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Topic author: Smiler
Posted on: 25 Feb 2011 12:22:00 PM

ESMA - 5478 people like this page if we all give £1 donation on Feb 28th 2011 thats £5478
LETS DO IT x x x

Just thought i would put thi up as a different thread for anyone who does not check on ESMA regulary on monday there will be a mass donation of £1 if everyone who has liked the face book site donates £1 that will be a massive £5478 !!!!!!!
so if you want to take part please do


Reply author: alison
Replied on: 25 Feb 2011 1:13:45 PM

Sounds good to me, will be giving.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 25 Feb 2011 1:14:07 PM

Thanks for starting this thread Smiler , I would love to see everyone who reads the thread donating £1, if you do please say so, and lets see if the money tallys with the readers?

Reply author: Goldenmane
Replied on: 25 Feb 2011 1:21:08 PM

Sounds great, some people might have trouble giving over the internet...just a thought if we can do anything to help?

Reply author: avanti
Replied on: 25 Feb 2011 1:24:52 PM

Very good idea x

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 25 Feb 2011 1:28:03 PM

goldenmane if you dont have paypal im sure you can donate in a bank there is details on the other thread if thats any good to you ?

Reply author: sasha
Replied on: 25 Feb 2011 3:11:38 PM

Have already made £20 donation to ESMA and $20 to brooke this week, but will send more next week!!

Reply author: alison
Replied on: 25 Feb 2011 4:11:23 PM

Still trying to give through face book, as soon as completed will let you know Linda!!!!.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 25 Feb 2011 5:28:28 PM

this is for monday the 28th ( NEXT WEEK )

i have already donated a small amount last week but will donate £1 on monday too its a great idea just hope we dont crash paypal

I have worked out £372 feeds 300 horses for 4 days

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 26 Feb 2011 10:40:03 AM

I went to a meeting yesterday and at the end passed the hat round for the Egypt Starving Animals... I asked for a £1 a head would be great... got a nice little amount.
Thank You to all who ccontributed
Will be going into the HSBC account later today.

Anyone one know what the uptoday situation is in Egypt, I quite liked our ongoing reports and photo's every couple of days, seems to have gone (wrong word) dead over the last few days.. anyone got the uptodat news link. can they leave it for me please.

PS. If th situation is still the same ( as when I was working and paying tax) there was no tax to be paid on donations to charital organisations)... so £ for £ you could claim the tax back.
Might be the same now.


Reply author: SueB
Replied on: 26 Feb 2011 10:55:12 AM

Hi, Iv'e just donated to ESMA via the donate button and the paypal comes up saying it goes to Animal Diplomacy?

Does my money get to ESMA anyone know? or can we donate straight to ESMA and not through this Animal Diplomacy??

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 26 Feb 2011 11:17:13 AM

Hi, Yes its collected by Animal Diplomacy a USA group, and I understand ESMA has to justify the cash they request, hense they are keeping records and making notes of who has the feed for the horses.
I'm only guessing this is how it works...after reading the statement put out by ESMA.
One of the questions that would be nice to know is..How long does it take to get to the Egypt situation and ESMA and if there is one pot... so we could be paying for all the starving animal and not just the horses & Donkeys that appear to be suffering most..:ie dying at the mo..or the risk of it..
I'd like to know about this side of things too.

In the Vets report, it does say it can take months to get money to them....
and thats it difficult to get money into Egypt.......

Maybe we need to make other arrangements...Any one got any idea's.

Could we send it to a friend of the organisation to get it there direct or to ESMA'a HQ in Egypt.....
I'd hate to think that the feeding was stopped due to the lack of funds reaching them in time.....
Anyone got any thoughts.

PS. Has anyone contacted the Sidmouth Donkey Sanctury, I wonder what they say about the donkey situation at the Zoo and other places in Egypt. They may be able to help by putting pressure on their people in Egypt.

also leaving Horse World.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 26 Feb 2011 11:24:46 AM

ESMA 'Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals'
Posted 1hour ago.

Beth Sartain,
Hi Linda,in all the time we've spent there we've only seen one group of tourists. There were about 10 of them and they all rode camels. With all the trouble in Libya,Tunisia etc I think the tourists are wary to travel in this area. We're hoping they come back soon as Egypt really needs them. The finanacing of a long term project is impossible for ESMA...we are a small charity totally run by volunteers who are working evry spare minute they have. We need major help and quickly.

Reply author: SueB
Replied on: 26 Feb 2011 1:04:46 PM

I've asked the question about the funds going direct to ESMA on their FB page. They really need to sort this out quick I would prefer any donation I send to help the starving animals in Egypt.
It's all so sad. Poor Donkey's eating the food with dead bodies all around them, so pitiful.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 26 Feb 2011 2:01:39 PM

Thinking of ways of raising money for ESMA on a regular basis,( apart from my current standing order for them and brooke )I decided to extend my vegetable garden and sell some produce ,along with my already market of free range eggs roughly a dozen a day which is £2 hence I been busy for the past 2 days it has taken a huge amount of wwheelbarrowwork and its still in progress. but here it is , can anyone else think of ways of raising money for ESMA please add your thoughts and pictures

Reply author: SueB
Replied on: 26 Feb 2011 4:12:06 PM

Looks like hard work Lynda but a good idea. What about growing Sweet Peas so you can keep cutting them and offer them for sale as bunches of flowers. They flower the more you pick them and you would have flowers all summer long.

I find it hard to look at the photos on the ESMA site, so dreadful isn't it.
There we are arguing about shaving a foals face and in Egypt it's all they can do to keep animals alive, crazy world we live in.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 26 Feb 2011 6:18:43 PM

sweet peas are coming on nicely in the greenhouse Sue I am ahead of you there broad beans , runner beans , french beans, spring onions, shallots , garlic , tomatoes, all in hand , I will put a little table down the end of the drive and hope people will be honest. the eggs used to go missing but that seems to have stopped now and everyone is very honest , to the point where if they come past and eggs are there , but they have no cash on them , they leave a note IOU , and sure enough the money turns up , also they leave kitchen scraps, egg boxes returned( peelings and stuff for the chickens , it all helps.
Yes Sue it is very depressing to look at the pictures on ESMA but look it prompted me and several others! also my daughter has set up a standing order with them I believe ! so its all positive , the only thingI hate the thought of is that we help the animals back to health and send them back to the hell which is their poor lives I wish we could send people around to the schools to help teach the children empathy for their animals , I feel that is the only long term issue worth pursuing.

Reply author: SueB
Replied on: 26 Feb 2011 6:37:35 PM

Difficult one isn't it re teaching them empathy. I know it's another world and the teaching thing has to be a good way forwards you would think, but these poor people just have nothing and I suppose caring for an animal is way down on their list.
I'm sure ESMA and Brooke know the right way forwards, all we can do is send whatever we can afford no matter how small and as often as we can.
You are a shining light Lynda in caring enough to dig for charity! I will send a small amount as often as I can.

Reply author: lisa rachel
Replied on: 26 Feb 2011 9:57:18 PM

Originally posted by SueB

Difficult one isn't it re teaching them empathy. I know it's another world and the teaching thing has to be a good way forwards you would think, but these poor people just have nothing and I suppose caring for an animal is way down on their list.
I'm sure ESMA and Brooke know the right way forwards, all we can do is send whatever we can afford no matter how small and as often as we can.
You are a shining light Lynda in caring enough to dig for charity! I will send a small amount as often as I can.


Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 27 Feb 2011 11:38:33 AM

Can anyone leave me a link to the latest ESMA report thats on Facebook, My access info wont work..anyone leave the link on here please, would like to know how things are doing and look at any pics. Thanks.

Reply author: jaj
Replied on: 27 Feb 2011 11:54:22 AM

Yes I was a bit worried when my donation went through to Animal Diplomacy a couple of weeks ago but hey ho. Much as I'm fond of cats and dogs, I really do want my money to go towards feeding the horses. Still it's done and hopefully the money will get through asap.

I don't think that they don't have empathy with their animals, they just don't have the luxury of time or money to treat them like we do. It's a very different world to ours sadly.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 27 Feb 2011 12:51:11 PM

well done lynda i was going to say tomatoes etc but you have already thought about veggies

and dont forget everyone why i started this thread tomorrow is monday the 28th pound day !!!!!
for all those who think there £1 wont make a difference pleae donate and then ee the results ESMA have done wonders for a small rescue who before this only dealt with small animals !!!!

ooh and my bright idea of contacting a large company regarding donating headcollars has fallen on deaf ears

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 27 Feb 2011 1:15:01 PM

looking at the heather moffet demo thing made me think are there any othe demo's or or events in the next month or two where someone couod do a collection on the gate or maybe someone could have a little stall with collection box and maybe a few things to sell like lynda does eggs and veg or poseys of flowers ????? just a thought ?

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 27 Feb 2011 5:40:32 PM

I've got two rides in April where I'm taking the entries, so I will be out with the hat, similar situation as at the MP's meeting on Friday, I asked everyone to donate £1, and the MP supported me..Could do with an official collection tin..anyone got the GB contact details..

I'm also thinking of having a cheese & wine and a 4 mile walk ending in the pub.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 27 Feb 2011 8:06:32 PM

brill sue thats great are you on FB sue ? i think the uk one is julie dodd

Reply author: MinHe
Replied on: 28 Feb 2011 12:45:51 AM

What about selling poo, Lynda? Or do you need it all for the veggie garden?


Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 28 Feb 2011 07:59:19 AM

I have been giving it to my neighbours for free, I cant really start charging them now ( or can I ) what I might do is get some logs from the wood and sell them, my poor back !

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 28 Feb 2011 08:34:40 AM

Smiler, No my Facebook log in wont work and it seems hopeless.
I'd just like to be able to catch up on the last report & pictures.
Can you leave me the link on here when you've logged in to facebook.
Thanks Sue
This one seems to be working for me now.

Can a few more of you email the Donkey Sanctury and ask them about checking the donkey's in the Zoo. There is a team out there and they should be able to improve the situation for these poor donkies set to die.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 28 Feb 2011 08:38:28 AM

Is this what you need Sue?!/esma.egypt

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 28 Feb 2011 08:43:37 AM

I have just asked a friend on facebook who gets involved personally, I will await her reply.

Reply author: Goldenmane
Replied on: 28 Feb 2011 09:50:56 AM

Well, won ten pounds on the lottery this weekend, where should I be sending it? Now worrying about donkies.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 28 Feb 2011 12:10:07 PM

I've just collected £20 froma meeting, and will be sending via the HSBC UK account to ESMA, sort code 403412, account 81868349.
Its electronic and goes staright away.
ESMA have not discriminated between Horses or Donkeys, they are working for them all.

It does need more presure from the Sidmouth Donkey Sanctury to get their team out there in Egypt to do something humane with the poor little donkeys locked up in the two Zoo's without feed or water, they are going to kill them anyway and think its not a directive to feed they will be dying anyway.. This needs changing...
So could a few of you email the Donkey sanctury at Sidmouth and lets see if we cant get something going..

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 28 Feb 2011 12:46:47 PM

I have donated my £1 today anyone else ?

and agree with sue ESMA have worked along side the donkey sanctury out there so ESMA all the way for me all people are volunteers so i am not paying anyone wages either its straight to the animals that need it

Reply author: Goldenmane
Replied on: 28 Feb 2011 2:03:05 PM

Have sent 10 pounds to ESMA HSBC account by phone from my bank account and emailed Donkey Sanctuary (who I support anyway.) Poor little donkeys, I can't stop thinking about them.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 28 Feb 2011 6:54:11 PM

£20 gone in (from the meeting)today via HSBC.

