haven nestled
under the rich mountain in the Ouachita Valley, surrounded
by pine trees. Ansata Ibn Halima is buried there, as is
Ansata Ibn Sudan. In the warm sunshine I looked out over
the paddocks and imagined those two famous stallions standing
regal and magnificent, they had lived here, how I wish that
I could have seen them in the flesh. But, of course, when
you look at any of the Ansata horses, that’s what
you are doing, because they are the embodiment of Ibn Halima.

Back to the barn and a most enlightening talk by Jerry
Sparagowski on the art of photography and again I learnt
a lot from this workshop and it was over too soon. I still
had one more thing I needed to do, to interview the head
trainer and respected horseman Steve Diamond. Although he
was busy he found time to take me to his office and tell
me a bit about himself. Although he has not been with Judith
for very long he has been a top trainer in the States most
of his life. He had his own Equestrian Centre and trained
many famous horses. I watched him with the Ansata horses
and he seemed very sympathetic and kind to them. He names
Patrick Swayzee and his wife as very good friends of his,
well, anyone who is a friend of Patrick’s is a friend
of mine!! Just joking again. People kept coming in to the
office and I felt I was taking too much of his time so I
said my goodbye’s and left him to his busy life, although
one day I would like to write about him in his own right,
he was a fascinating man. So Steve, if you read this article
contact me.
Well, all too soon it was over for me, I had to leave early
to catch my flight back to Dallas where my daughter lives.
I was to spend the rest of my visit to the States with her
and her lovely 18 month old son, my grandson Connor. So
I had to take my horsey head off and put my nanny head on
(Worzel Gummidge, for those old enough to remember). I said
goodbye to Pam who was to stay on a few more days (lucky
thing) and also goodbye to all the friends I had made. Thank
you Judith and Don for a most memorable visit to your wonderful
stud, surely one of the highlights of my life.
Lynda Free