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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nut Posted - 01 Nov 2010 : 9:11:35 PM
Just seen the dates has been announced for the SE Region clinics, am thinking of going, has anyone been and what did you get out of your lesson? thanks
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Pasha Posted - 09 Dec 2010 : 11:00:30 PM
Clinic on Sunday is now cancelled! Poxy weather! Oh well, Fluff will just have to join Shesky in the storage box until the new year
Nut Posted - 08 Dec 2010 : 9:25:29 PM
Just heard its definately runnings, hope to see some of you there...a
Caro23 Posted - 08 Dec 2010 : 10:56:15 AM
Have never been to one before but thought it might help me try and do some ridden classes with Dulcie. Will have to be in the spring - she is on her hols now and is hary and has a little pot belly! Weather too bad to ride and I have no school!
Nut Posted - 07 Dec 2010 : 4:40:26 PM
Louis been on hols since the chobham sponsored ride! Have a feeling he's in a for a shock (or I am) when the clippers come out during the xmas / new year break and the tack makes an appearance!

Hope to see you at the spring ones sazz x
Pasha Posted - 07 Dec 2010 : 2:59:25 PM
Come and watch us instead x
sazzlepants71 Posted - 07 Dec 2010 : 1:17:57 PM
good luck girls, i cant ride at all its just either frozen solid(schools) or the roads are too icy and dangerous!

i am going to leave this till New Year now , he is on week2 of rest so I may as well resign myself to the fact its his holiday now... he deserves a little break but its just a little earlier this yr!
i do hope this goes ahead let me know how you get on if you go xx
Nut Posted - 07 Dec 2010 : 12:20:16 PM
Thanks Pacha, we had to cancel dressage last sat as we couldnt get the trailer down the drive nor walk the horse down the drive to load on the gritted road it was soo bad...fingers crossed this goes ahead but might book an indoor school near me just in case!
Pasha Posted - 07 Dec 2010 : 12:15:20 PM
Here is the 5-day forecast for Edenbridge... positively balmy 4 degrees on Friday which should melt the remaining ice hopefully and shouldn't drop below freezing overnight Fri/Sat so should be ok... my only worry is our yard drive (Hilders should be fine) - it's long and windy and thick ice at the moment
Pasha Posted - 07 Dec 2010 : 12:12:28 PM
No, but I doubt they'll make a decision until a day or so before as things can change so suddenly! We are due temps to rise in the SE by the weekend so might all be fine for Sunday or we may be frozen in... normally Marian sends the times out on the Thursday/Friday
Nut Posted - 07 Dec 2010 : 10:59:56 AM
Anyone heard from Marianne about this coming Sunday? Am booked to take 1 of mine but cant reach her to get the final details and timings?
Pasha Posted - 01 Dec 2010 : 9:16:47 PM
They're pretty sensible and will cancel or change dates if needs be... I hope we don't still have weather like this by then or I will go crazy!

He he you have never seen a fluff as big as this.... she is a huge Belgium WB and making a great job as an honoury Arab whilst Shesky is recovering... have told her owner i'm not giving her back when Shesky is back up and running... wonder is 17hh could pass off as an Arab... she is the right colour he he
sazzlepants71 Posted - 01 Dec 2010 : 3:52:22 PM
hiya, holding fire on this now..due to weather
dont really want to travel in this thanks!!! so will wait and see how things pan out bit nearer the time but yes 2 big fluffs together potentially!!
Pasha Posted - 24 Nov 2010 : 09:53:05 AM
Originally posted by sazzlepants71

i am going to go on the 12 dec too busy with crimbo shopping this weekend - really looking forward to it better send my money off now !!

Ooh fantastic!!! You will get to meet the Big Fluff! x
Jess.And.Tiger Posted - 23 Nov 2010 : 11:54:12 PM
I'm gonna try and get to the 12th of December one, although my horse has not been ridden since my dressage lesson on the 2nd of October

So I'm gonna try and ride him a bit before maybe take him out to a hired school and see how mad he is before I book it haha

Nut Posted - 23 Nov 2010 : 8:10:49 PM
see you there hun, i would presume we'll be in different classes as ive asked to go in the novice one as taking erik; keeping it all crossed he enjoys a good day on the 12 dec

looking forward to it and to having a catch up x
sazzlepants71 Posted - 23 Nov 2010 : 4:54:59 PM
i am going to go on the 12 dec too busy with crimbo shopping this weekend - really looking forward to it better send my money off now !!
Kash Posted - 19 Nov 2010 : 7:12:36 PM
I'll try to get to one of the later ones - we're not ready to be seen in public yet!
Nut Posted - 18 Nov 2010 : 5:00:18 PM
Excellent, look forward to meeting you and yours ive asked to be in the most novice group, just waiting to hear what time we need to be there

Fingers crossed on good news tomorrow from shesky.
Pasha Posted - 18 Nov 2010 : 3:58:43 PM
Yes me! Was meant to be going on the 28th with the big Fluff, but boyf has gone and booked me a birthday surprise! How dare he! Not so surprise anymore though as he had to tell me obviously so that I could cancel it.

Might be there on Shesky (if vet gives me good news tomorrow) or might be the big Fluff or both if they're lucky
Nut Posted - 18 Nov 2010 : 1:38:41 PM
anyone going 12 dec?
Jess.And.Tiger Posted - 04 Nov 2010 : 4:05:50 PM
Woooo I can't wait to go to another, I went to one beginning of this year it was amazing!!! Learnt alot!!!

Nut Posted - 03 Nov 2010 : 7:08:07 PM
Hey, will do, cant make the 1st one as the transporters not free so going to try for the second one! Look forward to meeting you and Shesky!
Pasha Posted - 03 Nov 2010 : 10:11:48 AM
Let me know when you're going and I will come and watch (or bring Shesky if he's better)... think I saw you at Hickstead in the horsebox park talking to Sazzle - I was going for my frist warm-up on Shesk, but would be nice to say hi properly x
Nut Posted - 02 Nov 2010 : 8:45:50 PM
Thanks for the encouragement, just need to book transport then I'm in!
Pasha Posted - 02 Nov 2010 : 4:11:59 PM
That's what the clinics are for! There is a nice group of babies I normally join as even though we are more mature in years, we are scared of the other horses in the go round - ask to go in a group like this and tell Pat what you want to work on and it shall be done

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