Lets not forget why we are doing get these fed.
Keep up the good work everyone.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 01 Mar 2011 08:30:36 AM

Sue I have not been keeping up very well have I ! I got this from ESMA this morning, but it is unclear what if anything can be done for the donkeys in the Zoo copied from FB
Hi Lynda,
ESMA 'Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals' commented on their Wall post.
ESMA 'Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals' wrote "The reply we got is that this is governors decision that any confiscated donkeys or horses are to be delivered directly to the zoo and that the ministry of Agriculture has no opinion on that . I think now is a very due time to start a massive campaign against this , they are left to die slowly and if alive when slaughtered it is done in the worst possible way.(MON

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 01 Mar 2011 10:20:19 AM

sorry if someone has already posted this - have also asked if there are any e-mail we can bombard to try to get them to help the donkeys !

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 01 Mar 2011 11:08:05 AM

I searched for the Sidmouth Donkey sanc. email yesterday but failed to find it. I was going to send the pic of those poor donkeys with a message to the sanctuary. After all they have folks out there in Egypt. Found no email for them, so I will have to write.

If its the Ministry of Ag in control, surely the Brook or/& ESMA,WA?? should be able to start to push the boat out on this one.and is there things in writing for this sort of thing... My thoughts are that we now have an Egyptian influence in the Brook over there and things are not getting looked at with a British eye.. Marjorie Brook would be turning in her grave if she thought this sort of thing was going on after all her/the efforts since 1932, when the Brook was set up. Most of these lovely horses maybe descended from the British Army mounts left in Egypt after the war. (First one).

I'm also shocked that everyone here is gong on about 'The Egyptian Arabs'... where do they think these came from....and some of the Best Arabs came from this area....Our support is unquestionable.

So get writing folks... the influence can come from GB.

Wonder if this vet from Devon can give us any help...

and this Facebook still wont work for me...I've given up with facebook they've fu/us for me.
PS. The Min. of Ag. used to breed some of the best Arab horses.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 01 Mar 2011 11:13:42 AM

sorry it was the ministry of ag i meant can we find out an email for him i think both brooke and esma have tried to do something but the ministry of ag dont want to know so we need to bombard someone in authority to get things changed

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 01 Mar 2011 11:40:35 AM

Donkeys in El Arish Zoo.

Reply author: Goldenmane
Replied on: 01 Mar 2011 12:41:44 PM

Oh my god, will do everything I can to help.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 01 Mar 2011 2:37:24 PM

we can start up a petition and send it to the agricultural minister for egypt , I am trying to find the address to send it to , do you know Sue? I have asked Princes Alia to help us also our US friends on FB are coming in to help also .

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 01 Mar 2011 3:18:57 PM

yes lynda i posted this morning asking for his address too but as yet nothing they are busy so may not hear anything till later

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 01 Mar 2011 6:00:45 PM

No one seems to know addresses or anything out there

below is the last reply from one of the egyption people out there so fingers crossed , although as these donkeys / horses are fed to the lions etc they may not want to help them in any way but we can try

"Hi Kim, unfortunately not. Egyptian ministries and even businesses aren't very net friendly. I'll try to see what I can find. Thanks Kim! International pressure always makes a difference here! "

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 01 Mar 2011 7:42:05 PM

I do agree with Lyndilou..but
I'm a bit worried about any back lash this might have on the volunteers working out there at the mo with starving horses..

and maybe we can put pressure on the Donkey Sanctury at Sidmouth and get them's there team in Egypt sposed to be looking after the Donkies..sounds like they are feeding them live to the lions......
Is the Sidmouth Donkey Sanc.on Facebook too..maybe one of you could check and maybe bring it to their Facebook site...including the pic...( sorry folks I'm still not able to get onto facebook, they've cocked it up big time for me and sign on.)

Sue (lyndilou - (Nasseem's owner was a Mr Albadie - not the same??)

PPS. Just confirmed got another £20 donation on the way to me for ESMA.

HQ is in Dokki.???
Googled and got this.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 02 Mar 2011 12:25:16 PM

found these so far !

Home Contact Us
Contact Us

Cabinet of Ministers

Address : 2 Magless El Shaàb st., Al Kasr El Einy, Cairo, Egypt Postal code: 11582

Phone : +202-2793-5000

Fax : +202-2795-8048

Email :

E-mail The Prime Minister

“It will be a pleasure to receive your communications through this e-mail. Your comments and opinion, on our policies and programmes, are encouraged. We are keen to benefit from your input to enhance the ability to deliver the best for the public...”
Dr. Ahmed Shafik

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 02 Mar 2011 12:29:23 PM

Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation
Dr. Ayman Farid Abu-Hadid
Address:1 Nady el Seid str. Dokki, Cairo
Tel: 33373003 - 33372970
Fax: 33372435

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 02 Mar 2011 12:30:17 PM

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 02 Mar 2011 12:33:12 PM

Ok so now what do we think its best to tart a petition ? or to e-mail them or maybe both if we do both and get a petition going then we would get more backers what does everyone think ???

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 02 Mar 2011 1:15:07 PM

I think both , but to start a petition we need help , I have been so busy this morning with stuff here , but as soon as I have my lunch I will sit down and see if I can get it started .

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 02 Mar 2011 1:35:37 PM

Good thats what i thought do both no harm just don't know if these e-mails are up to date if they have changed cabinate then might not get to the correct person but we will soon find out i will leave it to you lynda to start a petition up im no good with words

but ready to sign

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 02 Mar 2011 8:09:52 PM

lyndilou have you looked into starting a petition are you going to start an on line one there i a ite care2you or something like that where you can do one i'm always getting petition sent to me through them

or causes .com i think thats right

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 02 Mar 2011 9:29:41 PM

I have an address to start one , but been so busy today tomorrow after vet has gone I will get one started

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 02 Mar 2011 9:53:03 PM


Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 02 Mar 2011 10:01:51 PM

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 07 Mar 2011 1:32:00 PM

Funds still needed to continue the good feeding work..

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 14 Mar 2011 12:52:10 AM

To ESMA. ( can someone leave me a message on Facebook, as I am not able to log in there.) Thank You.
Would really like to see some more pics of the horses when your next out feeding, I'd like to think they are improving.
Your doing a great job all round, horses, dogs and cats, nice to see someone cares.
Managed to raise another £35(for ESMA) this Saturday in donations, everyone who gave a £1 donation got a slice of my home made cake, went down well, two cakes brought in £25, will do it again.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 14 Mar 2011 07:39:44 AM

I am not sure if you meant to copy and paste this message into their site? but I have done it for you Sue. well done with the donations what a splendid idea

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 14 Mar 2011 11:11:28 AM

WOW well done sue keep it up

just to let those who cant get on face book that beth who was the main one regarding the horses is no longer with ESMA although esma are still feeding the horses as far as i'm aware but they now have no one who has experience with equines so not sure if they will keep going or not ,
beth has now joined forces with HSI humane society international to help the horses well done to beth for highlighting the need for help in egypt and doing what she has so far

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 14 Mar 2011 1:58:23 PM

So does anyone know if feeding the starving horses will continue now Beth's left.

Now 14days old & copied from the Humane Society International.
February 28, 2011

Upheaval in the Middle East
On the ground in Egypt

Humane Society International
by Luke Gamble MRCVS (WVS) and Dr Hassan Abdelrahim (HSI)

In the wake of recent political unrest, numerous reports were filed with international animal charities regarding the welfare of animals in Egypt. Specifically, concern was raised about the animals within Cairo, where a high proportion of the resident population has been severely affected by virtual paralysis of economic trade.

Companion animals
In the days following the initial protests, Humane Society International coordinated the first international response to assist companion animals in desperate need of help. Dogs and cats everywhere had been abandoned, and shelters—already at capacity—were overflowing, with many animals in need of urgent treatment.

Under the direction of Dr. Hassan Abdelrahim, HSI’s Middle East manager, and Worldwide Veterinary Service—with funding from The Maria Norbury Foundation and The Marchig Animal Welfare Trust—we set up a central base and hospital station hosted by two local organizations, ESMA and Animal Haven, to attend to animals from all the dog and cat shelters in Cairo. With rolling rotating teams on the ground, we are helping hundreds of animals with treatments from amputations to review for parasites and illness, and providing training and support to Egyptian vets working on the frontlines of animal welfare.

At the zoo
We found animals at Giza Zoo in sub-optimal condition, but with adequate food and water. The zoo is highly valued by the residents of Cairo and an announcement on the radio expressing concern on day four of the revolution had members of the public coming to the zoo to check that the animals were being cared for! We met with the zoo’s director and hope that in time we might be able to advise and assist in ways that would benefit them.

Working animals
HSI observed other NGOs running a well-resourced and efficient program for horses, donkeys and camels. The treatment station we visited was well-managed and sufficiently supplied to cope with large numbers of animals. Just this week, we began a feeding program for camels—animals used extensively in the tourism industry, which has come to a virtual halt. Most working animals have received food and veterinary attention during this crisis, but there are currently few places for camels to obtain food and care. HSI decided to step in for this reason to help prevent any further suffering.

We continue to make plans for short and longer-term efforts in aid of animals in Egypt.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 14 Mar 2011 3:02:55 PM

sue as far as i'm aware the feeding will continue with brooke and esma will continue till funds run out so they say ( esma ) that is beth will be working with HSI to feed the animals needing help in egypt so she has not given up but for her reasons moved away from esma , i am still waiting for exact animals and what condition they are in that she is helping so i will let you know when i hear back but there does seem to be people not helped by any of the charitys so farthat they have found i am not sure how needy these horses are yet ! but beth hassaid if any of the 2 charitys now feeding by the pryamids stop then they will moveback and help them too

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 14 Mar 2011 3:06:02 PM

Hi Kim,we are doing a feed on Wednesday for horses at Sakkara. The horses there are in quite good condition but the owners now have had no income for over a month. Jsy because their horses look well it doesn't mean they don't need fact if we didn't help these good people we would be penalising them for doing such a great job with their animals.
Brooke have already given out feed for a whole week at the Giza pyramids so we didnt want to overlap there as that is just a waste of resources. We are trying to see that ALL animals that need our help are getting fed. That includes the donkeys and camels.
If people just want the money to go to horses thats fine,as long as Im told how much they have donated at the time.

As I said before,I now have nothing to do with ESMA feeding and am going along the path which is correct for me and for the animals that need help.

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone who asks. Thanks Kim. x

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 14 Mar 2011 4:24:15 PM

Just received this letter from the Brooke;
Hi Lynda,

Thank you for your email.

We are continuing to feed in regions that have been affected by the downturn in tourism. We are liaising with our team in Egypt on a daily basis, staying updated about when and where the next feed distributions will be and how many horses have been fed and treated on these days. As and when we receive this information, we immediately update the statement on our website and inform our supporters via our Facebook and twitter pages. You can read today’s statement here -

We do appreciate you bringing forums on Arabian Lines to our attention but having monitored the discussions, we feel that our supporters are doing a great job in accurately delivering the latest information from our statements to the forum. Online forums are used to debate and discuss a wide variety of topics and unfortunately we cannot control what the topic of conversation will be nor the opinions expressed.

Thank you.

Victoria Hassett

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 14 Mar 2011 8:59:53 PM

Thank you Lynda for posing my message and for sharing the Brooke update with us...I wonder if they can find us some up todate photo's, I would love to see some of those horses fed in the last few days or in March, the ones on Flicker are now three weeks old.It would be nice to see how the horses and donkeys are doing now. There were some dreadfully thin cases with terrable backs and sores.A couple of donkeys, one lay down, and another with dreadfully runny eye's.
Wonder if anyone can tell us about these two.
Wonder how this one is doing.
and if this one is still alive...

Reply author: Goldenmane
Replied on: 15 Mar 2011 06:46:28 AM

What an amazing job the charities are doing and how difficult it must be to co-ordinate it all. Thank you for updating us. Ironic that I have too much grass and have to watch my horses weight. Those poor horses.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 16 Mar 2011 12:41:24 AM

I dont think I could bear to be inclose contact to these poor horses, I would'nt sleep for a week.

Lets keep up the good work and try to keep the funds heading their way, its got to get better, it can;t get much worse than these two.

More money on the way.
Did someone say they can direct our UK donations to the horses..can someone tell how..please.
I paid in £20 mid Feb
£20 1st march
£20 week later
& got another £35 to come. All £1 donations for the cake.
Cheers Sue

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 16 Mar 2011 08:31:41 AM

Sue, getting payment to these places is near on impossible without someone at the other end receiving it through their bank, the bank costs are high so a large % goes to the banks at both ends ! . short of hopping on a plane and taking it bodily there is not much hope, so the best way is to pay into , ESMA, PAF and the Brooke , they way we have been doing so far . edited to say the PAF are working at getting an international account going so we can pay into that.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 16 Mar 2011 3:17:30 PM

Lyndylou, this is what I ment...who has left this post....
copied from Smilers above.
'If people just want the money to go to horses thats fine,as long as Im told how much they have donated at the time.'


Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 17 Mar 2011 10:22:54 PM

Team ESMA report 40 mins ago.

Lolly Abbas Arafa
ESMA busy getting ready for feed day..
Great News..Well Done from us all here.
Thank You..Sue

Hi everyone !!
Today Sherif Amasha, Marta, Yasmin Abd El-Kader And I were mixing the food from 3:00pm till 8:00pm for the horse feeding tomorrow .. Yasmin had to leave early though !
It was a pretty huge hard work as we were only 3 volunteers out there doing ALOT ( 500 sacks !! ) ..
I hope next time we'll have 10 volunteers or more. ( ...not only volunteers on papers )
I'll upload some photos in a while :)

Ready for the morning.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 17 Mar 2011 10:39:55 PM

Sue - that message you copied from mine was from an e-mail to me from beth sartain on the 14th march meaning that if anyone donates money to HSI and wants the money to be used ONLY on the horses that.. that is fine as long as you say that when donating so she knows where the money is to be used

Reply author: Red Rum
Replied on: 18 Mar 2011 07:41:08 AM

fantastic job wish I could be there to help -

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 18 Mar 2011 10:12:36 PM

What a Great Team you are at ESMA....
One lucky horse, sounds like someone went home with this grey horse today.

This horse is now in a great stable, where he'll be fed every day, Thanks to Mona & Yasmin.
Well Done to all involved, what a team at ESMA.
Are both eye's the same, hope he soon improves.
Lots of TLC from us.
Cheers Sue

Reply author: Goldenmane
Replied on: 19 Mar 2011 07:37:04 AM

Thats wonderful news, such a haunting look. As we can't be there we can only donate.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 19 Mar 2011 4:29:25 PM

yasmin one of the volunteers took this and a chestnut ( with an abscess ) back with her thank goodness

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 20 Mar 2011 01:00:38 AM

ESMA 'Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals'
Dear FB members we are pleased to announce that yesterday we handed out food for 500 horses, a mix of corn and bran. The numbers of horse owners turning up for the distribution is becoming more and more, and yesterday we had to change our location within Nazlat Al Saman 3 times to avoid the crowds. ESMA also took two of the worst from their owners (with their permission) to be treated and stabled with the assistance of Yasmine Abd ElKader. The general condition of the horses is improving each week but still so many of them have wounds that the owners are not getting treated. We would like to thank our hard working volunteers who helped in the preperation of feed and the feeding day itself and we always encourage new volunteers to join us. Next feeding day will be either next Friday or Saturday. We would also like to thank anyone who has/is donating to this programme, without your donations we would not be able to continue.

Thank You
Susie Nassar
Horse Feeding Task Force Leader
Keep the good work up. Great Volunteers and work.
Thank You

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 23 Mar 2011 5:09:14 PM

Visit the link and see the Grey 'Captain' & the Chestnut looking so much better in just a few days.
Well Done Yasmin and the Team ESMA..what a wonderful effort.
We will keep raising funds and support you all.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 23 Mar 2011 5:23:46 PM

Hi Sue, I did ask if they had been rescued and taken away from work, I didnt get a reply , do you know ?

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 23 Mar 2011 8:29:56 PM

I thought i read somewhere that they had taken them till they were better but i cant find the thread again on FB

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 23 Mar 2011 8:35:51 PM

I stink.... been with my horses... they are all doing well...the two rescue horses... One of the owners showed up to look at his horse but I wasn't there to talk to him.

just found this on fb so as i thought they have taken them to get them back to health then the owner will have them back from the sounds of things !

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 23 Mar 2011 9:17:31 PM

that is sad , seems we save them to send them back to the hell that was their lives !

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 23 Mar 2011 11:57:15 PM

Hi Lyndilou, No I don't know the answer,I thought they had been rescued, be a pity if not, but I don't know. I thought I read they were from the same owner, but cant find it now, or anything to confirm our worst fears read everything back to the 16th. Just
Keep me posted.
ESMA link:

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 26 Mar 2011 9:32:42 PM

ESMA's Susie Nassar send's todays report:

Report Horse Feeding today at Nazlat Al Samaan - Pyramids -
10am start finished 6 pm. Gave out food for 504 horses and + we fed many of the skinny horses (not including their share to take home). Today as is the case nearly every week there were more horses that we hadn't seen before. Many ones we saw today were very thin. Next week... will need to feed more, once we calculate the horses that we did not have feed for. This is not getting any easier, still few foreign tourists, although quite a few locals riding, but nowhere near enough work to go around for the horse owners. We would like to thank all our volunteers for a very hard day's work in hot weather. Without our volunteers we could not continue to carry out this operation. XTRA volunteers needed next week if we are to feed additional horses. The huge crowd needs many people to control them + recording ID nos. writing date on the horse and distributing the feed. Photos hopefully to be published tomorrow on Facebook.See more

2 minutes ago 26.March 2011. 21.26hrs.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 05 Apr 2011 3:42:05 PM

Susie Nassar reports on Saturdays feeding 2 April 2011 from Giza, Egypt.

Report on ESMA Horse Feeding 2nd April 2011 in Nazlet el Seman - We fed 600 horses, the largest number ever and still we have another extra 50 on the list for next week. Some of the horses are still terribly thin. Thank God yesterday we had Dr. Ahmed Arabi, ESMA vet with us too and he treated many cases. I will ask him post a report later. We are ca...lling for many more volunteers to help with the feeding, the operation is becoming bigger and bigger, and it is very difficult to control 600 horses and their owners! Some of the pictures were posted this morning below this posting, if you want to volunteer for next week's feeding please send me an email for all the volunteers hard work in this very difficult Volunteer task..
Susie Nassar
ESMA Volunteer Co-ordinator
Funds to continue the feeding urgently needed.
UK donations can go straight to HSBC Account.No. 81868349. Sort Code: 403412.

Bin Eating Saturday.

Cake for Cairo.

Thank You.
Everyone who gave a donation and had a slice of cake on Sunday 3rd April at our ride, £55 collected & Banked for ESMA and feeding the starving horses in Egypt.
Thank You to everyone who made a donation for this really good cause.

PS. In the past I have feed my 250 free range chickens from local skips, all the greens and fruit that gets thrown out goes to waist, often I've collected boxes of cauliflower cutting and apples. Lets hope the Egypt horses are making up their daily rations with greens disgarded by others (humans). Good Luck to them..

Reply author: Goldenmane
Replied on: 06 Apr 2011 11:38:41 AM

The cake looks delicious, if you pm me the recipe I'll donate straight into the HSBC bank account, (very simple)
(I shall then pass recipe onto my mum or daughter in law as I'm not a very good cook!)

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 06 Apr 2011 5:04:19 PM

ESMA Feeding Day 2nd April:
Where is the food.
Bin picking..
Thin Greys get the extra food.
Vet check.
Standing in line for ESMA
Another feed day. 2nd April.

Thank You, Have PM'd you.
Enjoy the bake.
ESMA still desperate for funds to continue the feeding, please help them.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 08 Apr 2011 10:51:09 PM

sussie has said that brooke are going to stop feeding again so i think we all need to bombard them with e-mails again so they change there minds they cannot stop yet there work is far from complete

Reply author: jackiedo
Replied on: 09 Apr 2011 08:11:43 AM

Absolutely they need to continue

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 09 Apr 2011 08:28:28 AM

I will ring them on monday, they get fed up with me ringing them if this is true and its hard to believe they would just stop feeding, then I will stop my monthly payments. thanks for the update of the horses feet , but sadly we still condemn them to a life of misery by sending them back to work in those condidtions a living hell from what I can see

Reply author: Vera
Replied on: 09 Apr 2011 08:58:32 AM

I am totally conflicted about this

I am seriously considering withdrawing my donations to both organisations.

The reality is that, however much it really upsets me to say this, but the reality of this is that these horses are better off dead. There I have said it.

I haven't seen a single malnurished person, they all have decent clothes on and shoes on their feet. I'm sorry but I simply do not believe that these people don't know any better. They have eyes. There are well kept horses so they can see the difference.

I wonder if it would be better to provide them with scooters/motorbike/tuktuks (tooktook's??) which they can mistreat to their hearts content.

Reply author: jaj
Replied on: 09 Apr 2011 09:15:49 AM

Vera I do agree about the horses .

Re people out there, it is a terrible place to live for many people. I saw filthy, emaciated children doing what the horses are doing - living in/on rubbish dumps and finding what food they can amongst it.

There is plenty of abject poverty truly and I guess a horse costs less than a tuk tuk .

Reply author: suyents
Replied on: 10 Apr 2011 6:24:31 PM

PLEASE have a look at the FOUR PAWS website to see what good work they also have been doing.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 10 Apr 2011 11:57:33 PM

Feeding Day - 9th April 2011.
News just in that the Brooke will pull out of helping to feed the starving horses on 21st April..a Real Shock & Bad News for all.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 11 Apr 2011 01:00:54 AM

sue do you mean they HAVE confirmed they are pulling out ?

and vera i do agree with you too although i will add that it has been said that the well known makes of clothes they wear they get for free or for very little money i think these kind of clothes maybe made over there meaning they get them very very cheap , but still agree they have eyes they must know these horses are on there last legs i am beginning to thin they are eating the dam horse food themselfs because i dont see much change in some of them

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 11 Apr 2011 11:35:39 AM

Hi Smiler, Yes, I read it on Facebook in one of the reports, saying that Brooke was finishing feeding the starving horses on the 21st.April and that the horses would be short of 7kgs of food each a week... which won't help the situation for any one.

Just found this too which makes interesting reading:
8-April ||Feed mixing: Those 4 workers did a really HUGE work !! They did 650 sacks = 650*7= 4550Kg of barn & corn.. from 3:30 pm till 9:00 pm ..
Tomorrow is the horse feeding insha'Allah.. Many Volunteers needed
Smiler & Vera, What you are seeing is the horses that might be the additional 50 that were new to the feeding programme, I also believe that any that were showing little or no improvement were asked to bring the horses,so they could monitor them and get an additional feed in on the day. I think that many of the others were in the book and known to the team and maybe just picked up their horse food and were not at the front of attention and pictures not taken.. I guess any improvement will be slow, even for those who have benefited from feed from the first feed day - 14 Feb.
They said that the numbers were climbing each week and that there were an additional 50 horses due to come on feed day 9th. It was good to see the horses getting water.

Donations are still needed to keep them afloat..

Reply author: Vera
Replied on: 12 Apr 2011 12:10:25 AM

Kim - that has occurred to me too. I believe they are being given maize and bran, which could be made into some sort of bread. So are they stealing the food intended for the horses.....?

Sue - do you know what has happened to the boy still working his horse with a broken hip? WHY didn't they buy the horse of him there and then!!!!!! I don't understand how they could let him leave. I know they are all volunteers but I would paid just about anything to get him away from that boy and put him to sleep.

And as for my comment a few days ago - who an I kidding, of course I am not going to stop supporting them but it is breaking my heart that they are still so desperately thin, and still being worked and ridden.

Maybe they should post some pictures of horses that have improved, preferably with before and after pics, then people like me would not be so disheartened at apparently seeing no improvement.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 12 Apr 2011 12:41:34 AM

No Vera, I only heard about it today, I said something similar, get the horse away and buy the boy a bike, support him and not a horse.
When they said Broken Hip, did they mean broken bones or skin...?????
there's a lot of difference.. just wondering.. and had a vet seen it.. the vet was with them over the last two weeks feed days...???

ESMA link:

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 12 Apr 2011 11:02:04 AM

Just written again today for conformation that the Brooke will not stop feeding, I dont understand

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 12 Apr 2011 11:45:48 AM

vera i have asked sussie time and time again to do something regarding this horse with the broken hip ! they argue that they don't have anywhere to keep horses but i have said that i would not sponsor this horse no way if you check on his photo you will see I've refused to help with this case i said also that I'm sure people would sponsor the horse IF he was rescued bought what ever and we could set up a sponsor to keep this horse in a stable etc I'm sure some of you and i would help with this ??? i am waiting for confirmation on prices etc !
yes agree sue there will be slow progress with weight I'm sure we all understand that but some who have been there from the start have not improved one bit

yes there are new cases turning up all the time as people who live further out find out about the feeding which is good but of course puts such a strain on finances

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 12 Apr 2011 12:59:25 PM

have just been informed that it would cost £100 a month for a space in full livery at a good place including food grooming etc !!

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 12 Apr 2011 2:42:50 PM

I have now stopped my monthly payments to the Brooke ( as stated in my thread" letter from the Brooke") they continued to skirt round my questions , and now they say the WILL stop feeding as the situation has improved in Cairo???? ( not from what I can see!)so I wrote back that I want my money to go to feeding , so I am going to give all my money to PAF and ESMA.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 12 Apr 2011 2:48:52 PM

where has the situation improved ??? from what i can see its worse as more people with starving horses are coming out of the woodwork !!

so sorry you have had to do that lynda but i thought they were skirting around things i dont want to get to the end of every month and have to put pressure on these charities to keep feeding we can see the straving horses why cant they ?

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 12 Apr 2011 11:54:29 PM

It was very good of you to write to the Brooke for all of us Lynda, All our worst fears have now been confirmed in the letters from the Brooke, they are feeding another twice and the programme of feeding comes to an end on the 21st. April.
So Very Sad.
Thank You.
9th April 2011.
16 thin horses in this pic...

Reply author: jaj
Replied on: 13 Apr 2011 12:17:45 AM

I think the trouble is sometimes that emaciated horses end up being the 'norm' out there and the locals are so used to them being like that so don't see what we see.

I have some photos like those that I took at the Brooke Clinic in Luxor 20 odd years ago and one of the photos shows a horse that was privately owned and it honestly looked totally overweight and out of place there but here in the UK it would be completely normal body condition.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 13 Apr 2011 12:27:20 AM

These are not the Norm and if the Brooke or anyone else can't spot a horse in need, its time to give up.
I also stopped paying to Brooke & the Donkey Sanc..

Cheers (Spec savers maybe...Ha Ha)

Reply author: jaj
Replied on: 13 Apr 2011 07:53:37 AM

Have you been out there though? None of the horses look like 'English' horses sadly . I'm not saying they are normal just that Egyptian people may well see it that way.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 13 Apr 2011 10:51:29 AM

To a degree I think your right, although when they start dropping dead and dying, you have to take note,its a very thin line between a trim horse and a starving horse. They don't need any excuses to stop feeding them. prior to the 13th/14th February no horses were routinely feed..Then ESMA and the other charities noticed all the bodies, especially in Nazlet El Seman, where horses had been left tied to tree's to die (see the Telgraph from the 8th February for the first pictures........not because they were living in a different culture, but because their owners had no money and could not afford to feed themselves, let alone the horses.

Look to the future, things can't go on like this..something has got to come out of all this good work the charities are doing... Improvements all round are needed..and lots and lots of support and teaching.

Some of the very best Arabians came from Egypt. Many of these horses are descended from the British War Horses, sold and left there in the 1920's...Major Brooke's and his wife saw it first hand...she wrote to the newpapers in Britian and identified the problems..then..

But, this is a currant crisis....and we all need to support them and not be negative and find excuses to do nothing. We can all play an important role from a seeing them now or before has no bearing on the present facts.
Food, water & training will all help.

Horses in training never carry a lot of weight,often you can count every rib, but they have to be fed and do their job..this could be the same there...

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 13 Apr 2011 12:24:52 PM

I have been a staunch supporter of the Brooke since I went out there , but even I will not stand by while they walk away from this serious issue. the horses are not just lean they are emaciated to the point of death! and indeed death would be a welcome thing for many of them!
what annoys me is everytime I phone their head office I get a different person! just how many staff IS My pension supporting before it gets to the horses mouths?????

Reply author: Vera
Replied on: 13 Apr 2011 10:39:05 PM

Originally posted by Rozy Rider

No Vera, I only heard about it today, I said something similar, get the horse away and buy the boy a bike, support him and not a horse.
When they said Broken Hip, did they mean broken bones or skin...?????
there's a lot of difference.. just wondering.. and had a vet seen it.. the vet was with them over the last two weeks feed days...???

Hi Sue,

I can't get the pics to save to my laptop so I'll have to post links.

Here a couple of pics of the horse with a broken hip.!/photo.php?fbid=200907719940553&set=a.200907456607246.52605.121866407844685&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=200907586607233&set=a.200907456607246.52605.121866407844685&type=1&theater

I don't think its just a case of broken skin on the hips as many of the horses have that sort of injury. This is the only one I have seen described as having a broekn hop so this leads me to think that it really is broken.

Reply author: Vera
Replied on: 13 Apr 2011 10:42:21 PM

Originally posted by Smiler

vera i have asked sussie time and time again to do something regarding this horse with the broken hip ! they argue that they don't have anywhere to keep horses but i have said that i would not sponsor this horse no way if you check on his photo you will see I've refused to help with this case i said also that I'm sure people would sponsor the horse IF he was rescued bought what ever and we could set up a sponsor to keep this horse in a stable etc I'm sure some of you and i would help with this ??? i am waiting for confirmation on prices etc !
yes agree sue there will be slow progress with weight I'm sure we all understand that but some who have been there from the start have not improved one bit

yes there are new cases turning up all the time as people who live further out find out about the feeding which is good but of course puts such a strain on finances

Sorry but what utter b*ll*cks, the horse doesn't need putting anywhere. The poor boy needs to be PTS. I would pay for it godamit!!!!!!

Edited to add I mean the poor boy as in the horse - not the orphan boy with the horse.

Reply author: Vera
Replied on: 13 Apr 2011 10:44:51 PM

Originally posted by LYNDILOU

I have now stopped my monthly payments to the Brooke ( as stated in my thread" letter from the Brooke") they continued to skirt round my questions , and now they say the WILL stop feeding as the situation has improved in Cairo???? ( not from what I can see!)so I wrote back that I want my money to go to feeding , so I am going to give all my money to PAF and ESMA.

Do reconsider Lynda, they do do a lot of good - just not in this case but look how they've helped the brick donkeys for starters...

Reply author: jaj
Replied on: 13 Apr 2011 10:57:12 PM

I'm still supporting the Brooke and will continue to pay my subscription . It definitely won't help the horses if we all suddenly start cancelling our direct debits will it ?

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 14 Apr 2011 08:01:15 AM

Well for now I am paying double to ESMA, I may return to the Brooke when and if the starvation issue stops, but as I said IF the amount of staff working at the london office is anything to go by they dont need my money as much as ESMA do right now.
I had a letter from one of the ESMA team saying that now the Brooke are going to stop feeding they will have to find double the amount of food and desperatly need funds for this.

Reply author: Pop
Replied on: 14 Apr 2011 08:31:13 AM

Now I wouldn't call Lydnilou and I best pals but you have to admire that she isn't letting this one get ignored; and you can sense that the situation is very upsetting for her, very upsetting indeed So ...

I'm sorry jaj but I think Lyndilou should give her money to the organisation she trusts best to help these horse, who she clearly feels very passionately about, don't we all. To stop her donations seems to be her last resort. She clearly is not one of the 'I've donated so I've done my bit' sort. The situation looks like it is causing her real pain and anguish; so i believe she is right to DO SOMETHING.

I appreciate that The Brook may be quite busy, but it sounds like they were not listening to her.

Personally, if I worked for them and kept getting calls from someone who cared that much, I would A) listen to what she has to say as she represents general view and B) take her phones call everytime and get as much money as I could from her, and encourage her to go off fund raising for me.

The letter they sent to Lyndilou seems to skirt the issue and is unable to admit what they intend to do, i.e., stop feeding. If they could not come right out and admit it to her, then I would suggest they know its wrong.

Reply author: jaj
Replied on: 14 Apr 2011 10:53:56 AM

Absolutely fair play to Lynda and yes as ever she is passionate and not scared to take the powers that be to task !

Power to the people, we must all do what we think is right !

Reply author: alison
Replied on: 14 Apr 2011 4:02:15 PM

Yes same here - heads up to Linda for 'talking the talk-and walking the walk' Linda your commitment and determination has certainly gained my admiration - I take my hat off to you.
Has made me have a good think about this situation rather than letting it slip off the radar, will come up with some ideas.

Reply author: Fee
Replied on: 14 Apr 2011 4:40:19 PM

I too would just like to say thanks to Lynda and the others that are keeping this going. Really well done for your commitment and effort. What a horrific and sad situation.


Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 14 Apr 2011 6:20:49 PM

Oh , thanks I am usually shot down in flames if I speak my mind, but I am not the only one here who stands up for the voiceless ,we all play our part, its just that I am an old cantankerous sod who wants whats right and whats fair

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 15 Apr 2011 12:32:16 AM

I did wonder if the folks sat in the London office have seen any of the recent photographs.. may be they have not.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 15 Apr 2011 11:30:12 AM

maybe I should send them some ?

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 15 Apr 2011 1:12:44 PM

Good idea, Lynda, keeping them posted and up todate sounds as if it is necessary.

I'll be wondering how things are going with the next planned feeding..
Thank God we have ESMA.... out there...

Just off to the the FEI ride at Haywood Oaks, got two cakes with me, wish me luck.
Back on Sunday.

Reply author: jaj
Replied on: 15 Apr 2011 1:19:02 PM

Good luck Sue !!!

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 15 Apr 2011 1:44:13 PM

good luck sue and yes send them some pics lynda see what they say !!!

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 15 Apr 2011 1:57:55 PM

Ok I will

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 15 Apr 2011 3:10:46 PM

How strange! I sent a letter with 5 pictures in it and it has been sent back to me as spam mail???? I will try again , but maybe they dont except pictures?

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 15 Apr 2011 3:21:39 PM

ooh strange !!!

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 17 Apr 2011 9:21:50 PM

Five might be too large a file to send lynda..

Just back from a lovely weekend at Haywood Oak's (Robin Hood Country) crewing Lin's Khan in the 120km FEI class...who finished 3rd.


Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 18 Apr 2011 08:32:18 AM

Its ok now Sue I re-sent it and its not come back to me. we are going ahead with the poster and tickets for printing tomorrow and have decided to keep the Brooke included but we have also added ESMA so we have the three charities to share the proceeds with .
as soon as I can work out a way to put the poster up in here I will add it. glad you had a good weekend .
I was thinking , if you are going to Malvern this year why dont you take some of your cakes for the Brooke stall?, or even ask AHS if you can open one for your cakes for the ESMA? just a thought I am sure the AHS would be happy to help with the charity?

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 19 Apr 2011 12:17:50 AM

Thanks for all the good luck wishes folks.

Good Idea Lynda, will check the Malvern date.

Just the two cakes went with us to Haywood Oaks, both flew out the tins once opened.( got some cash to bank now). The ride organiser said I could have a cake stand at the next ride there in a few weeks time, so if I can either get someone to help me.. or man it when I'm not crewing, will be a good thing to do.. Got me ESMA collection tin now and will be sorting some posters out soon. Every bit will count if Brooke backs out of the feeding. Many of the folks I've spoken with can not beleive they will be backing down...shocked like

Just wondering how this Saturday's Feeding went, anyone seen anything posted any where please.

ESMA link:

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 19 Apr 2011 09:32:59 AM

here is our final draft( apart from a few tweeks) for the poster as no one else came up with ideas I had to go ahead with Venus as model background.
hope you like it

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 19 Apr 2011 12:20:22 PM

Like it, Thumbs Up.
can I post it on EGB please.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 19 Apr 2011 4:16:49 PM

yes of course ( whats EGB?)

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 19 Apr 2011 11:22:57 PM

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 20 Apr 2011 08:31:09 AM

great Sue people will be coming from all over the country I believe

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 20 Apr 2011 12:50:45 PM

great poster lynda well done andi do not want a ballon flight scared of heights
ive not been keeping up with things on line or feeding etc as over flooded with work this week

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 20 Apr 2011 4:45:38 PM

There is a private training session by the famous Pat Smedly( who does clinics for the SERAHS) as an item in the auction if you are interested , she will come anywhere in the SE for the lucky bidder . we also have a london show for two, and a B+B for two. there will be some great Items on offer so there should be something for everyone to bid on ( I may bid on the balloon ride , I did one in Egypt is was really cool !)

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 20 Apr 2011 5:46:20 PM

Lucky you i would love to go up in one and see the sites etc but i think i would freak i dont think theres much in me winning anything anyway i never do !!!! but should be a good evening any way even if i dont win anything

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 20 Apr 2011 7:32:17 PM

the raffle is seperate from the auction( thats the hot air ballon ETC)

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 20 Apr 2011 8:10:53 PM

ooops thats in the auction is it ? thats ok then

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 21 Apr 2011 12:58:44 AM

Just another £25 on Cake & Donations for ESMA on its way.Now Banked.
Can anyone tell me if a feeding horses day has taken place since the 9th April please.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 21 Apr 2011 08:15:00 AM

well done Sue every little counts to these poor horses and donkeys, anyone else got any ideas to making money for the charities?

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 22 Apr 2011 10:52:02 AM

ESMA's vet, Dr. Ahmed, who has graduated with his degree specialized in equine medicine. Well Done to Dr Ahmed.. a great aset to ESMA and the horses in Egypt.
ESMA link:

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 24 Apr 2011 4:01:20 PM

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 24 Apr 2011 5:33:37 PM

For me this is the photo of the day.
( also copied to Endurance GB, since there members donatated last week at Haywood Oaks Ride.) I also hope to be at Dukeries offering Cake and collecting any donations......and I've already started to bake for the ride next Saturday in Ludlow's Mortimer Forest, so get your £1's ready folks and try my cake..these horses are still hungry.
£5 donation for another one of my photo's..coming to ESMA too.
Report from:
ESMA 'Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals'
We invite you all to have a look at the photos of the horse feeding done by ESMA yesterday. Many horses are still starving and we need all your help. If anyone can donate time or money, the horses will be forever grateful. Thank you our dear angels (Nadia)
The needy cases getting extra food on the day.23.4.11. + each registered horse gets a weeks supply of food to take away.

Leaving the link to the latest Feed Day 23 April carried out by the ESMA Team & spotted the UK rep out there helping too... Thank God we have them there and working for these horses..Hope the money does not run out.
All donations gratefully recieved, just banked £25 I managed to collect at Haywood Oaks. A slice of cake goes a long way, well the money is travelling to Egypt to help out. ESMA has a UK HSBC account Sort Code:403412, Account No. 81868349. and anyone can pay in a donation or set up a direct payment, alternatively you can send your donation to me, or ask for a slice of cake when you see me and make a £1 donation and I'll pay it in for you to ESMA. The Haywood Oaks gang got the idea and asked if I'd got cake !!!!!!/esma.egypt

Also, Facebook members ESMA needs votes for the cat...if they get 25000 vote in the next few days they will win a donation, so Facebook member please vote for them and help this non profit making organisation...

Thank you for those who donatied last week and had cake, and Lin & Thank you Sue H..for the cheque you donated for one of my photo's from Haywood Oaks & Clair too.. very much appreciated folks.

and on the Brooke front....
Brooke pull out of helping with the feeding of the starving horses, their last feed day was the 20th April, saying that the tourist's are returning and things are looking better.......looks to me.(see the link) that there are still several very needy cases. Brooke should be helping with too.

Reply author: jaj
Replied on: 24 Apr 2011 6:16:07 PM

Lovely heartwarming picture Sue.

Well done with the ride and the cake selling !

Reply author: sasha
Replied on: 24 Apr 2011 8:37:59 PM

All you facebook peeps,click on the link and 'LIKE' Come on everyone, they now have over 20,622 votes.. still need over 4,000 by 15th May to receive a donation of $25,000.It only takes a minute!!!

Reply author: Goldenmane
Replied on: 25 Apr 2011 07:18:33 AM

What a lovely picture of them feeding. Thanks for the facebook link have clicked and will now see if I can share it.

Reply author: Vera
Replied on: 25 Apr 2011 11:39:36 AM

Slightly off topic here but ESMA are leading the cause

Justice For The Dog That Was Thrown Off A Roof In Egypt. WE NEED LAWS TO PROTECT ANIMALS AND PUNISH

For those of you that don't know what this is about. A video has been posted worldwide of a man - who has been named and shamed thanks to ESMA, throwing a dog off a roof top in Egypt. They stood about laughing while the dog whimpered in agony unable to move. Those whimpers haunt me.

The man admits that he has done it before, and to cats too and doesn't think that he has done anything wrong. The are no laws protecting animals - this needs to change NOW.

I have signed - will you.........

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 25 Apr 2011 11:49:59 AM

I have signed and shared , yes this man is despicable , but they really have no concept of animals suffering do they?! until animals have rights and are protected by the law with correct punishment this sort of thing will go on and on

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 25 Apr 2011 12:19:45 PM

vera you beat me to it was about to post the petition up as well could not watch it myself but please everyone sign the petition looks like he will get a max 6 months but its a max could get of with a fine so come on guys please sign it

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 25 Apr 2011 8:14:23 PM

Lynda what did you think about sending some more of the bad pictures to Brooke to keep them updated.
Telling us all is well and when we can see all is not well..
Fingers Crossed, we know your the best person for this job.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 26 Apr 2011 09:37:18 AM

I did Sue , I got no reply !

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 26 Apr 2011 10:54:06 AM

Lynda Can you leave me the email address you use and will do the same.

One of our girls rode 400 miles for the Brooke & collected £10k for them.
I think they need a wake up call. Wonder if any of the Mags will be interested, I've got a few contacts.

Does anyone have any contacts with the World Horse Org ( ex. ILPH)
I used to have a couple with the ILPH.

PS. Does anyone know what you have to do to do a street collection with a tin..who do you have to tell...????


Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 26 Apr 2011 11:29:25 AM

No Sorry Sue never done it before , ( street collecting with tin) but you could ask ESMA to supply you with one , or a sticker to put on one?
perhaps you should get your girl who kindly collected 10k to write and give them a wake up call ! I think they have washed their hands of me !.
I use the e mail and addressed it to admin , hope that helps .

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 26 Apr 2011 11:41:24 AM

you would need to get a licence from the council in advance etc

p.s i have now got a reply only 5 days late !!! that they did do a feeding on the 20/21 april have asked for pics will wait another 5 days

Reply author: jackiedo
Replied on: 26 Apr 2011 2:32:04 PM

I deal with street collections in our borough (Barnsley) if anyone wants to do one here please let me know

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 28 Apr 2011 11:29:04 AM

Jacki, Have PM'd you.
Smiler the Pic are up for 23/4 feeding.
The pic I have included with the 6 or 7 horses feeding (above posting) is from that day.
It was the week before I was unsure about.. (ESMA were at the Zoo protest day).

Keep at it folks.. baking again later to day for Saturday. Wish me luck.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 28 Apr 2011 4:26:10 PM

Leaving the link for the feeding day 23.4.11, which included the grey with the bent legs and the feeding pic from above posting... Hope it works for you.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 28 Apr 2011 4:34:03 PM

I have made a poster up with some of the pictures of the poor starving horses and asked the local Tack room to put them up, it has attracted a lot of attention!, someone said to me today how did you find out about the horses suffering? you see most people didnt know untill they saw the pictures for themselves ! it does no harm to show people what is happening , we may just get more help. several are offering to bring in their unused halters , fly fringes , and numners ! BTW tickets are now here for the charity event on the 9th July anyone wishing to come please PM me

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 01 May 2011 2:16:11 PM

A pal of mine, who donates to the Brooke wrote to them asking if they had stopped feeding the horses in Egypt, she told me yesterday that she has had a letter back saying that they have not stopped feeding them.....I wonder !!!!!!

Cake donations at the ride brought in a few ££. for ESMA.
Thank You folks.


Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 01 May 2011 3:03:02 PM

well done on the cake making dept Sue xx

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 01 May 2011 11:56:44 PM

I'm delighted to read today, that Brooke have through pressure resumed feeding and treatment.....ESMA needs as much help as they can get.

ESMA link:

'Marte & Kilany date marking and inspecting a horse. We suspected this horse was seen in the week by Brooke. Brooke through public pressure had resumed feeding and treatment in the area'

Well Done to the Brooke for their help in this area.. things will have to continue to get all these poor horses back in shape.


Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 02 May 2011 05:45:40 AM


This week we concentrated on the weakest horses of which there were around 60/70. This is approx about 1% of the total numbers of horses in the area. Other fitter horses were given a small amount of feed.
Those of you who remember the Grey with the really bad legs and wanting news. Unfortunatly the owner never showed up. We have their details and are making an attempt to find them. Marte had money ready to buy the horse. I will let you know how things go.
I have another story regarding Marte , which I will post tomorrow.
Please be aware that not everyone in the photographs are directly related to the horses.
Please show some respect there are many people who help us through the day.
Special thanks to Lolly who sat on her own most of the day doing all the paper work. Well done Lolly. Thanks to everyone who helped us again this week. (Colin)!/media/set/fbx/?set=a.206459752718683.59249.121866407844685

Sue maybe you could post some of these new photos up for us when you get a moment

Reply author: Goldenmane
Replied on: 02 May 2011 07:01:25 AM

The photos are still heartbreaking but what an amazing job Esma do, I wish I could be that strong around suffering.
Loved the cake recipe, Sue, and will send a further donation to Esma.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 02 May 2011 11:40:11 AM

Feeding from Saturday 30th.April 2011. pics taken by Colin.
Many of the 600 or so horses are picking up, the more extream cases have been singled out and fed extra food on the day, this amounts to about 1% of the horses fed on the day..approx 60 horses had special feeding. Well done to all the volunteers at ESMA for taking on this mamouth and vital task..We all Applaud you here in GB..Keep up the Good Work.
Sue ( plenty more pic to be seen if anyone would like a few more added just let me know...)
Thank you Colin, We'd like a recent pic of the coloured horse taken in February at Sondras.if at all possible when your there next time.)

Feed on the Way.

Saddles off.

saddles off for inspection.
Inspection next.
Treatment now.
Looks like all these horses are been worked, saddle marks on their backs...
Our turn Next.
Water while we wait.
Good food.
Back for the 2nd.week.
Food at last.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 02 May 2011 11:43:08 AM

lets hope this little girl grows up to respect horses and other animals as fellow beings that share this earth and have as much right to respect and kindness as she does

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 02 May 2011 10:28:26 PM

thank you for putting pics up i just cant do it on this lap top there is deffinately improvment in a lot of them but some are still very bad including na'na who ive just seen on facebook poor girl not in a good way

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 03 May 2011 12:30:45 AM

Smiler & Lyndylou, Be interested to have your thoughts on this latest rescue case Na'Na, who looks as if she's ready to die ???? and the cost of keeping her there per month 1000 EGP..seems a lot.
its about the same price we'd pay here.
They have noy yet managed to find the Grey with the bent legs..

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 03 May 2011 09:29:45 AM

I am hopeful that after buying her, Marte will be able to bring her back to health. I would rather pay money to a rescued horse who doesnt have to go back to the hell of working, but of course I will continue to do all I can for the others , I lay awake at nights haunted by their skinny wounded little bodies, gentle animals who would never do harm, who want so little from their lives yet this is denyed them, and my heart just sinks

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 03 May 2011 11:02:17 AM

Its a few days now since she moved her and I am now wondering how she is doing.. Anyone on Facebook ask for me. I hope they get someone to sponser Na'na, goodness knows whats happened to her foal.

PS.Got a couple of rope halters in the washer this morning.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 03 May 2011 12:09:14 PM

thanks Sue I have over 20 here now but may as well wait untill we get a lot more. thanks to everyone who has sent them

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 03 May 2011 10:41:51 PM

sue that does seem an awful lot when i asked someone regarding prices for livery as i was thinking of getting some of us to chip in and pay to keep the horse safe i was told £100 a month which is do able but not 1000 !!! sure thats not egyption money ???

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 04 May 2011 09:15:38 AM

the Egyptian pound is not worth much about 20p or something ridiculous , so they must mean Egyptian pounds . never £1,000 in uk money ! but I honestly think she should bring her back to health if she can and try to find her a (GOOD home,) there sseem to be lots of caring people in Egypt judging by the ESMA web site.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 04 May 2011 11:04:15 AM

ESMA link:

Latest on Na'Na safe now with Marte in new stable & home...Getting plenty of food, a bath and lots of TLC.
Donations, promises to set up a regular payment to keep her safe.

I am completely overwhelmed to see how many people have commented on the story about Na3na3 (= "mint" in Arabic)(which the previous owner said was her name before he threw the rope at me, I like it so I kept it), and so would she be if she wasn`t so busy flirting with the stable boys to get more food : )
She looks rather miserable in these pics but I can assure you she is one feisty lady and while getting her from ESMAs feeding point to this stable she escaped from the stable boy 4 times ( I wasn`t allowed. There is a lot more spirit in her in real life than it looks like here. She has malaria, sprained front legs and obviously needs a lot of food. As soon as we arrived at the stable she collapsed exhausted in the sand (even in the middle of strange people and horses) and lay there for a good 15 minutes before we could bathe her. She will get better after lots of rest and food, I am hoping she will be able to walk without limping. Na3na3 would also like to send a HUGE hug to uncle Colin who of course didn`t mention in his story that he slipped me money after finding out I had to bribe the previous owner : )

For those who ask about how to donate, I still need to talk to Susie about this so please hold on another few days : ) We are so grateful for everyone who`s offered to help, now I am just planning how to hunt down the grey horse and fix his hooves!

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 04 May 2011 12:55:19 PM

sorry sue i got mixed up i think so tired lately and i just glanced at your post and thought you meant 1000 english pounds but yes 100 is what beth told me full livery at one of the very good stables would be so thats good still waiting on how to donate to her

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 08 May 2011 11:14:40 AM

Looks like the Brooke and another five charities are going to benifit from a £240K, hand out.... Brooke are going to get £40,000 from the Peter O’Sullivan Trust (six charities to get share of £24,000 shared),I've heard. All so the ex.ILPH are listed to recieve a share out of the money... Letters & emails now folks, lets see what they say and what we can do to help ESMA with all its free volunteers and low administration and no posh offices in Londaon to finance.

Leaving you the link so you can take a look.

Maybe we should all write to the Peter O'Sullivan Trust and put ESMA's name forward for a donation to help the starving horses... What do you think folks.... will you support them..


Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 08 May 2011 11:57:38 AM

very good idea Sue , where is the address to write to? I cant find one on the site.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 08 May 2011 12:33:34 PM

well done sue for spotting that will have a good look later see how to contact them

Reply author: suyents
Replied on: 08 May 2011 1:43:53 PM

Lucky Brooke.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 08 May 2011 4:34:53 PM

yeah very lucky brooke !

i have e-mailed not sure if its the correct email or not
if anyone finds the correct e-mail please let me know

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 08 May 2011 5:23:00 PM

I used the one you gave me smiler , hope its right!

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 08 May 2011 7:58:04 PM

me too let me know if you get an email back next week

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 09 May 2011 11:51:14 PM

its good to see most horses improving but there are still a few who dont improve much , i know its takes time but most you can see the improvement and the odd few you can't

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 09 May 2011 11:53:19 PM

Sounds like these may have benefited too, as listed as one of the six to benifit from the £240K, along with the Brooke.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 10 May 2011 12:03:52 AM

Also, Sounds like ESMA have joined forces..

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 10 May 2011 12:10:15 AM

Anyone got any news on the Grey horse with the bent legs, did they track it down yet ????.

Anyone got any news on the Grey & Chestnut that Yasmin took home a few weeks ago.. be nice to know.


Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 10 May 2011 10:18:11 AM

sorry sue ive not seen anything regarding these horses yet will let you know if i spot anything might ask yasmin how they are im wondering have they been returned to thiere owners

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 10 May 2011 4:00:23 PM

Just as I've released a bit for our mag, I'm told they only fed 400 this last weekend... when I though the numbers were going up..
Souds as if those that are working are not turningn up to pick up the food..only the poorer cases...only by the sounds of things...dont know anything for sure..

Just done 500 words and hope it looks OK and gets past our Editor and into the mag.. Might bring a few ££ in..with luck.

Also looks like Marte has had to have the mare treated, I cant find anything much about that..
and anyone replyed about the horses eye's this can be serious if not treated.. they need to get the vet to check it, in case it turns to alcers, like the native ponies over here, flys can blind them.

Cheers Sue

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 10 May 2011 4:39:39 PM

Sounds like a good amalgamation! there is strength in numbers !

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 10 May 2011 4:46:50 PM

where did you see the bit about marte ? will have another look i have asked yasmin regarding the 2 horses but no reply i also asked a while back and no reply then so i have a feeling the horses have been returned other wise why no reply to my question ?

sue regarding the eye i have said to them needs treatment but im sure its already ulcerated if you look closely it does seem this way i suppose i could be wrong

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 10 May 2011 8:21:38 PM

I saw the Na Na mare is on a drip, the sort we get the endurance horses on when they become dehydrated, everyone says these horse are always dehydrated, never enough water going in..
Be interested to know..

Also Susie said some where that the info how to pay towards the horses was listed at the top of the page.. anyone seen this..

Alcertaed eye's need treatment, similare to here. ASAP.

Lyndylou, I need your address to send these two halters onto you.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 10 May 2011 11:41:28 PM

if anyone could extract pics of na3na3 please do as i cant do it !!! im sure you will agree she has improved

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 11 May 2011 12:09:07 AM

Sorry Smiler, cant open your link ( not on Facebook).
So here is the best pic of the Na na mare so you can compare. wonder if there is any heat in any of those front legs....
In this pic she looks as if she's leaning back, taking the weight off it it...maybe she has an abcess in the foot...??? or suffering something similar as the horse below. stress in the front joints...Wondering if there is any heat in the joints.
Na'Na 10days later.CLICK to Make Large.

Here is another Grey, back joints (degenerative ligaments), Might be caused by all the weight on the down hills.(there are others with similar jonts,front & back).
I had an old pony here where both the fron legs went at the same time when the pony was out on a steep bank, we had him put down the same day, he was old and had a good long life, ex,show jumping pony.

Another Grey.

Sarcoids ???????. (Purple Spray anyone??).

ESMA link:

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 11 May 2011 2:08:56 PM

Sue, someone on the ESMA site said this was a stallion who had been kicked not Sarcoids, ( they were probably trying to mate a poor mare with him to make more foals to suffer in hell !) he is in desperate need of a vet. hope they found one.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 13 May 2011 12:09:53 PM

I think the comments went with the picture, so it might have been Colin. Still looks more like sarcoids to me than a kick. They told the owner to go see the Brooke Vet for free, so we'll never know. I think when he got there the Brooke was closed and no one to see..

Grapevine news tells us that the horse feeding money is running out and the feed price has/is going that ESMA are cutting down on who they are feeding, more selective than usual..down to feeding 400 horses this last week and not the normal 600.
So dig a bit deeper into those pockets folks..things are still slow to improve out there.

The other 'News' I heard was that the two horses rescued in the market in the middle of March by Yasmeen were returned to the owner after a month.. God help them.


Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 17 May 2011 12:19:32 PM

Latest Feed Day Report. from ESMA in Egypt. 14.5.11.

Horse fed 14-05-11
Please be aware that not everyone in the photos is directly connect to the horse...s, we have many Egyptian helpers every week.
We again prioritised the worst cases and gave out 400 bags of feed. We are still seeing some improvement and many owners are listening to what we ask them. Rest the horses, remove the chains. This is very encouraging to us all. Funding is getting a bit low and we need to be active in the area to make sure the message gets through to all, the re education is important and we are seeing a lot of changes in attitude, positive changes. We appreciate the generous support which has been given by everybody.
Due to ESMA only having one active Vet at the moment we have been unable to have a vet on hand the last two weeks and we are trying to hire a Vet for each Saturday we still need everybodies support.
Please spread the word you are all making huge differences to the lives of these animals. We thank you and the owners thank you, we are the ones one the ground who receive the the thanks but we do it on your behalf.
Thank you ESMA.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 17 May 2011 1:17:49 PM

Sure Sue , but if they have this money why are they cutting back on the feeding? 400 instead of 600 meand 200 hungry horses now !

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 17 May 2011 9:17:58 PM

What money Lynda ?????.

It was Brooke & World ?? who got the £240K handout share ..not ESMA..


Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 17 May 2011 10:02:24 PM

i think they are running out of money quickly in the beginning so many kind people donated now the donations are dwindling unfortunately somany very skinny ones

Thanks sue for the update i did see this late last night but so tired i never posted the link

think we need to come up with new ideas apart from lyndas do any ideas ???

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 17 May 2011 11:55:20 PM

Yes, I agree Smiler, we need very posative thoughts and actions. If every one could just dig a bit deeper into there carry this good work on with the horses.

The UK HSBC Account will now be monitored for the horses donations.

Just done a bit for our hope that will help.

Harrods weekend 28th 29th May. London.

Cup Cake girls are out in Reddich soon.

Soon be Linda's do too.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 18 May 2011 09:45:52 AM

No, dont you remember ? the cat" like" thing? we all had to click ""like on a certain advert and if they raised so many" likes" they recieved 2,500 dollers? or something ! am I going do lally?( answers on a postcard ) because I remeber reading that they got it and I wrote to Susie and asked if the horses would benift from it ?, she wrote back that they didnt know yet how they would spend the money, I will go back and check but I am sure they got a payout recently ! as for my Gala event if I dont sell some tickets soon it will be a non event ! we will have to cancel !

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 18 May 2011 10:52:44 AM

I do Lynda, I think that was for the cats... but we are not in control of the money, they are living on donations and just had their vet go to work for the Zoo, so need a new one. I do have a report to send to you, for your attention, so this might help you understand the local situation (in Egypt).

Let me know whats you think.
Cheers Sue ( I still can only look at Facebook).
All for now.

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 18 May 2011 11:30:38 AM

yes lyndathey did have apayout you are correct but i have a feeling thismay be used on the dogs and cats more dont quote me on that though we must not forget they have 600 + cats and dogs to feed and shelter i think that money should be used to improve facilities at there shelter but they also toldme they had not decided what to use it on yet so no ideawhere it willbe used !

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 18 May 2011 11:52:16 AM

Sue, I initially got involved with ESMA to see what could be done for the horses, they have been wonderful but I think the fact that they are mainly a small animal rescue , and they were not equipped to help the working animals only,
this has overwhelmed them!
I thought that when they amalgamated with these other charities things would start to look up and they did get the money ,( so I wasn't dreaming it !)
I will carry on with the promises I have made and try to help the horses.
all countries have problems with strays and cruelty to animals, the problem is a mountainous one worldwide, my daughter is very much into rescuing cats and dogs in the states , we have to focus on what we CAN and Cannot do

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 19 May 2011 10:20:28 AM

Look at all the GOOD WORK they are already doing... these photos... speaks volumes.

At least they are feeding those that turn up that are in need and many more. Fed on 14.5.11.
Fve horses.

Seems as if there are lots & lots who need the help,
Wonder what this is.

Does the Brooke have Vets and Farrier and Tooth person.. maybe we could ask for these to be sents out to do a stint in the feed station, there lots with wound, saddle sores and eye infections, all that need a Vet....might be worth asking, Brooke, World Horse ot Luke Gamble's Team if its at all possibility. They do need help..

Foot rasps in mouths is a bit desperate to say the least.
A dog that's may need a leg amputated, and lots and lots of puppies and other badly treated dogs. Thank Goodness the one that was slashed with a sword is looking well now..a changed dog.And the one that was rescued with broken back legs.Here he is Rescued & taken by car by Mousafa..Now in safe hands...s:

And this last week the ESMA Yard got the big canopy for the shade..all the dogs are now covered.

I think it's a good idea to try to find out who supplied the nice headcolours from over there, maybe we could buy a few to keep those chains going.....I'm sure ESMA would be delighted to dish them out on feed days..old chains for new headcolours.

Let me know whats you think.
Cheers Sue ( I still can only look at Facebook).
All for now.

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 22 May 2011 10:08:52 AM

Things looking brighter for Na'Na.+ Poor horse from the feed day.
From Marte in Egypt.
Marte Kjoell

And for the Na'na' followers, she is finally eating standing up! Yay! Also her front legs are getting straighter every day, thank God.

Na'Na improving each day now.

Feed Day Yesterday 21.5.11. Giza Egypt. What next...

I thought I had seen it all now, until this horse showed up today with loops of rope and wire through his skin. They believe it`s cure for something, I heard to drain out fluids... Didn`t get the whole story as I was mostly concerned about documenting this and then I had to paint other horses, maybe somebody else can fill in. Our Vet spoke to them...
Matre- Egypt yesterday/ 21.5.11.

ESMA link:

Rozy.( more pics soon from feed day 21.5.11.)

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 22 May 2011 11:15:46 AM

marte said the vets tried to explain this was an old wives tale to relieve puss or something to drain it away i just hope the vet got through to the owner but probably not !!!! esma are also struggling space wise for the dogs etc they have been the only one as far as i am aware that carried on taking animals through the crisis and i now think they are paying the price by too many there are more cases daily of injured dogs seems never ending

Reply author: jackiedo
Replied on: 22 May 2011 11:30:46 AM

I hate to say this, but sometimes would it not be better to just give these abused, malnourished and injured dogs that no one wants a peaceful end rather than adding to the massive number of strays in "shelters" that are never going to get homes? They are clearly not a nation of animal lovers, I look at the horrors that happen here, and we are supposed to be, and I wonder what long term future is there for these poor animals

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 22 May 2011 1:31:18 PM

there are many animal lovers in egypt so many are trying to help these animals weather its horses dogs or cats they have a lot of people trying to change laws in that country it will be a long road to change laws and peoples ways but surely its better to try to help to change things than do nothing , also regarding the peace ful end many of these shelters are religious so taking an animals life is up to god and no one else to play god, i know many are fed up seeing these horrible sites but when i see an animal that looks beyond help and they bring it back to full health that brings a smile to me face and restores my faith in humans ( well some )

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 23 May 2011 01:14:43 AM

URGENT APPEAL.Latest From ESMA & Egypt.

Horse feed 21-05-11
Please be aware that not everybody in the photographs is direc...tly connected with the horse. We have many Egyptian helpers on the day.

I was unable to stay the whole day on Saturday. What was very apparent was that the number of horses that came was a lot more than we have seen for 3 weeks? There are a few reasons for this,

Brooke have stopped their feeding days, tourist numbers visiting from Europe were down, The Easter and half term holidays are over, the temperature is steadily rising to uncomfortable.
This meant the small rations that we give out were in high demand. It is now entering the “Low season” from May to September is widely acknowledged as a time when tourist numbers are always low. It is very hot and not contusive with spending time in the desert. Just as we thought we were winning the battle it now seems like we have a longer haul than we first expected.

It is very sad that we have to announce that we only have funding to be able to hold 2 more horse feeding days and that is based on us only dealing with the 400 horses we have seen the last four weeks.

We really appreciate all the support we have received, it costs around £1,400 or $2,100 a week to supply feed for these animals. We will have exhausted all the funding we have received in 2 weeks time. As you can see there are still a lot of desperate cases that need your support. We have managed to build up a lot of trust and have made great in roads into the education of many people in the area, rather than have to stop we need to cement these bonds. We cannot walk away now.

Please spread the word and please if you can spare something it would be so beneficial. If you can make a donation it is very important that you mark you donation FOR THE HORSES. This is so we can identify where it is pledged too.

We have also engaged the services of Dr Mohammed a Vet he will be on hand every Saturday for as long as we can carry on. He has a huge knowledge of equine problems and will be there first hand to help the sick and needy horses.

ESMA Egypt.

copied from facebook.

Photo's Colin Ball.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 23 May 2011 09:02:04 AM

this is horrendous Sue, they cant just walk away now!
to be honest I havent seen much in the way of improvement in the condidtion of the horses, are they only being fed on the feed days? does that mean they dont get to eat on the other days? what happened to the amalgamation of the other charities? why are they not helping? what happened to the large payout recently recieved?

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 23 May 2011 11:01:48 AM

lynda i think the 3 charirties came together to write a document and thinggs regarding the dog thrown off the bridge and other cruelity things not to help each other with feeding etc , and they dont want to walk away as they say but if there is no money left for the horses what can they do i know they have had a payout but im sure its going to good use maybe medical things and food for the dogs and cats they are in a desperate situation at the moment anything we can do to help would be of benefit to them we really need to make sure your do comes of lynda otherwise i dont know

p.s no they are fed on the day and take food with them but as said new cases turn up all the time i do think a large proportion do look better than they did just some dont seem to improve much or the new ones are bad

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 23 May 2011 11:21:02 AM

I have found out that the money they got for the cat smile thing is going into building a new animal shelter ! but that will be for the small animals , not the horses and donkeys

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 23 May 2011 11:27:25 AM

also I dont see how our gala event will happen as we have only sold 70 tickets and thats only on a promise, we havent actually sold them or taken the money ! no one has paid up apart from a handful ! I have asked them to give me the UK contact they said would help posting the halters ( they weigh a ton !) no answer so far !

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 23 May 2011 12:17:00 PM

DREAR GOD IN HEAVEN ! if you are there at all ,please dont let this mare return to work , please dont let them put a saddle back on her , if there is any mercy left on this earth please dont turn away from her .

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 23 May 2011 12:30:36 PM

I would put money on the fact this is pure bred Arabian, possibly
sold cheaply or even given away from a local Arabian stud( this can happen when they cull their rejects) Possibly too long in the back for breeding? ) take a good look would you want your horses to end up like this?

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 23 May 2011 12:31:09 PM

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 23 May 2011 1:05:05 PM

Brooke Pulls Out and Wants No Part of FEEDING where do they go from here. They will STARVE to they were in February right under every ones noses.

Thank Goodness we are seeing what is happening and ESMA are/have done their best, what we see is the Truth, these pictures are just a few days old and tell the precise story of the state of affairs in Giza.

How can the Brooke ignore these horses, how can they say there is no need, Bones sticking out, Open backs and open wounds, they are there for everyone to see. Take a good look, Brooke say everything here is fine and no animal is starving to death. What is the point in Brooke having a station out in Cairo, if it's not working for the horses & Donkeys, what is the good of everyone in GB paying into the Brooke, when the animals are looking like this and not getting the Brooke Support.

Thank God for ESMA,
Send your Money to ESMA without delay, they are the only folks volunteers feeding these horse now.. Brooke' dropped out..all the photographs on the Brooke site are from February... and don't tell the up to date position/story. Brooke' dropped out..all the photographs on the Brooke site are from February... and don't tell the up to date position/story.

What do you want them to do Lynda.


Please do the right thing and Send your spare money here:-
ESMA.Link You can also pay direct with your Pay pal. which goes straight to ESMA at Egypt.
Account for UK Donation.
HSBC (UK) Bank.
Sort Code: 403412
Account: 81868349

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 23 May 2011 1:13:41 PM

Sue I have sent a zipped attachment of all the wretched horses to the press at the Brooke and asked them to step in, I dont know if they will but we have to try something !

Reply author: jackiedo
Replied on: 23 May 2011 2:06:02 PM

this is disgusting. I don't know what the answer is to be honest, the BEST thing would be for these owners to take responsibility for their own animals, very few of the owners look hungry

Reply author: Goldenmane
Replied on: 23 May 2011 2:22:30 PM

If all the animals were culled they would only be replaced (and personally I would rather cull the owners). Tourist trade is looking up which makes my heart sink...

Reply author: jackiedo
Replied on: 23 May 2011 2:32:44 PM

I was referring to "unwanted" and seriously injured cats and dogs, not potential working animals. I would love to see more direct feeding rather than giving bags to take away, that could be sold on

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 23 May 2011 5:27:42 PM

Jacki,There is nothing disgusting about it..or maybe just the one thing..The Brooke was set up by Dorothy Brooke in 1932-1934 to help the Egyptian horses. Today (since 20th April) the Brooke have pulled out and stopped feeding..when we can all see there is still A GREAT NEED.....
You need to read the whole story which started in February after the riots and the folks in the pics don't look like owners to me, except two children.

We are all desperately trying to help this situation, negative thought are not going to help. Donations,for food,treatment,education and learning will. If they don't get more money to continue the feeding, many of these horses and donkeys will die..They wont need any programme then.

We all love horses.. and don't forget Britain left hundreds of horses out there to suffer after the first world war...Many of these horses could be descendants of the British War Horses. Horse were commandeered to serve the country, 700 went from one small village in Yorkshire.

Donations Please.

sort code: 403412
Account: 81868349

Reply author: sasha
Replied on: 24 May 2011 10:27:32 AM

Just wondering if Princess Aliyah is aware that ESMA's money is running out.. thought she was going to get involved with these poor horses??

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 25 May 2011 02:12:27 AM

Can you let her know Sasha??

Just had my first donation handed over tonight £50 on its way to ESMA and the starving horses..Keep it coming folks, they'll be a long time dead..
Thank You

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 25 May 2011 08:15:41 AM

I have sent the link over to her through FB

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 28 May 2011 10:46:45 AM

Dear all,

ESAF is continuing to hold three clinics a week at the Pyramids area,

animals were fed and treated.The situation in the Pyramids are was

starting to look better a number of tourists were seen in the area,

however due to the widely publicized unrest between Moslem's and

Christians the situation has returned to how it was just after the

revolution, 80% of the tourist who had intended to travel to Egypt canceled.

We learned recently that Brooke did not fulfill their intention to feed

the needy animals, as they agreed and they have not fed any animals

since my last report a month ago.

ESAF was fortunate to receive a recent donation a member which has

allowed us to make some animal accessories which will be distributed

free, i.e. nose bands, fly masks, camel tail guards and hawaya ( saddle

pads), all are demonstrated in the attached photos.

Today the 26th May ESAF held the second work shop in our awareness

program , the program included, complaints received relating to cruelty

to the animals in the area, explaining the content of the the recently

printed leaflet and the folded leaflet aimed at the animal owners and

information regarding how to recognize and prevent common disease. In

addition every person who attended, received 5 Kg of dry ration.

Animals treated over the last month:

972 Horse

263 Camel

720 animals were fed

Best regards

Ahmed El Sherbiny

ESAF Chairperson

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 06 Jun 2011 12:49:24 AM


URGENT PLEASE READ Please be aware that not everybody in the photographs is directly connected with the horse. We have many Egyptian helpers on the day. I was unable to stay the whole day on Saturday. What was very apparent was that the number of horses ...that came was a lot more than we have seen for 3 weeks? There are a few reasons for this, Brooke have stopped their feeding days, tourist numbers visiting from Europe were down, The Easter and half term holidays are over, the temperature is steadily rising to uncomfortable. This meant the small rations that we give out were in high demand. It is now entering the “Low season” from May to September is widely acknowledged as a time when tourist numbers are always low. It is very hot and not contusive with spending time in the desert. Just as we thought we were winning the battle it now seems like we have a longer haul than we first expected. It is very sad that we have to announce that we only have funding to be able to hold 2 more horse feeding days and that is based on us only dealing with the 400 horses we have seen the last four weeks. We really appreciate all the support we have received, it costs around £1,400 or $2,100 a week to supply feed for these animals. We will have exhausted all the funding we have received in 2 weeks time. As you can see there are still a lot of desperate cases that need your support. We have managed to build up a lot of trust and have made great in roads into the education of many people in the area, rather than have to stop we need to cement these bonds. We cannot walk away now. Please spread the word and please if you can spare something it would be so beneficial. If you can make a donation it is very important that you mark you donation FOR THE HORSES. This is so we can identify where it is pledged too. We have also engaged the services of Dr Mohammed a Vet he will be on hand every Saturday for as long as we can carry on. He has a huge knowledge of equine problems and will be there first hand to help the sick and needy horses. See more
by: ESMA 'Egyptian Society for M
Account for UK Donation.(Mark for the Starving Horses).
HSBC (UK) Bank.
Sort Code: 403412
Account: 81868349
ercy to Animals'

Reply author: Smiler
Replied on: 06 Jun 2011 08:34:24 AM

not good at all

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 06 Jun 2011 5:17:08 PM

Good News for one poor grey horse, Rescued at last feed day .. now living it up in a clean stable water & food and a good bath.. he's wondering what the hell is going on.. There was a message somewhere to say..don't shoot the horse..shoot the owner.. well horse rescued and support has gone to help sponsor this horse from some of the GB girls and he is looking good.. will post some pics, later.
Fluffy Kareem.. Pic taken in May, now Rescued and in Marte's loving care and joins Na Na.....

In the Long Term things are looking really bad..The ESMA feed money is almost run out....more money needed by ESMA to cover costs of grain or Nuts to continue feeding the 300 to 600 horses still in desperate need of food and treatment.ONLY ENOUGH MONEY TO COVER TWO MORE FEED DAYS...... URGENT HELP / FUNDS NEEDED.

Where is Brooke!!!!!!!!! Brooke Cairo have backed off... stopped feeding and not even turning up to give free treatment to the needy horses.. A great pity and a devastating blow to the horse population of Egypt, especially these in the Giza area, who we have all become familiar with over the last three and a half months through these feed days and Colin Ball's photographs...

I'm invited to the Mrs Svension memorial Day at The Donkey sanctuary.. anyone want to come...we could brief them of what's really happening in Cairo..


Reply author: Goldenmane
Replied on: 07 Jun 2011 07:15:01 AM

I also had my invite to Donkey Sanctuary but very rarely manage to leave my animals. Marte sounds like an angel. What is the answer, who would consider riding a horse like this or encouraging the tourist trade? I despair.

Reply author: LYNDILOU
Replied on: 07 Jun 2011 6:19:09 PM

aww Marte IS an Angel , She is also a very beautiful belly dancer I am going to try and get over to Egypt later on this year and will definitely visit with her although I dont want to make promises in case I cant keep them , but it is on my wish list to do this year .

Reply author: suyents
Replied on: 07 Jun 2011 7:47:18 PM

Rozy Rider,
the DS already know what is realy happening in Cairo, they have done for months....
i seem to remember that the B. recently were the benefactors of a large legacy?..perhaps their members could ask them to direct some of that largesse towards Egypt? Particularly since Dorothy Brooke would be appalled by the thought that her charity was not involved in a pro-active manner out there at this time........

Reply author: Rozy Rider
Replied on: 09 Jun 2011 12:46:49 AM

Egyption Society for the Mercy of Animal.

URGENT PLEASE READ Please be aware that not everybody in the photographs is directly connected with the horse. We have many Egyptian helpers on the day. I was unable to stay the whole day on Saturday. What was very apparent was that the number of horses ...that came was a lot more than we have seen for 3 weeks? There are a few reasons for this, Brooke have stopped their feeding days, tourist numbers visiting from Europe were down, The Easter and half term holidays are over, the temperature is steadily rising to uncomfortable. This meant the small rations that we give out were in high demand. It is now entering the “Low season” from May to September is widely acknowledged as a time when tourist numbers are always low. It is very hot and not contusive with spending time in the desert. Just as we thought we were winning the battle it now seems like we have a longer haul than we first expected. It is very sad that we have to announce that we only have funding to be able to hold 2 more horse feeding days and that is based on us only dealing with the 400 horses we have seen the last four weeks. We really appreciate all the support we have received, it costs around £1,400 or $2,100 a week to supply feed for these animals. We will have exhausted all the funding we have received in 2 weeks time. As you can see there are still a lot of desperate cases that need your support. We have managed to build up a lot of trust and have made great in roads into the education of many people in the area, rather than have to stop we need to cement these bonds. We cannot walk away now. Please spread the word and please if you can spare something it would be so beneficial. If you can make a donation it is very important that you mark you donation FOR THE HORSES. This is so we can identify where it is pledged too. We have also engaged the services of Dr Mohammed a Vet he will be on hand every Saturday for as long as we can carry on. He has a huge knowledge of equine problems and will be there first hand to help the sick and needy horses. See more
by: ESMA 'Egyptian Society for M
Account for UK Donation.(Mark for the Starving Horses).
HSBC (UK) Bank.
Sort Code: 403412
Account: 81868349
Pics from Sunday 5.6.11.

Take the bit out so she can eat.Feed day 5.6.11.

Reply author: sasha
Replied on: 15 Jun 2011 2:59:43 PM

Here is a reply I got from Brooke today after emailing them and telling them to get their act together and feed these starving horses again.

Dear Mrs Sumpner,

Thank you for your email. I can understand your concerns with the poor condition of some horses in Egypt. They are concerns that we do share here at the Brooke and I hope to explain to you the work which has been carried out in Egypt in recent months.

The Brooke has assessed the situation carefully, and together with The Donkey Sanctuary and Egyptian Society for Animal Friends (ESAF), agreed that the emergency feeding programme would come to an end on 21 April. The Brooke team in Egypt has also met with community leaders several times over the past few months with whom we have trusted and long running relationships and agreed on the date the programme would finish.

During the crisis the Brooke provided feed and treatment, as part of an emergency response to the crisis. We also worked closely with owners to help ensure proper care for their animals. The Brooke provided feed for horses, donkeys and mules affected by the collapse of the tourist industry in Cairo, Aswan, Edfu and Luxor. In total 90,000kg of feed was distributed and over 28,000 veterinary treatments carried out (between February and 21 April) and we believe that feeding can be a valuable emergency solution. However we are confident that responding to these drops in tourism with free food longer-term will not solve the problem. It does not address how animals are cared for (which our education and training programmes seek to do) and it could increase the owners’ dependency, as well as create an unlimited need for free food year round.

The decision to bring the emergency programme to an end was based on the improved tourism situation – whilst the industry has not yet fully recovered, the situation for these animals overall has stabilised. The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism has stated that the tourists are starting to visit Egypt again, meaning animal owners are able to start earning an income again.

We know that some animals remain in a poor state of health, particularly in the area of the Pyramids. This is something that all of us at the Brooke, including our Cairo team, care greatly about and are monitoring closely. Sadly, some animals were in poor condition before the crisis, that’s why the Brooke was already working in this area. Unfortunately simply providing these animals with free food will not solve the problem, particularly in the long term.

The Brooke is continuing to deliver its local veterinary services and community animal health programmes in Egypt, and is supporting communities to look after their working horses and donkeys in a sustainable way. Our programme in Egypt works with more than 190 communities, across seven regions: Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, Edfu, Alexandria, Marsa Matrouh and the Nile Delta.

The Brooke has worked to build a sustainable programme in Cairo and across Egypt over the last few years. We are working with the animal owners to change attitudes and behaviour, which is crucial in order to empower owners to be able to look after their animals and ultimately improve the condition of these animals permanently.

I hope this explains our long term goals in Egypt and across the developing world. Your comments will be taken very seriously and I can assure you that the Brooke are frequently reviewing the situation in Egypt to assess what actions should be taken.

Kind regards

Philip Aston

Supporter Care

The Brooke
30 Farringdon Street
London EC4A 4HH

Main: 0203 0123 456


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